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[name] => {:en}Rema Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary{:}{:bn}রেমা-কালেঙ্গা রিজার্ভ ফরেস্ট{:}
[post_id] => 3915
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Rema Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary is a reserved forest lies at the border of Bangladesh-India. There are some local inhabitants living inside the forest dispersedly. A Tipra (Tripura) tribal village is near at the border. This forest is rich with flora & fauna and a hideout for a number of rare animals of Bangladesh. It is also a great place for forest trekkers.
Rema Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1982. It’s extensive to an area of 1795.54 hectares. This reserve forest is formed with the combination of two forest bits. One is known as Rema, another known as Kalenga Forest Bit. You may visit both or either one of the bits. You can enter to the reserve forest through any of the forest bit and exit through another.
{:}{:bn}এই বনাঞ্চলটি বাংলাদেশ-ভারত সীমান্তে অবস্থিত। এই বনের কাছে আদিবাসী টিপরা সম্প্রদায়ের একটি গ্রাম রয়েছে। এছাড়াও, এটির অভ্যন্তরে স্থানীয় কিছু বাসিন্দারা বসবাস করে। এদেশের কিছু দুর্লভ প্রাণীর ছাড়াও এ বনে রয়েছে বিভিন্ন প্রজাতির উদ্ভিত ও গাছপালা। বনের মধ্যে যারা রোমাঞ্চকর অভিযান করতে চান তাদের জন্য এই রিজার্ভ ফরেস্টটি যথার্থ স্থান।
১৯৮২ সালে প্রতিষ্ঠিত এই বনের আয়তন প্রায় ১৭৯৫.৫৪ হেক্টর। রেমা ফরেস্ট বিট এবং কালেঙ্গা ফরেস্ট বিটের সমন্বয়ে এই রিজার্ভ ফরেস্টটি গঠিত হয়েছে। আপনি এই বনের যেকোনো একটি অংশ দিয়ে প্রবেশ করে অপর অংশ দিয়ে বের হতে পারেন অথবা যেকোনো একটি অংশে ঘুরতে পারেন।{:}
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[name] => Fulbaria Rubber Forest and Processing Industry
[post_id] => 21712
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Rubber Forest is not just a forest to look over, it’s a popular place now a days for tracking, wondering, picnic center and so on. While exploring Mymensingh, there are some extra-ordinary places to pay a visit. Rubber forest/garden of Santoshpur in fulbaria Upazila is one of those. Fulbaria rubber forest and processing industries is one of the renowned places in this district. ORB Team recently visited that place while exploring the heritage of Mymensingh.
It belongs to an area of 106 acres which make this place look like a massive forest. Besides rubber garden there is a significant number of monkeys being found in a place inside the forest. Where you will also find a small forest office. Local people call this as Bandar office (বান্দর অফিস/বানর অফিস) which is very funny indeed. Nearby the office you may discover monkeys wondering around in a particular area with pride & dignity, as it seems like you just entered into their territory. It would be wise not exchanging any food with them, people may suggest you to buy them some peanuts. Once you buy for them, certainly they will be obedient for you and may follow your go.
Rubber Processing Zone:
One and half kilometer from Monkey zone, a traveler will find an industry of Rubber processing which is very near to the link road, connecting the forest with main road. It’s named after "Bangladesh Forest Development Corporation, Rubber processing factory". Here a traveler can observe the whole methods of rubber processing. However, if someone is interested to observe the methods from the very beginning of collecting raw rubber from the trees, then we would rather suggest to stay in nearby places of forest for one or two days. But, it would be so tough to stay nearby places beside the forest as there is no residential hotel or boarding to stay overnight.
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[name] => Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary
[post_id] => 25931
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Tucked into the northeast corner of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary is home to elephants and a wide variety of other animals. The sanctuary is the finest hill forest remaining in Bangladesh and it also an important wetland site.
The Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh is located in the Rangamati District in the Chittagong division. It was established in 1983 so the wildlife and vegetation in the sanctuary is quite settled and well-developed. It is not a very big wildlife sanctuary, as it only covers 420.87 square kilometers, however that does not mean it has nothing to offer. Quite to the contrary, this tiny little sanctuary is positively teaming with life! Some of the animals you can expect to see here include capped langur, hoolock, Asian elephant, rhesus macaque, gibbon, tiger, otters, wild boars, guar, Indian muntjac, Indian python and sambar. Bird lovers can look forward to seeing herons, egrets, little grebe, common coot, common moorhen, waterfowl, white-winged wood duck, Asian openbill stork and more. There are also small cats, dholes and dozens of other animals living in this fascinating wildlife sanctuary. Nature lovers will find that much of this diversity is owing to the regions great topographical diversity. The area is well watered and varies in altitude.
