On 21st February, a rally of students were coming towards Dhaka Medical College during the Language Movement in 1952. The police shoot towards the rally and instantly some of the protesters of the first line were killed immediately. One of them was Shahid Abul Barkat (1927-1952). Few days after, the Central Shaheed Minar was built in here and from 2000, UNESCO declared 21 February as the Mother Language Day.
Previous History: In 1947, Pakistan got independence from India. There was two parts of Pakistan- the east and the west. Eastern Pakistan was green by the bless of river God and populated with a lot of people and on the other hand, the western Pakistan was nothing but a desert, population was also low. Demographic, social and economical lifestyle of these two parts of land were completely different, language was different too. But the capital was established in the west and the rulers ruled the entire country living in the west. From 1947, Urdu was the only state language of Pakistan whereas the students of Dhaka university always wanted to make Bengali as a secondary language. Finally in 1952, after some students were killed in the language movement, the government decided to make Bengali as a second language. Later, the eastern part of Pakistan became an independent country by the liberation war in 1971 named Bangladesh.
Early Life of Abul Barkat: Abul Barkat was a student who came to Dhaka for his higher studies. He was born at Murshidabad, West Bengal (now India). He stayed at his maternal uncle’s home during his stay in Dhaka. He was a student of Masters level while he is being killed by the police open fire on 21 February, 1952 (aged 24).
The Abul Barkat Memorial Museum: Abul barkat was died in Dhaka Medical College hospital on 21st February after 8:30 PM. Many people were killed on that day. It is strongly believed that, more than 90% of the dead bodies were hidden by the government which did not receive any ritual and never found. Abul Barkats body might be one of them but fortunately his body was found and identified and buried in the Azimpur Graveyard, Dhaka according to proper procedures of Muslim believe. Many stories have written about the killings of 21 February in the Bengali Literature.
The Memorial Complex is actually a library, a seminar hall and a gallery of photographs of the language movement. It was built and inaugurated in 2012 in the Palashi, Dhaka University area by the funding of the government. It is actually a language martyr museum not only just for Abul Barkat. It is just named after Abul Barkat. The Museum is open 6 days a week from 10 AM to 4 PM, except Fridays and national holidays (only 21 February & 16 December is an exception). No ticket or entry fee is needed to enter into the two storied memorial complex. From December to March, the institute arranges special video programs for the young students to let them aware of the language movement and the liberation war.
The Language martyr Abul Barkat was honored with the “Ekushee Padak” (the highest non military achievement in Bangladesh) by the Governmnet of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in 2000. His grave is situated in Azimpur Graveyard in Dhaka.
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[name] => {:en}Khulna Museum{:}{:bn}খুলনা জাদুঘর{:}
[post_id] => 18719
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/khulna-museum/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/P_20150908_130118_1_p.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Khulna Museum is the Divisional Museum in Khulna, situated in the Shibbari Mor/KDA Avenue area at Khulna City. Established by the department of Archaeology in 1998, this museum mainly shows the different earthen and pottery samples. However, there is a gallery to display the mythological characters of Hinduism made by Black Basalt. Additionally, on the way of entrance, there is a photo gallery too to let people aware about the historical structures of Khulna Division. Some terracotta, toys made with clay and building tiles are also there to display.
Ticket: All Bangladeshi citizens can get entry by paying 20 taka. For foreigners, it is 100 taka.
Time Table: During Winter it is Open from 9 Am to 5 Pm. In the summertime the timetable is from 10 Am to 6 Pm. Lunch brake is from 1 pm to 1:30 Pm. Sunday Closed.
