Jhenaidah District
1. Hotel Zaman Address: Jhenaidah Sadar (Post Office Circle) Phone: 01711152954 Room-43, Bed-47 Double-08 (AC), Single-35 Distance: From Dhaka it is around 210 km away by road. 2. Khonika Rest House Address: H. S. S. Road, Jhenaidah Room-12, Bed-5 3. Srijoni Rest House Manager/owner: Srijoni, NGO, Address: Jhenaidah Sadar Phone: 0451-62497 Room-12, Bed-54, Single (AC)-01, Non AC VIP double-02, Normal-27, General-22.
How to goJhenaidah is linked by road with Dhaka. You can take a bus from Dhaka to reach Jhenaidah. The road distance between Dhaka and Jhenaidah is 210 kilometers.
Some of the bus companies that provide service from Dhaka to Jhenaidah are listed below:
1. J R Paribahan
Contact: 01719818483
Fare: TK 450 (Approx.)
2. Dorshona dhila
Contact: 01711136983
Fare: TK 450 (Approx.)
3. Mamun Paribahan
Contact: 01915600364
Fare: TK 450 (Approx.)
4. Hanif Paribahan
Contact: 01712952972
Fare: TK 450 (Approx.)
There are no direct flights available from Dhaka to Jhenaidah. However, if you want to travel by air, you have to first come to Jessore by plane. From there, you will have to take a road transport to come to Jhenaidah district. The distance from Jessore to Jhenaidah is 45 kilometers.