Kurigram District



Where to stay

There are few accommodation facilities available. Some of the places you may consider staying in are listed below for your assistance. 1. Residential Hotel DK Contact: 01712123171 2. Hotel Sriti Contact: 01719028411 3. Hotel Mehedi Contact: 01711348910 4. Hotel Nibedika Contact: 01717058952 5. Hotel Arnab Palace Contact: 01740571006

How to go

Dhaka and Kurigram is linked by road. You can take a bus from Dhaka to reach Kurigram. Some of the bus services have been listed below for your assistance.

1. Hanif Enterprise
Contact: Shymoli: 88-02-9144482, Cell: 01198-220 052
Gabtoli: 88-02-8011750, 9003380, Cell: 01190-188 169
Kolabaghan: 88-02-8119901

2. Kurigram Paribahan
Contact: 01924-469 437, 01914-856 826

Tour Packages

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