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[name] => Ethnological Museum
[post_id] => 933
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Ethnological Museum is a unique treasure house, consisting of variety of tribal culture and heritage of Bangladesh. The Ethnological Museum of Chittagong was established in the first half of nineteen sixties. Inside the museum, there are 4 galleries and a small hall. This is considered as the only ethnology museum in Bangladesh which displays the lifestyles and heritage of 37 ethnic groups and four foreign countries.
The Bangladeshi ethnic groups includes Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Chak, Tanchangya, Murong, Khumi, Garo, Bawm, Pankho, Lusai, Khyang, Monipuri, Khashia, Oraon, Hajong, Mandai, Dalue, Hodi, Bona, Polia, Koch, Rajbangshi, Santal, Munda, Ho and many more. This museum not only preserving the past, but also growing and developing in line with the growth and development of the country, and therefore documenting the present for future generations to look back on its reflection.
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[name] => Sonargaon Folk Art and Craft Museum
[post_id] => 11157
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There is a folk art and craft museum for the visitors & tourist travelling in Sonargaon. Sonargaon Folk Art and Craft Museum remains open from morning to afternoon (9 AM to 5 PM). Wednesday and the Thursday, this museum is closed for weekend. This is prosperous with several unique collection those you'll never find at any other place. Some are lost from our country, and only those are remains. The main museum building is placed at the "Sardar Bari". "Sardar Bari" was built by a Hindu Zamindar of Sonargaon in 1901. Alike the other Zamindar house of that period, this one also looks like Indian houses, but the shape of the house was looked like the European Palaces. The baroque decoration and the elaborated painting on the plaster of the building are really eye catching.
Lok Shilpa Jadughar (Folk Art and Craft Museum) of Sonargaon was established by Bangladeshi painter Joynul Abedin on March 12, 1975.
It will cost you 10 taka to enter the museum area. Its a vast area, and will take you lots of time to round the area. You'll find a art gallery of "Zainul Abedin" inside the museum area. There are two Exhibition Galleries inside the museum. Both of them consist of some status showing the local life of Bangladeshi people, for example farming, woman working etc. Also you'll find the miniature version of the several boats from my country, which are now a days vanished after competing with the mechanical vehicles.
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[name] => Mymensingh Museum
[post_id] => 22188
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Mymensingh Museum (ময়মনসিংহ জাদুঘর), formerly known as Momenshahi Museum (মোমেনশাহী জাদুঘর) is located at the bagan bari (garden house) of Zamindar Madan Babu at 17 Amrita (অমৃত) Babu Road, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The museum, which began as an important regional institution for preservation of locally collected historical evidence, lacks proper preservation. Its objective is to preserve the rare and unique relics of local architecture, sculpture, metal works,utensils, handwritten scripts on paper and leaf, and commercial products. Collected from the palaces of Mymensingh District Zamindars, the museum's initial collection included 214 articles. They are housed in three rooms within the museum.
The museum was established in 1969 at the initiative of the-then Deputy Commissioner of Mymensingh. Initially run by the Mymensingh Municipality. The Department of Archaeology, Cultural Affairs Ministry took charge of the museum in 1989. By 1995, it was enlisted in the gazette.
The collection includes manuscripts and coins, though many are not on display due to insufficient showcase space. A peacock mummy comes from Mymensingh Medical College. Bamboo and cane items, preserved birds, photographs and pottery were damaged during a renovation in 1999–2001.
Several articles were collected from Zamindar palaces. The Muktagacha zamindar palace contribution includes a stone flower vase, a compass, antique clocks, Bakharee (an ornament), pottery, weaving machines, ornamental flower tub stands, candle stands, iron shelves and sports items. Statuary and sculptures include those of Saraswati, Vishnu, and a dragon.
Natural history items include a tiger head, two deer heads, and the head of a wild bull. Elephant heads, a sofa set, Italian statues, and a huge shade used during hunting come from the Gouripur(গৌরীপুর) zamindar palace. A rhinoceros hide and a table with a marble stone top were acquired from the Atharabari (আঠারোবাড়ি) zamindar palace .The museum contains many paintings of rural Bengal.
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[name] => Pithavoge Rabindra Memorial Complex
[post_id] => 18368
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In Khulna, there is a memorial complex by the name of Rabindranath Tagore. It was his ancestors place in Bangladesh. At that time they were known as "Kushari" instead of Tagore. By and by, the family name became Thakur. However, some descendant of the bloodline still lives here and grow their own business.
A very brief History of Rabindra Tagore’s ancestors:
A descendant of the Kushari Family went near Kolkata (India) to spread his business. At that time in that place he was the only person from the “Brahman” class. That means his family members can do Hindu rituals. During that period, the Brahman class was called “Thakur” by the general people. In course of time, Thakur became their family title.
In that bloodline, the famous noble laurite Rabindranath Tagore was born. On the other hand, the root bloodline of Kushari family remain living in the greater Khulna area.
Kushari: Etymology
It is believed that, Five person came to spread Hinduism in the particular part of Khulna. Their descendants lately became the ruler of “Kush” village and the word Kushari became their family name.
Pithavoge Kushari bari:
After the demolition of the old house, the government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh established a one storied memorial complex in 2007 at Pithavoge where a bust of Tagore is established. There are a lot of photos of historical moments of Rabindranath Tagore to display. The unique thing is, Rabindranath drew a few artworks which are also displayed in here. The most mentionable is the self portrait of Rabindranath Tagore drew by himself.