The best time to visit the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh is between November and May. Visitors can choose between bird safaris and jungle safaris and both are equally rewarding. Accommodation can be found in the immediate area by way of two rest houses. You will find that both Bangla and English is spoken here, so most people can find a way to communicate with the locals and tour guides. The nearest town is Rangamati which can be easily reached by road or rail. Most visitors will touch down at the Shah Amanat International Airport in Chittagong before taking the train to Rangamati en route to the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary. Whatever way you choose to get there, make sure that you do end up visiting this great wildlife sanctuary!
Adventure: Jungle safari, Bird safari
Wild Life: Tiger, Gaur, Asian Elephant, Rhesus Macaque, Capped Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Dhole, Small Cats, Otters, Wild Boar, Indian Muntjac, and Sambar,Waterfowl, Little Grebe, Herons, Egrets, Common Moorhen, Common Coot, Asian Openbill Stork, and White-winged Wood Duck, Indian python
Location: At the northern end of Kaptai Lake in the south-eastern part of Kassalong Reserve Forest in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, some 112 km from Rangamati Town. The western boundary is formed by the Kassalong River.
Area: 42,087 hectares
Outstanding Features:
* Wide variety of mammals, including elephants
* A refuge for birds
* Beautiful hilly terrain ranging from 100-300 m
Brief History: It was established as a game sanctuary in June 1962, later declared as Wildlife Sanctuary in 1983.
Habita, Flora & Fauna: Three forest types can be distinguished in the sanctuary: tropical wet evergreen forest; tropical Semi-evergreen; and tropical moist deciduous forest. Among larger mammals, the most important is the population of Asian Elephant. Other mammals are Rhesus Macaque, Capped langur, hoolock Gibbon, Dhole, small cats, otters, wild Boar, and Sambar. There are also numerous bird species in the Sanctuary.
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[name] => {:en}Ratargul Swamp Forest{:}{:bn}রাতারগুল জলাভুমির বন{:}
[post_id] => 4204
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Ratargul Swamp Forest is a fresh water marshland forest located close to river Goain, in Gowainghat Upazila of Sylhet District. This forest is engulfed with freshwater in most of the seasons. This evergreen forest gets over flooded during the rainy season. Different local fish are available here. It’s the terrain of different creatures’ like snakes, monkeys, lizards, insects & birds.
You may also see vulture and Eagle. Some parts of this forest are very small, so boat ride would be tough. However, it is the only swamp forest located in Bangladesh and one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world. The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry, Government of Bangladesh.
This evergreen forest is situated by the river Goain and linked with the canal named Chengir Khal. Most of the trees grow here are Pongamia pinnata (Koroch tree). The forest goes under 20-30 feet water in the rainy season. Rest of the year the water level is about 10 feet deep.
[embed][/embed]{:}{:bn}রাতারগুল জলাভুমির বন সিলেট জেলার গোয়াইনঘাট উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। গোয়াইন নদীর নিকটে চেঙ্গির খালের সাথে সংযুক্ত একটি মিঠাপানির জলাভুমির বন হল রাতারগুল। এই বনটিসারাবছর প্রায় ১০ ফুট পানির নীচে থাকে এবং বর্ষাকালে চিরসবুজ এই বনটি ২০ ফুট থেকে ৩০ ফুট পানির নীচে প্লাবিত হয়। এই বনে করচ গাছ (পঙ্গামিয়া পিন্নাটা) বেশী জন্মায়। বিভিন্ন প্রকারের দেশী মাছ ছাড়াও এই বনে রয়েছে সাপ, বানর, পাখি, টিকটিকি, পোকামাকড় সহ নানা প্রজাতির প্রাণী। এখানে আপনি শকুন এবং ঈগলেরও দেখা পেতে পারেন। বনটির কিছু অংশ বেশ ছোট হওয়ায় এখানে নৌকা ভ্রমন করা কঠিন।
বাংলাদেশের একমাত্র জলাভুমির এই বনটি পৃথিবীর সামান্য কয়েকটি জলাভুমির বনগুলোর একটি যেখানে মিঠা পানি পাওয়া যায়। বাংলাদেশ সরকারের বনবিভাগ এই বনটি সংরক্ষণ করছে।{:}