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[name] => {:en}House of Poet Jasim Uddin{:}{:bn}কবি জসীমউদ্দিনের বাড়ী{:}
[post_id] => 5865
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Jasim Uddin is the famous poet from Bangladesh, especially for his dedication to write poems about the folklore culture. He is the only poet from the country whose poems depicts the beauty of the villages and people of villages. The house of our beloved poet is situated by the river "Kumar". The river itself is an enchanting for its beauty and environment. Inside the house premise, you'll find the grave of the poet (actually a family grave for poet's family).
To enter inside the house premise, you'll require 5 taka per person. Inside the premise, you can see some used objects of the poet, for example camera, plates, bed, chair, some photos etc. You'll find lots of quotes from the poet (some from speech, some from poem, and some from story). You'll love to read those from there. Especially the ones those were at your text book during your childhood education.
At the outside of the house premise, it’s a nice picnic spot. Lots of visitors used to come to this place to pass the afternoon. The river, and the field beside the river is lovely for enjoying the beauty of the sunset. The large field beside the river is now a playing ground for the local people. They used to pass their afternoon using playing football or other local plays there. It’s also a lovely scene where kids are playing. For visitors, there are benches to sit, under sheds.
During the 1st January to 18th January, there used to be a Mela (Fair) at this ground by the name of the Poet. But the Mela unofficially used to extend for another 2 days. So the total duration is 20 days.
আমাদের লোকসংস্কৃতির উপর কবিতা রচনার জন্য কবি জসীমউদ্দিন খ্যাতি অর্জন করেন। বাংলাদেশে তিনিই একমাত্র কবি যার কবিতায় এদেশের গ্রামের সৌন্দর্য এবং গ্রামের মানুষের জীবনযাত্রা নিখুতভাবে উঠে এসেছে।
আমাদের সকলের প্রিয় এই কবির বাসভবন কুমার নদীর তীরে অবস্থিত। চমৎকার সৌন্দর্য এবং তার চারপাশের মনোরম পরিবেশের কারনে এই নদীটির আলাদা খ্যাতি আছে। বাসার অভ্যন্তরে পারিবারিক কবরস্থানে কবির কবর রয়েছে। কবি জসীমউদ্দিনের বাসায় ঢুকতে আপনাকে পাঁচ টাকা প্রবেশমূল্য দিতে হবে। এখানে আপনি কবির ব্যবহার করা বিভিন্ন জিনিসপত্র দেখতে পাবেন যেমনঃ ক্যামেরা, প্লেট, চেয়ার, খাট, কিছু ছবি ইত্যাদি।
এছাড়া এখানে বিভিন্ন ভাষণ, কবিতা এবং গল্প থেকে কবির নিজস্ব উক্তি দেখতে পাবেন। এসব উক্তির কিছু কিছু আমরা আমাদের পাঠ্য পুস্তকে পড়ে এসেছি তাই এসব পড়ে আপনি আপনার ছেলেবেলায় হারিয়ে যাবেন। কবির বাসার বাইরে একটি চমৎকার পিকনিক স্পট রয়েছে যেখানে বিকালবেলা মানুষজনের সমাগম ঘটে। এখানকার নদী এবং ধানক্ষেত ঘেরা পরিবেশে সূর্যাস্তের অপরূপ দৃশ্য উপভোগ করতে পারবেন।
এখানে নদীর পাশেই অবস্থিত বিশাল মাঠটিতে স্থানীয়রা খেলাধুলা করে থাকে। ছোট বাচ্চাদের ছোটাছুটি দেখে হয়তো আপনি শৈশবে হারিয়ে যাবেন। দর্শনার্থীদের বসার জন্য মাঠের পাশে পৃথক শেডের ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। প্রতিবছর জানুয়ারি মাসের ১ তারিখ থেকে ১৮ তারিখ এই মাঠে কবির নামে একটি মেলার আয়োজন করা হয়ে থাকে। তবে স্থানীয়দের অনুরোধে মেলার মেয়াদ দুইদিন বৃদ্ধি করা হয়ে থাকে।
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[name] => Sonargaon Folk Art and Craft Museum
[post_id] => 11157
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There is a folk art and craft museum for the visitors & tourist travelling in Sonargaon. Sonargaon Folk Art and Craft Museum remains open from morning to afternoon (9 AM to 5 PM). Wednesday and the Thursday, this museum is closed for weekend. This is prosperous with several unique collection those you'll never find at any other place. Some are lost from our country, and only those are remains. The main museum building is placed at the "Sardar Bari". "Sardar Bari" was built by a Hindu Zamindar of Sonargaon in 1901. Alike the other Zamindar house of that period, this one also looks like Indian houses, but the shape of the house was looked like the European Palaces. The baroque decoration and the elaborated painting on the plaster of the building are really eye catching.
Lok Shilpa Jadughar (Folk Art and Craft Museum) of Sonargaon was established by Bangladeshi painter Joynul Abedin on March 12, 1975.
It will cost you 10 taka to enter the museum area. Its a vast area, and will take you lots of time to round the area. You'll find a art gallery of "Zainul Abedin" inside the museum area. There are two Exhibition Galleries inside the museum. Both of them consist of some status showing the local life of Bangladeshi people, for example farming, woman working etc. Also you'll find the miniature version of the several boats from my country, which are now a days vanished after competing with the mechanical vehicles.
