Atkandi Nilkuthi Mosque (আটকান্দি নীলকুঠি মসজিদ ) is situated in the Atkandi village of Raypura upazila, Narsingdi. It was built by a man named ‘Alim Uddin’. Alim Uddin built this Mosque just beside the grave yard of his wife ‘Sadetunnesa’. To build this Mughal stylistic Mosque he brought some masons from far land Mohishur, India. Some even compare it with Tajmahal, given its architectural style and the emotions behind it.
Alim Uddin completed his education on Islamic religion from Deobond and later worked as Teacher in a madrasa, conducted by Khawaza Family in Dhaka. Later in 18th century, he built this Mosque, however the exact date of founding this Mosque could not be determined.
Architectural property and Layout :
It is a rectangular shaped Mosque. Which can be divided into three specific spatial context. We can exemplify it as below-
1. Inner zone
2. Exterior Corridor zone
3. Exterior Porch zone (under open sky)
Inner Zone of this Mosque contains three domes, and a Mihrab. Among these, three bulbous domes, among which the middle one is the biggest. The inner zone contains two entrances.
Exterior corridor zone of this mosque is elongated in north-south forming a rectangular shape. It contains five bulbous domes, which is smaller than other three. This zone also contains five entrances which are arch shaped and decorated with multi foiled design. In parapet it’s decorated with the Merlon design. In the base line of outer wall it’s decorated with a pitcher design.
Exterior porch zone of this mosque was built considering the large gathering which take place. It’s a square shaped plastered floor, with one feet high bordered wall all around the porch. It contains a main gateway to enter into the Mosque.
Public gathering in different occasion:
In different kind of public occasions, like in the eve of Eid-festivals and in common vacations people from different parts of the country come here to visit this place. On the southern part of this Mosque there is an old Ghat (in the edge of a river) which has stepped down to the branch of Meghna river. So far we know, it was built by G.P. Wize when this region was a place to plant indigo in a massive scale.
Present Condition and ruins of several unrevealed structure:
Present condition of this Mosque is not so consistent in a sense of building strength. It is in very sensitive condition, where it is randomly being used without any treatment of conservation & preservation. That’s why we can observe some deterioration in the brick building both in Exterior & interior part.
In the northern part of the Mosque there are some ruins of buried structure. Some outer portion of that buried structure is seem like spherical shape. Which demands more exploration and systematic archaeological excavation to reveal the history behind this region.
[0] => Array
[name] => {:en}Ashrafpur Mosque{:}{:bn}আশরাফপুর মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 4267
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/ashrafpur-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSCN10881-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}Ashrafpur is an ancient village of Shibpur Upazila under Narsingdi district. In this village there was two seventh century’s copperplate inscription discovered. Ashrafpur Mosque is situated 1 kilometer south to the finding place of these copperplates. An inscribed stone of this Mosque,Once which was attached to the mosque and now preserved in the Bangladesh national museum, reveals that the mosque was built in 930 AH/ 1524 AD by Dilwar Khan during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Abul Muzaffar Nusrat Shah (1519-1532).