{:}{:bn}খুলনা শহরের শিববাড়ী এলাকায় খুলনা বিভাগীয় জাদুঘর অবস্হিত । ১৯৯৮ সালে এ জাদুঘরটি প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয় । প্রত্নতত্ত্ব অধিদপ্তরের নিয়ন্ত্রণে এ জাদুঘরে উপস্হাপিত হয়েছে বিভিন্ন যুগের মৃৎপাত্র, হিন্দু ও বৌদ্ধ মুর্তি, শিলালিপি, পোড়ামাটির ফলকচিত্র, অলংকৃত ইট, পোড়ামাটির বল, পোড়ামাটির গুটিকা ইত্যাদি । এছাড়াও উল্লেখযোগ্য কয়েকটি প্রত্নস্হল ও ঐতিহাসিক ইমারতের আলোকচিত্রও আছে ।
টিকেট প্রাপ্তিস্থানঃ
জাদুঘরের গেটের পাশেই রয়েছে টিকেট কাউন্টার, জনপ্রতি টিকেট এর দাম পনের টাকা করে, তবে পাঁচ বছরের কম কোন বাচ্চার জন্যে টিকেট এর দরকার পড়েনা। তবে মাধ্যমিক পর্যায়ের শিশু-কিশোরদের জন্য প্রবেশ মুল্যে নির্ধারন করা হয়েছে ৫ টাকা। সার্কভুক্ত বিদেশি দর্শনার্থীর জন্যে টিকেট মূল্য পঞ্চাশ টাকা এবং অন্যান্য বিদেশী দর্শকদের জন্য টিকেটের মূল্য একশত টাকা করে।
বন্ধ-খোলার সময়সূচীঃ
গ্রীষ্মকালে সকাল ১০টা থেকে সন্ধ্যা ৬টা পর্যন্ত কেল্লা খোলা থাকে। মাঝখানে দুপুর ১টা থেকে ১.৩০ পর্যন্ত আধ ঘণ্টার জন্যে বন্ধ থাকে। আর শীতকালে সকাল ৯টা থেকে বিকেল ৫টা পর্যন্ত খোলা থাকে। শীতকালেও দুপুর ১টা থেকে ১.৩০ পর্যন্ত বন্ধ থাকে। আর সবসময়ের জন্যেই শুক্রবারে জুম্মার নামাযের জন্যে সাড়ে বারোটা থেকে তিনটা পর্যন্ত বন্ধ থাকে। রবিবার সাধারণ ছুটি এবং সোমবার বেলা ২.০০ থেকে খোলা থাকে। এছাড়াও সরকারী কোন বিশেষ দিবসে জাদুঘর বন্ধ থাকে ।{:}
[1] => Array
[name] => Lalon Academy and Museum
[post_id] => 22046
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/lalon-academy-and-museum/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/P_20151017_123549_1_p-225x300.jpg
[post_content] => Lalon Shah is the father of folk music in Bengali and the Emperor of the Baul (বাউল) empire. He was not only a singer and poet but also a great thinker and philosopher. He had knowledge on all religions and people did follow him for his diverse knowledge.
Nobody knows from where Lalon Shah came from. According to locals, in 1774 an honorable Muslim man of locality named Molom Shah found Lalon floating over a river. Lalon was very sick and was going to die almost. But Molom Shah took very well care and gradually Lalon became well. After getting a new life Lalon became a follower of a great thinker and singer Shiraj Shah. But Shiraj Shah found something strange inside of Lalon and he became the follower of Lalon.
Lalon Academy-Museum and The Shrine of Lalon Fakir is two adjacent building. The collection of this Museum is not so rich.
Lalon Academy:
The place where the tomb is situated is very nice. It has been developed now with a VIP Auditorium, an indoor and an outdoor Auditorium, a complex building of Lalon Academy, a car parking area, a market and a museum. There is also a beautifull garden inside of the area.
Lalon Museum:
If a traveler wants to see the tomb only then it’s free of cost. But if someone wants to see the museum then he/she will have to pay 5 taka for the Bangladeshi and 20 taka for foreigners as entry fee. In the gallery of this Museum traveler can discover some utensil being used by Lalon Shah. There are also some paintings of Lalon Shah inside the museum.
