Chowk Bazar Shahi Mosque also known as Chowk Mosque is one of the oldest Mosques in Dhaka. It is located in the Chowk Bazar area of the old town of Dhaka, south to the current city center.
The mosque was constructed in 1676 by Subahdar Shayesta Khan (সুবাহদার শায়েস্তা খান). It is called ‘Shahi Mosque’ as it is founded by Subahdar Shayesta Khan. The mosque is built above a raised platform. The three domed mosque above the platform, now transformed into a multi-storied structure was originally a copy of Shayesta Khan’s another three domed mosque at the Mitford Hospital compound near the Buriganga River. Some square shaped rooms may be built for Imam and for students of the Madrashah. As a result of several renovation & reconstruction work, this mosque has lost its ancient original view.
History: This Mosque was constructed in 1676, as noted by an inscription in the Persian language over a gateway. The inscription attributes the project to Subahdar Shaista Khan. So far, this is known as the earliest dated mosque in the History of Muslim Architecture in Bengal, built on a high vaulted platform. Its architectural design was perhaps influenced by Tughlaq Architectures; such as Khirki Masjid or Kalan Mosque of Delhi. Influenced by this structure, some other mosques were built in Dhaka and Murshidabad.
Architectural Properties: The western half of the 3.05 meter high vaulted platform (28.65 meter from north to south and 24.38 meter from east to west) is occupied by the original three-domed mosque. It measures, inclusive of the four octagonal towers on the exterior angles, 16.15 meter by 7.92 meter. There are three four-centered archways in the east, all opening out under half-domed vaults. The half-domed vault of the central archway still contains beautiful Muqarnas works in stucco.
Corresponding to the three eastern entrances, there are three Mihrabs inside the west wall, all now redesigned. The central mihrab still has a semi-octagonal aperture, while its flanking counterparts are rectangular in design. The mihrabs are now all studded with lustrous pieces of enamel. The rectangular frames enclosing the mihrabs are now topped by rows of painted cresting. The floor of the mosque is now laid with marble.
Three bays divides interior view of this Mosque- the central one square shaped and the side ones are rectangular. All these bays were covered with domes, the central one being bigger than its flanking counterparts. This can be deduced from the newly built three-domed prayer chamber exactly above the original one, where the central dome has been kept larger than the side ones.
The vaulted rooms, all round underneath the platform, are either square or rectangular in shape. Many of them are now let out to shopkeepers and others are still being used as accommodation. The under ceilings of these rooms are flat on the top and barrel-shaped at the sides.
Very uniquely designed and Space utilized Madrasa & Mosque: The promenade around the three domed prayer chamber, since there was no separate structure for study purpose, might have been used for open-air classes and the vaulted room with book-shelves on their walls underneath the platform may have been designed to provide residential accommodation for those who used to teach and study here. In that perspective, Chawk Mosque may be regarded as the first known example of Residential Madrasa Mosque.
It is an ingenious way of accommodating two structures-a madrasa and a mosque in a single building which not only saved space but also a considerable amount of money.
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[name] => Vanga Shahi Masjid
[post_id] => 10254
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/vanga-shahi-masjid/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/114-300x169.jpg
[post_content] =>
Vanga Shahi Masjid (ভাঙ্গা শাহী মসজিদ) is an ancient mosque in Bandura, Nawabganj. Its original year of establishment is not yet known. It is believed that it was built during the period of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, that's why it is assumed that it was built around 600 years ago.
The mosque has a legend about it. It is believed that one morning some people found it in the jungle with unfinished construction work. From that time the mosque has named "Vanga Masjid" as in the native language vanga (ভাঙ্গা) means broken. The Actual name of this mosque is still unknown.
But the truth may be like this- it was constructed at the age of Mughal Empire when Nawabganj area was a prominent merchant place. Due to erosion, local inhabitants changed their living place. At that time the mosque area was abandoned and forests grew rapidly at that area. After passing 100 years, people start making their residences in that particular area again. One day they found the mosque broken and reconstruct it.
Now it has became a well known mosque at Bandura Bazar in Nawabganj. People believe that donating here will turn their wishes true! So, the mosque has collected enough fund to built a minaret of 165 feet and still the renovation process is still going.
[1] => Array
[name] => Musa Khan Mosque
[post_id] => 7326
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/musa-khan-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Musa-Khan-Mosque1-300x225.jpg
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Musa Khan Mosque (মুসা খাঁ মসজিদ) is yet another edifice inside the Dhaka University premise that was built during the Mughal era. Location of the antique mosque is at south of Doyel Chattar, beside the Karzon Hall, opposite of the Dhaka University swimming complex. Exact Google map coordinate is (23°43'36.33"N, 90°24'2.92"E). You can find another mosque (Shahbaz Khan Mosque) near that place contemporary to this one.
