Rangamati District



Where to stay

Some of the hotels/motels in Rangamati are listed below for your assistance. 1. Hotel Golden Hill Address: Reserve Bazar Rangamati Contact: 01820 304714 2. Hotel Green Castle Address: Reserve Bazar Rangamati Contact: 61200 3. Hotel Lake View Address: Reserve Bazar Rangamati Contact: 62063 4. Hotel Sufia Address:Kathaltoli Rangamati Contact: 62145 5. Peda Ting Ting Contact: 62082

How to go

1. Shamoli Paribahan: From Dhaka,
Sayedabad counter, Contact: 02 -7541019
Arambag counter, Contact: 02-7193910
Fakirpul counter, Contact: 02-933364
Bus starts at 9:30 am.

2. S Alam Paribahan: From Dhaka,
Fakirpul counter, Contact: 02-9331864
Bus starts at 8am and 10.15 am.

3. Hanif Paribahan: From Dhaka,
Gabtoli counter, Contact: 01190-806447
Sayedabad counter, Contact: 01191-125048
Starting time: 8:30 am

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