Drivers’ Hotel in Mirsarai

Type: Restaurant
Contributed By: Nayeem


Drivers’ Hotel in Mirsarai is a brand from Chhoto Komoldoho Bazaar (ছোট কমলদহ বাজার). It’s a 24 hour open restaurant that uses to target mainly the truck drivers on the Dhaka Chittagong highway. It is always houseful with customers. Main dish of this restaurant is Beef Gravy (বীফ ভুনা) with rice. The cost is around 600 taka for five people.

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How to go

How To Reach: Chittagong District

Dhaka and Chittagong are linked by road. You can take a bus from Dhaka to reach the district of Chittagong. Some of the bus services are listed below for our assistance.

1. Saudia Paribahan
Arambag, Phone: +88-02-7102465
Gabtoli, Phone: +88-02-8018445
Kalabagan, Phone: +88-02-9124792

2. S Alam
Contact: +880 31 636997, 611426

3. Hanif Enterprise
Panthpath: 0173-402670

Dhaka and Chittagong are linked by air. Some of the airlines with flights available from Dhaka to Chittagong are listed below for your assistance.

1. United Airways

Contact: 09606445566, +880 2 8932338,+880 2 8931712

2. Bangladesh Biman

Contact:+88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44

3. Novo Air

Contact: 13603

4. Regent Airways

Contact: 028953003 or 16238

Where to Stay

There are many hotels available in Chittagong. Some of them have been mentioned below for your help.

1. Hotel Golden Inn
Address: 336 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 611 004

2. Asian SR Hotel
Address: 291 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 031-2850346-8, 01711-889555

3. Hotel Park
Address: 627, DT road, Kadamtoli Chittagong
Contact: 01819-388011

4. Hotel Landmark
Address: 3072, Sheikh Mujhibar Road, Agrabad, Chittagong
Contact: 031-813598/727299

5. Hotel Dream International Ltd
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh

6. Hotel Azad
Enayet Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh

7. Hotel Mishka
Station Road, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh

8. Motel Shaikat
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Eating Facilities


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