Probably this mosque was built by Musa Khan, son of Isha Khan who was a prominent Zamindar from Baro Bhuiyan. It was quite unsure about the original time when it was built. Musa Khan died during 1623, but the structure of the mosque is almost similar to the Khwaja Shahbaz's Mosque and it was built during 1679. So neither the date nor the builder of the mosque is confirmed. Some people believe this one was built by either Shaista Khan or even later by Dewan Manawar Khan.
The mosque has a vault platform, and over this plinth the main architecture of the mosque is planted. It is a small building just like any other mosques during that period. It has three domes over the top. Middle one is the larger than other twos. Both the inside and outside of the mosque is plastered with cement and washed white with lime. There is a grave of Musa Khan is available at the northeast side.
The mosque has gone through several renovations. Also from the first sight it seemed to me, it is currently not under proper care. The authority just placed a signboard beside the mosque and thought their works are done. It is not a good practice to color this building with yellow this year, and next year white(I have seen this mosque in several colors over the last few years), and finally let the color be disappeared. We are not in a position to do experiment on such a precious object.
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[name] => {:en}Gutia Mosque{:}{:bn}গুটিয়া মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 899
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/gutia-mosque-known-as-baitul-aman-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Guthia-Mosque-Barisal-011-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Gutia Mosque is situated in Barisal, also known as Baitul Aman Mosque. The mosque was built 20 km away from Barisal in a place called Ujirpur. It is supposed that, it took 210 million BDT to build this mosque. This mosque is outstanding to look at as the best equipment’s have been used. It is well decorated with lights, frames, and has speakers of BOSE, so the Azan is very melodious. The area is huge with a Madrasa, Eidgah, pond and garden. It has 30 staffs to look after the mosque. This mosque has separate place for women to perform Salah.
Mr. Sharfuddin Ahmed Shantu established this mosque in 16th Dec, 2003. He spent 10 million dollars to build this Gutia Masjid. The designs and decorations used here are taken from Europe, Asia, and Middle East's most famous mosque.
ইউরোপ, এশিয়া এবং মধ্য প্রাচ্যের নামকরা মসজিদগুলোর নকশা অনুকরনের প্রায় ২১ কোটি টাকা ব্যয় করে বরিশাল থেকে ২০ কিলোমিটার দূরে উজিরপুরে ১৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০০৩ তারিখে এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করেন জনাব শরফুদ্দিন আহমেদ সানটু। নয়নাভিরাম এই মসজিদটিতে ব্যাবহার করা হয়েছে উন্নমানের কাঁচ, ফ্রেম, এবং বোস স্পিকার, যেটির কারনে এই মসজিদের আজান বিশেষভাবে শ্রুতিমধুর হয়েছে। মসজিদটির বিশাল সীমানার মধ্যে আরও আছে মাদ্রাসা, ঈদগাহ, পুকুর এবং বাগান। এই মসজিদটির তত্ত্বাবধানে ৩০ জন কর্মচারী নিয়োজিত আছেন। মহিলাদের নামাজ আদায়ের জন্য আলাদা ব্যাবস্থা রয়েছে মসজিদটিতে।
[3] => Array
[name] => Bandar Shahi Mosque
[post_id] => 10830
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/bandar-shahi-mosque/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Bondor-Shahi-Mosque-Narayanganj-021-225x300.jpg
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Bandar Shahi Mosque (বন্দর শাহী মসজিদ ) is situated in the Bandar Municipal area. It was built in 1482 AD (886 AH) by Malik Al-Muazzam Baba Saleh, a high official under Sultan Jalaluddin Fateh Shah.
It is a square building measuring 6.20 meter a side in the interior and 9.70 meter in the exterior. It has four octagonal corner towers and a large hemispherical dome supported by two engaged black stone pillars embedded in each wall with square bases, capitals and octagonal shafts. The square inches which hold up the dome spring from the top of these pillars. The dome has a lotus and pitcher finial. The raising of the dome on a drum crowned with merlons seems to be part of Mughal renovations. There are three entrances in the east of which the central one is wider, measuring 2.20 meter high and 1.37 meter wide. The two other entrances each on the south and north sides are 2 meter high and 1 meter wide. The side entrances are of the same size as the front central one. Of the three semi-circular mihrabs, the central one is the largest and the northern mihrab is being used as a closet.
The mosque has been renovated and enlarged by verandas on the east, south and north sides. It is presently being used as a jami mosque.