The great Baliati Palace (বালিয়াটি জমিদার বাড়ি) is located at the Saturia Upazila of Manikganj(সাটুরিয়া, মানিকগঞ্জ) district, in the village of Baliati. This historic building is about 200 years of old. A river named Gazikhali(গাজীখালী নদী) which is demised interim of the time, flowed at the northern side of the palace.
The palace is situated on a lush and sprawling premise, approximately 16000 square meter. There are possibly 200 rooms available inside the premise. Back side of the palace has a pond having four ghats(ঘাট). Other side of the pond has a series of sanitary lavatory.
The story starts more than hundred and fifty years ago when the Baliati Zamindars were still a force to be reckoned with in Bangladesh, situated about 35 miles northwest of Dhaka and 5 miles east of Manikgonj district headquarters. The palaces used to be also known as “Dosh-ani-Zaminder bari” due to inheritance of a portion of the main complex from Roy Chand by the well wishers of his first wife among the Zaminders. Kishorilal Roy Chowdhury and Roybahadur Harendra Kumer Roy Chowdhury realized soon enough the necessity of knowledge which compelled them to establish the Jagarnath College and K.L Jubily High school. The Baliati Zaminderbari originally consisted of five similar but separate blocks. The south façade of grand palace presents an attractive frontage of about 400 feet of the extant four blocks of the palace, the two central blocks are two-storied and the other two terminal ones are three-storied. The lofty encircling walls of the imposing Zaminderbari complex are punctuated by three superb gateways, identical in their architectural features. This remarkable complex has been acquired by the Bangladesh archeological department and has been given a new name “Baliati Palace” as a protected cultural property.In exploring the expressiveness of this marvelous structure with time, culture and mood, the attached twelve snaps tell the story by dividing it into three constituent parts. First part expresses the thematic preamble of time and prestige, and style. The second part sequentially put expedition of the underlying interior in the picture capturing architectural details, vista and shape and shadow. Last part tells the present story of the exterior in light of the surrounding at present. In short, the justification of making this sequential development to bring the whole story inside out from it’s behind theme to the present.
It is located at the Saturia Upazila of Manikganj district. After reaching at Manikganj, take local transport to reach there.
There are many bus services start from Gabtoli and Gulistan to any places in Manikganj. Those are for example, BRTC Bus Service, Shuvojatra Bus Service, Padma Line etc. The fare is 40/-
Launch Service:
Aricha Launch Ghat, Manikganj to pabna/kajirhat. Fare is 35/-
From Paturia to Rajbari. fare is 30/-
1. Manikganj residential boarding (Private)
208, Shahid Rafique Road, Manikganj, Bangladesh
Room and bed number:
singel- 16, Double- 10
Phone: 0651-61359
2. Nobin Residential Boarding (Private)
Manikganj basstand, Beside Nobin cinema hall, Manikganj, Bangladesh
Room and bed number:
singel- 15, Double- 7
Phone: 01712611452
3. District Council Board house (Government)
Beside Shahid Miraj Tapan Stadium, Manikganj, Bangladesh
Phone: 0651-61463
There are restaurants nearby to check on.
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