The mosque, ruined by the earthquake of 1897, was abandoned, prayer in it discontinued and in course of time it got shrouded by jungle. In 1940 the jungle was cleared and the mosque recovered under the leadership of Mowlana Syed Ali. Even at that time the Mihrab and a portion of the western wall was extant. It was a single domed small mosque built in the sultanate style. Later on, a three-domed modern mosque has been built on the same site where once stood the Sultani mosque.{:}{:bn}
আশরাফপুর গ্রামে যে স্থানে ৭ শতকের দুটো তাম্রফলক পাওয়া গিয়েছিল সেই স্থানের ১ কিলোমিটার দক্ষিনে আশরাফপুর মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। আশরাফপুর মসজিদের শিলালিপিটি বর্তমানে জাতীয় জাদুঘরে সংরক্ষিত আছে। শিলালিপি থেকে জানা যায় যে ৯৩০ হিজরী এবং ১৫২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দে সুলতান নাসিরউদ্দিন আবুল মুজাফফর নুসরাত শাহ এর শাসনামলে (১৫১৯-১৫৩২) জনৈক দিলওয়ার খান এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করিয়েছিলেন।
১৮৯৭ সালের ভয়াবহ ভুমিকম্পে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হবার পর মসজিদটিকে পরিত্যাক্ত করা হয় এবং ধীরে ধীরে মসজিদটি জঙ্গলে ঢেকে যায়। ১৯৪০ সালে মওলানা সৈয়দ আলীর নেতৃত্বে জঙ্গল পরিষ্কারের পর মসজিদটিকে উদ্ধার করা হয়। সেসময় মসজিদের মিহরাব এবং পশ্চিমদিকের দেয়ালের অস্তিত্ব ছিল। এক গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট ছোট এই মসজিদটি সুলতানাত শৈলীতে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল। পরবর্তীতে এই মসজিদের স্থানেই একটি তিন গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট আধুনিক মসজিদ নির্মাণ করা হয়।
আশরাফপুরের তাম্রফলকের অভিলিখন:
নরসিংদী জেলার শিবপুর উপজেলায় অবস্থিত আশরাফপুর গ্রামটি প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক নিদর্শনের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ১১৮৫ সালে মিয়া বখশ খান নামের একজন গ্রামবাসী এখানে একটি মাটির স্তূপ থেকে ৭ শতকের দুটি তাম্রফলকের সন্ধান পান। তাম্রফলকের অভিলিখন থেকে জানা যায় খাডগা বংশের জনৈক দেবখাডগা এখানকার বৌদ্ধ সংঘ এবং বিহারকে কিছু জমি দান করেছিলেন। এখানে মাটি খনন করে কিছু প্রাচীন ইট এবং একটি ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত দেয়ালের অংশবিশেষও উদ্ধার করা হয়।
এই স্থানে আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে খননকাজ করা না হলেও মানুষের বসতি নির্মাণের সময় কিছু খনন করার প্রয়োজন হয়েছিল। ইতিহাসবিদরা মনে করেন এখানে অবস্থিত বৌদ্ধ বিহারটি ছিল অত্র অঞ্চলে বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম চর্চা এবং শিক্ষার একটি কেন্দ্র।
[1] => Array
[name] => {:en}Tetulia Shahi Mosque{:}{:bn}তেতুলিয়া জামে মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 2028
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/tetulia-jami-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Tetulia-Shahi-Mosjid-satkhira-021-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Tetulia Shahi Mosque is also known as the Khan Bahadur Salamatullah Mosque. This mosque was found by Khan Bahadur Maulvi Qazi Salamatullah Khan, the then Zamindar (feudal-lord) from Qazi family of Tetulia. He was also the founder of the mansion named Salam Manzil (now in ruins) in the vicinity. The six-domed mosque was built similar to Mughal style in 1858-59. Their resembles were built by Tipu Sultan's descendants, as does the Salam Manzil, now in virtual decay.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
{:}{:bn}খান বাহাদুর সালামতউল্লাহ মসজিদ এবং তেতুলিয়া শাহী মসজিদ নামে পরিচিত তেতুলিয়া জামে মসজিদটি সাতক্ষীরা জেলার তালা উপজেলার তেতুলিয়া গ্রামে অবস্থিত। তেতুলিয়ার কাজী পরিবারের জমিদার খান বাহাদুর মৌলভী কাজী সালামতউল্লাহ খান এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করেন। এছাড়া তিনি অত্র অঞ্চলে এক সময় অবস্থিত সালাম মঞ্জিলও প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন। ছয়গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট এই মসজিদটি মুঘল স্থাপত্যশৈলীতে ১৮৫৮-৫৯ সালে নির্মাণ করা হয়। এই মসজিদটি এবং বর্তমানে ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত সালাম মঞ্জিলের সাথে টিপু সুলতানের উত্তরসূরিদের নির্মিত স্থাপনার মিল রয়েছে।{:}
[2] => Array
[name] => Mahisantosh Mosque
[post_id] => 5809
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/mahisantosh-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/offroadbangladeshlogo2-300x178.png
[post_content] =>
Mahisantosh Mosque located near the India-Bangladesh edge about 13 km northern western of Dhamorihat Thana Sadar in Naogaon place. Mahisantosh, known from Pre-Muslim periods, came to reputation during the guideline of Sultan Ruknuddin Barbak shah (1459-1474) who raised its place to an excellent town and known as it Barbakabad after him. Many traditional hemorrhoids, located in different places of the town, can still be monitored. In 1916 the varendra analysis team conducted a traditional excavation at Mahisantosh in the remains of the Jami Masjid heap. A little element of the mosque was exposed. Very lately individuals, after removing weeds, vegetation and junk of the Jami Masjid heap have developed up a new chauchala tin shade kacha creating on the old ranking of the mosque to perform Sunday desires. From the present remains it is still possible to recover the exclusive design of the mosque.