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[name] => Taka Museum
[post_id] => 10111
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Currency Museum is located at Mirpur beside Bangladesh Bank Training Academy. This project is taken regarding the enlargement of the currency museum into money museum. The country’s eminent artists, architects and historians have worked together for the museum along with the central bank to make it launch.
Museum authority has collected local and foreign coins and banknotes in different ways to enrich this museum. The museum has now thousands of coins and notes from the Pala, Sena, Gupta, Sultani, Mughal and British periods. About 2500 coins and notes found in Wari-Bateshwar of Narsingdi will be reserved in this Museum. Bangladesh Numismatic Collectors’ Society handed over 100 coins of different eras to the Currency Museum of Bangladesh Bank.
The historically significant deposited coins included 48 of the Alauddin Hossain Shah era, 29 of Nasiruddin Nusrat Shah, four of Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah, five of Sikandar Shah, three of Giasuddin Azam Shah, three of Rukunuddin Barbak Shah, two of Nasiruddin Mahmud, one of Mahmud Shah, one of Shahjahan, two of Badsha Alamgir , one of Islam Shah and one of the Shah Alam era.
A museum, first of its kind in Bangladesh, will help young people to know about the currency’s history and its evolution. Not only the history of Money, this museum will also help people to get acquainted with the lifestyle, education, culture and various aspects of archaeological evolution of human civilization through coins and currencies of different eras.
It showcases coins and banknotes, which are witnesses to history, to uphold the history and heritage before the present and future generations. Efforts are already on to collect old coins and install digital signage, touch screens, LCD monitors etc to equip the ‘Taka Museum’ into a modern, prosperous, state of the art, rich in information and technology-based museum.It has been established with modern technology to attract visitors.
The Governor, Expressed his appreciation in people of the society who are coming forward to enrich the collections of the Taka Museum of the bank, Dr Atiur Rahman said those institutions and individuals who would handover old coins as presents to the museum would be gladly accepted and the presenters would be properly recognized.
Background History: A currency museum was set up in the Bangladesh Bank in 2009, which was displaying currencies of almost all countries of the world. Initiatives had been taken to expand this museum to open the 'Taka Jadhughar’. At the end, the central bank's existing currency museum is being restructured as the 'Taka Jadughar'. The restructuring of the 'Taka Jadhughar' took place on the premises of Bangladesh Bank Training Institute at Mirpur. Along with this, the central bank is collecting obsolete coins and banknotes to exhibit in the gallery.
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[name] => Abul Barkat Memorial Museum
[post_id] => 10968
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On 21st February, a rally of students were coming towards Dhaka Medical College during the Language Movement in 1952. The police shoot towards the rally and instantly some of the protesters of the first line were killed immediately. One of them was Shahid Abul Barkat (1927-1952). Few days after, the Central Shaheed Minar was built in here and from 2000, UNESCO declared 21 February as the Mother Language Day.
Previous History: In 1947, Pakistan got independence from India. There was two parts of Pakistan- the east and the west. Eastern Pakistan was green by the bless of river God and populated with a lot of people and on the other hand, the western Pakistan was nothing but a desert, population was also low. Demographic, social and economical lifestyle of these two parts of land were completely different, language was different too. But the capital was established in the west and the rulers ruled the entire country living in the west. From 1947, Urdu was the only state language of Pakistan whereas the students of Dhaka university always wanted to make Bengali as a secondary language. Finally in 1952, after some students were killed in the language movement, the government decided to make Bengali as a second language. Later, the eastern part of Pakistan became an independent country by the liberation war in 1971 named Bangladesh.
Early Life of Abul Barkat: Abul Barkat was a student who came to Dhaka for his higher studies. He was born at Murshidabad, West Bengal (now India). He stayed at his maternal uncle's home during his stay in Dhaka. He was a student of Masters level while he is being killed by the police open fire on 21 February, 1952 (aged 24).
The Abul Barkat Memorial Museum: Abul barkat was died in Dhaka Medical College hospital on 21st February after 8:30 PM. Many people were killed on that day. It is strongly believed that, more than 90% of the dead bodies were hidden by the government which did not receive any ritual and never found. Abul Barkats body might be one of them but fortunately his body was found and identified and buried in the Azimpur Graveyard, Dhaka according to proper procedures of Muslim believe. Many stories have written about the killings of 21 February in the Bengali Literature.
The Memorial Complex is actually a library, a seminar hall and a gallery of photographs of the language movement. It was built and inaugurated in 2012 in the Palashi, Dhaka University area by the funding of the government. It is actually a language martyr museum not only just for Abul Barkat. It is just named after Abul Barkat. The Museum is open 6 days a week from 10 AM to 4 PM, except Fridays and national holidays (only 21 February & 16 December is an exception). No ticket or entry fee is needed to enter into the two storied memorial complex. From December to March, the institute arranges special video programs for the young students to let them aware of the language movement and the liberation war.
The Language martyr Abul Barkat was honored with the "Ekushee Padak" (the highest non military achievement in Bangladesh) by the Governmnet of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in 2000. His grave is situated in Azimpur Graveyard in Dhaka.