Sonargaon contains quite a number of Archaeological evidences, helping the scholars to reconstruct the Medieval History of Sonargaon area of Bangladesh. Goaldi Mosque, one of the very few surviving medieval monuments in the city of Sonargaon. About 6 km north-west of the little township of Panam, near Sonargaon in Narayanganj district, there are two such precariously surviving old single-domed mosques in the sequestered hamlet of Goaldi, virtually hidden behind thick bamboo brakes and clusters of mango and jackfruit tree groves.
Built in 1519, the graceful, single-domed Goaldi Mosque is the most impressive of the few extant monuments of the old capital city, and a good example of pre-Mughal architecture. This mosque is one of the few remnants from the Sultanate period in Sonargaon, during the reign of Sultan Hussain Shah in 925 Hijri (1519 AD). It was built by Mulla Hizabar Akbar Khan in the early 16th century, during the reign of Alauddin Husain Shah at a place called Goaldi – half a mile northeast of Panam village in Sonargaon. Sonargaon was the administrative center of medieval Muslim rulers of East Bengal. It became as the capital of Bengal during Isa Khan’s ruling. The area falls under present-day Narayanganj District, Bangladesh. This mosque is more elegant and ornate in comparison to the earlier Sultanate mosques at Bagerhat.
There are some ornamental black stone pillars inside the prayer hall for the support of the roof. Corresponding to the three arched doorways on the east there are three richly decorated mihrabs on the west wall, of which the central one is bigger and beautifully embellished with curved floral and arabesque relief on dark black stone, but the flanking side mihrabs are ornamented with delicate terracotta floral and geometric patterns. The central stone mihrab is framed within an arched panel with an expanded sunflower motif in the centre. Below that the spandrels of the multi-cusped arch of the mihrab are decorated within a rectangular frame. The engrailed arched recess is carried on stunted octagonal pillars faceted at stages. Four round-banded turrets at the outer corners rise up to the curvilinear cornice.
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[name] => Millpara (Mohini Mill Area)
[post_id] => 22124
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/millpara-mohini-mill-area/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/P_20151017_112833_1_p-300x169.jpg
[post_content] =>
Mohini mill was the largest factory compound area in the entire Indian territory during the year 1912. It was a textile industrial area to produce fine quality fabrics. Millpara (Mohini Mill Area) bears the proud memories of mass people and symbolizes the historic significance of Industrial development. The combined effort by Mohini Mohon Chakraborty, Poet Rabindranath Tagore, Jogot Kishore Chowdhury and Chomon Lal made this possible to establish this Mills in the year 1912 on an area of 99 bigha.
For the economical freedom of the people in this region Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman nationalize that Mills in the year 1972 and his directions paved the way to open a new unit of BMRE (Balancing Modernizing Reconstructing Engineering).
This mills was running well until 1982. Later onward this mills fall in great loss as a result of conspiracy and corruptions by few selfish people. On 5th of February 1982 this mills was announced to close its door and black day came for 3000 labors at that time. After the closing labors didn’t stop their movement for the re-opening of this Mills. Later by the order of Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina this Mills re opened for the labors on 17th of February 2009. But the scheming and corruption didn’t stop. Which at last result in permanent closing and this Mills was sold to private sector in the April, 2013. For now being this Mills is closed and stopped working.
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[name] => {:en}Boro Kuthi{:}{:bn}বড়কুঠি{:}
[post_id] => 2989
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/boro-kuthi/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/offroadbangladeshlogo2-300x178.png
[post_content] => {:en}
Boro Kuthi is located in Shaheb bazar of Rajshahi town. An attempt was taken by Rajshahi City Corporation for turning the historical Dutch building into a heritage sight. There are 12 rooms here and it is 2 storied. Dutch and British traders used it for trading silk. After demise of Nawab Sirajud Dowla in 1757 it was bought by East Indian Company. Later it was sold to Robert Watson and Company. After 1947 partition Government used it as their supply center. In 1953 it was taken over by Rajshahi University.
বড়কুঠি রাজশাহী শহরের সাহেব বাজারে অবস্থিত। এই দোতালা ভবনটিতে ১২টি কক্ষ আছে। ডাচ ও ইংরেজ বনিকরা ভবনটি রেশমের বাণিজ্য করতে ব্যবহার করত। ১৭৫৭ সালে নবাব সিরাজ উদ দৌলার মৃত্যুর পর ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানি ভবনটি কিনে নেয়। পরবর্তীতে এটি রবার্ট ওয়াটসন এন্ড কোম্পানির কাছে বিক্রি করা হয়। ১৯৪৭ সালে দেশ বিভাগের পর সরকার এটি তাদের সাপ্লাই সেন্টার হিসেবে ব্যাবহার করে। ১৯৫৩ সালে রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভবনটি অধিগ্রহন করে। রাজশাহী সিটি কর্পোরেশন প্রচেষ্টা নিয়েছিল ডাচদের স্মৃতি বিজরিত এই ভবনটিকে একটি ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থানে পরিণত করতে।
[2] => Array
[name] => House of Poet Quazi Kader Newaj
[post_id] => 18491
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/house-of-poet-quazi-kader-newaj-2/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/house-of-poet-Quazi-Kader-Newaj2-300x225.jpg
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Historic and archaeological importance of the majestic house of poet Quazi Kader Newaj, an icon of Bangla literature, has been lying uncared in Sreepur upazila town under Magura district, as the authorities concerned are ignoring its tourism potentials.
The poet is specially recalled for his masterpiece of poetry ‘Shikhaker Marjada’. The poet was also a freedom fighter as he played an important role during the liberation war. He was also a good teacher. The poet and his kin were buried along this majestic building.
The splendid building still stands tall along the bank of the Kumar River beckoning the people passing by it to have a look of its grandeur and magnificence. None can resist the temptation of taking a look at the captivating old structure when one passes by it.
In the absence of proper maintenance and renovation, weeds have grown in and around the house while the mossy bricks are crumbling down from the decaying structure. The house has lost much of its charm of terracotta due to the authorities’ negligence. Locals have already taken away many of the bricks, plaques, wooden doors and windows. The house has become a safe haven for drug addicts and gamblers due to lack of proper initiatives for its preservation and maintenance. Local people use the building as their cowshed and it has turned into the public toilet.
Unfortunately, the government has done nothing to renovate the palace, though the historic site can fetch a large amount of revenue every year.
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[name] => Tagore Lodge
[post_id] => 22089
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/tagore-lodge/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/P_20151017_112341_1_p-300x169.jpg
[post_content] => In 1895, Rabindranath Tagore came to Kushtia main town to set up his business. At that time, common Hindu families tend to set up family businesses among the partnership of family members. Tagore patronized his family business and established a private company named "Tagore and Company". At that time
Millpara was the industrial and commercial area to run businesses. So he set up this duplex building as the office of his business named as Tagore Lodge. This building was elongated to the east-west. The main gateway is in the north. Iron made spiral staircase is in the west. At the beginning the business growth was significant. But later he failed to make revenue and gave up.
Now this building has renovated and newly painted by both the governments of Bangladesh and India. A metal made statue of Ravindranath Tagore has been placed there. But the building opens occasionally, when people comes here with reference or guest from government official invitation can visit this lodge.