The 2.25m large materials of the rectangle-shaped mosque (24m X 16.20m externally) with semi-octagonal place techniques at the four aspects were designed of rock and bricks; the main was designed of rocks and the inner and external activities were secured with rock places. The top aspect act was provided with five (arched) doorways. Most probably the main one was larger than the flanking ones. There were three (arched) areas each on the south east aspect of and southern region aspects.
The inner of the mosque (19.50m X 11.70m) was divided by two selections of rock assistance supports, each having four assistance supports. Each main was status on an office rock foundation. The foundation of each main was divided into three sections: the decreased place, about 0.40m, was rectangle-shaped shape with pie design on its face; the middle element, about 1.55m, was decagonal with pattern and gong components and the greater element, about 0.96m, was polygonal (16 sided) with pattern and gong components and suspended pearl-string of 50% team design.
The main nave of the mosque, larger than the element ones, had three rectangle-shaped places and was perhaps secured over by Persia chauchala bins. Hemispherical domes, 12 in all, might have secured the element chicken wings. Thus the ceiling top program was almost just like that of the shatgumbad mosque at Bagerhat (1459 AD).
There are five mihrabs in the Qibla materials invert the top side aspect possibilities. The main mihrab, a little bit larger than the element ones, was removed from here and is now managed in the varendra analysis collection. Originally it was designed from 1 product of rock with amazing eye-catching schemes; pattern and gong, lotus and palmetto are its main ingredients. The extant mihrab at the southern region end also contains amazing developed design. It seems to have been designed of three places of rock. The main element of the mihrab industry is developed with attractive pattern and gong art work. On the element of the pattern is suspended a hand crafted series. A complete bloomed lotus weighs from the end of the pattern. The sidepieces of the rock places have geometric styles in round and rectangle-shaped shape types. The rosettes in the top and platform increase the beauty of the mihrab. It may be described here that the pattern and gong design, a very familiar eye-catching program, is also seen in mosques like darasbari, chhota sona and kusumba.
Stone-blocks calming propagate in and around the mosque involved eye-catching components on their activities. These developed stone-blocks indicate that the external outside of the materials of the mosque may have been developed with rock styles. The attractive devices are mostly geometric in design with flowery styles, palmette, nailheads, pie styles, look for components, pattern and gong components and suspended 50 % round jewelry. Some developed clay-based rocks were also exposed at a lot of period of removing junk. These clay-based rocks might have been used on the inner encounter of the drums equipment of the domes. Similar eye-catching program is seen in other mosques e.g., Darasabari, Chhota Sona and Kusumba.
When the Varendra Research Community conducted excavation on the website they discovered an epigraph product. It authorized the growth of a mosque during the guideline of Alauddin Husain shah in 912 AH/1506 AD. Very lately, another epigraph product was exposed at a lot of period of removing junk from the mosque. Currently it is calming before aspect of the lately designed kacha mosque creating. The epigraph contains two selections of writing and is developed on dark-colored basalt rock. It keep in mind the development of a mosque in a lot of period of Sultan Ruknuddin Barbak Shah by Ulugh Khan Hasan in the 867 AH/1463 AD.
