Narayanganj District



Where to stay

1. Hotel Meheran Shonaton Pal len road Narayanganj 2. Hotel Shonali 1no. Railgate, Pal road Narayanganj 3. Hotel Narayanganj 1no. Sirajuddoula road Naryanganj 4. Hotel Shugondha Liakat Super Market,12/20 Digu babur bazar Narayanganj 5. Hotel Shurma 17no. Shahid Sohrawardi road Narayanganj 6. Hotel Rupayan 6no. S.S. road Narayanganj

How to go

The distance from Dhaka to Narayanganj is 28.1 km, which is around 47 minutes travel from the Dhaka city. By air, the distance between Dhaka and Narayanganj is 13.71 km. This distance is equal to 8.52 miles, and 7.4 nautical miles. These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather or other events may cause conditions to differ from this, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route.

By Road:
1. Bandhan (From Motijheel to Narayanganj, Direct)
From Motijheel to Narayanganj

2. Ekata (From Gulistan to Narayanganj)
From Gulistan to Shib Market, Narayanganj

3. Ullash (From Gulistan to Narayanganj)
From Gulistan to Narayanganj

Tour Packages

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