[2] => Array
[name] => Hason Raja Museum
[post_id] => 22939
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/hason-raja-museum/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/DSC04660-300x200.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Hason Raja was born on 1854 in Sunamganj. His old house is situated at the bank of Surma River in the Tegharia area of Sunamganj Sadar. It is now been converted as a museum and a well known tourist place in the city.
Hason Raja was actually an aristocrat Zamindar. But he won a lot of people's heart by writing an enormous number of lyrics. After listening to his song, famous poet Rabindranath Tagore send him wishful letter. His tomb was situated in their family graveyard in Gazir Dorga area, Sunamganj where his mothers tomb was there too.
The museum is situated only 5 minutes walking distance from the Sunamganj city center traffic point. Today his used utensils and other accessories are kept in this place.
হাসন রাজা (জন্ম ১৮৫৪ মৃত্যু ১৯২১ খ্রিঃ) সুনামগঞ্জ পৌরসভা এলাকার তেঘরিয়ায় সুরমা নদীর কূল ঘেষে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে হাসন রাজার স্মৃতি বিজড়িত বাড়ীটি। এ বাড়িটি একটি অন্যতম দর্শনীয় স্থান। হাসন রাজা মূলত ছিলেন একজন সম্ভ্রান্ত জমিদার। মরমী সাধক হাসন রাজা জীবনে অসংখ্যা গান রচনা করে আজ অবধি লোকপ্রিয়তার শীর্ষ অবস্থান করেছেন। কালোর্ত্তীণ এ সাধকের ব্যবহৃত কুর্তা, খড়ম, তরবারি, পাগড়ি, ঢাল, থালা, বই ও নিজের হাতের লেখা কবিতার ও গানের পান্ডুলিপি আজও বহু দর্শনার্থীদের আবেগ আপ্লুত করে। এই মরমী কবির রচিত গানে মুগ্ধ হয়ে বিশ্বকবি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর হাসন রাজাকে পত্র মাধ্যমে অভিনন্দন ও প্রশংসা জানিয়েছিলেন।সুনামগঞ্জ পৌর এলাকাধীণ গাজীর দরগা নামক পারিবারিক কবরস্থানে প্রিয়তম মায়ের কবরের পাশে চিরনিদ্রায় শুয়ে আছেন মরমী কবি হাসন রাজা। হাসন রাজার মাজার দেখার জন্য প্রতি বৎসর বহু দর্শনার্থীর সমাগম হয়।
সুনামগঞ্জের ট্রাফিক পয়েন্ট এলাকা থেকে গাড়ি যোগে ৫মিনিটে গন্তব্য স্থানে পৌঁছা যায়।
[3] => Array
[name] => Pithavoge Rabindra Memorial Complex
[post_id] => 18368
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/pithavoge-rabindra-memorial-complex/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/P_20150908_100514_1_p-300x169.jpg
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In Khulna, there is a memorial complex by the name of Rabindranath Tagore. It was his ancestors place in Bangladesh. At that time they were known as "Kushari" instead of Tagore. By and by, the family name became Thakur. However, some descendant of the bloodline still lives here and grow their own business.
A very brief History of Rabindra Tagore’s ancestors:
A descendant of the Kushari Family went near Kolkata (India) to spread his business. At that time in that place he was the only person from the “Brahman” class. That means his family members can do Hindu rituals. During that period, the Brahman class was called “Thakur” by the general people. In course of time, Thakur became their family title.
In that bloodline, the famous noble laurite Rabindranath Tagore was born. On the other hand, the root bloodline of Kushari family remain living in the greater Khulna area.
Kushari: Etymology
It is believed that, Five person came to spread Hinduism in the particular part of Khulna. Their descendants lately became the ruler of “Kush” village and the word Kushari became their family name.
Pithavoge Kushari bari:
After the demolition of the old house, the government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh established a one storied memorial complex in 2007 at Pithavoge where a bust of Tagore is established. There are a lot of photos of historical moments of Rabindranath Tagore to display. The unique thing is, Rabindranath drew a few artworks which are also displayed in here. The most mentionable is the self portrait of Rabindranath Tagore drew by himself.