Growth of these two individual from the same ruinous mosque improves some issues about the period of your energy and energy of growth of the mosque. Was the mosque developed in a lot of period of Sultan Barbak Shah or during a lot of period of Alauddin Husain Shah? Was it developed in a lot of period of Barbak Shah and therefore redesigned (or reconstructed) during the guideline of Alauddin Husain Shah? Or, was one of these two individual collected from outside and kept in the mosque when the mosque was in an amazing condition of preservation? It is not possible to figure out any of the above possibilities. It is, however, quite likely that the mosque was developed during the guideline of Sultan Barbak Shah in 867 AH (1463 AD) and knowledgeable a renovating during a lot of period of Sultan Alauddin Husain Shah in 912 AH (1506 AD).
[3] => Array
[name] => {:en}Korapur Mia Bari Mosque{:}{:bn}কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 6625
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/korapur-mia-bari-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Mia-Bari-Mosque-Korarpur-Barisal-011-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Korapur Mia Bari Mosque (কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদ) is an old mosque from the Barisal district (বরিশাল জেলা). The mosque is located at the Mia Bari (মিয়া বাড়ি) of that area. It is believed that the mosque was built during 18th century. They have painted the mosque recently, and also doing some sort of restoration now. And thus it lost its antiquity entirely.
This mosque is built over a high plinth. Or, may be its better to call it a high basement instead of a plinth. Inside the basement it has several rooms at ground floor. These days it is being used as a resident for the student of nearby Madrasa (মাদ্রাসা). There is a wide stair available to reach at the mosque that is at the second floor.
It is a rectangular shaped mosque having three small sized domes at the top where the middle one is slightly larger than the other twos. The mosque has total eight minarets with four at front and four at the back side walls. Apart from these, there are several small minarets available in between. All the minarets and the upper portion of the mosque is highly decorated. At the eastern side of the mosque it has a very large water pond.
বরিশাল সদরের উত্তর কড়াপুর গ্রামে এই মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। বরিশাল জেলায় অবস্থিত একটি প্রাচীন মসজিদ হলো কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদ। মনে করা হয়ে থাকে ১৮শ শতকে এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করা হয়। সাম্প্রতিককালে কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদটি রঙ করা হয়েছে এবং বর্তমানে এটির মেরামত কার্যক্রম অব্যাহত আছে। এ কারনে এই মসজিদটির প্রাচীন বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো পুরোপুরি বিলীন হয়ে গিয়েছে।
উঁচু বেসম্যাণ্টের উপর এই কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। নীচতলায় বেসম্যাণ্টের অভ্যন্তরে কয়েকটি কক্ষ রয়েছে যেগুলো মসজিদের নিকটে অবস্থিত মাদ্রাসার ছাত্রদের থাকার কাজে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে। মসজিদে প্রবেশ করার জন্য দোতলায় একটি প্রশস্ত সিঁড়ি রয়েছে।
আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার এই মসজিদটির উপরিভাগে তিনটি ছোট আকারের গম্বুজ রয়েছে যেগুলোর মধ্যে মাঝখানের গম্বুজটি অন্য দুটি গম্বুজের চেয়ে আকারে কিছুটা বড়। কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদের সামনের দেয়ালে চারটি মিনার এবং পেছনের দেয়ালে চারটি মিনার সমেত মোট আটটি মিনার রয়েছে। এছাড়া সামনের এবং পেছনের দেয়ালের মধ্যবর্তী স্থানে কয়েকটি ছোট মিনার রয়েছে। মসজিদের উপরিভাগ এবং সবগুলো মিনারে ব্যাপকভাবে কারুকাজ করা হয়েছে। কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদের পূর্বদিকে একটি বিশালাকারের পুকুর রয়েছে।