Limestone Lake of Tekerghat is located near the Tanguar Haor, so close to Indian border. Once upon a time there was a limestone quarry, but now-a-days that one is not functioning. The Tekerghat Limestone Lake (টেকেরঘাট চুনাপাথরের লেক) is minimum 18 kilometers north from the Tahirpur town.
The water of the lake is clear. You might the water of the lake would be blue. But still the water isn’t bad. This lake was created by quarrying the limestone. Exactly other side of the lake is India. People from India usually take their bath at that side. Hill of that side has large boulders of limestone, but all belongs to India.
There are few small Tila (টিলা) available in Bangladesh side, possibly 20 ft. height and artificial. You can pass few minutes on those if you like.
Where to Stay
There are a number of hotels in the Sunamganj town. You can find hotels according to your budget over here. Few names are given below for your convenience:
1. Hotel Nader Riaz
Address: Thana Road, Derai.
Phone: 01712715916
2. Zila Parshad Dak Bungalow
Manager: Upazila Executive Officer
Address: Sadar Upazila, Derai
Phone: 01911534466
3. Surmavally Residential Resort
Address: Sunamganj Sadar
Contact: Nazir Hussain
Phone :008828913956
fax no:0088-2-9880615
4. Hotel Ali Brothers
Manager/Owner: Hazi Muhammad Ambor Ali
Address: Derai college road, Derai
Phone: 01724112036
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[name] => Sindurmoti Dighi
[post_id] => 4751
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It is situated at Panchagram in Lanlmonirhat district. In the month of Chaitra the peoples of hindus do worship. People says that A Hindu landowner Narayan Chakrawarti dag this pond cause of draught. But cause of having no water in the pond he got a dream to worship by leaving two daughter of him in the middle of the pond named Sindur and Mati. But he failed to bring all the elements for the worship. When he went to take all the elements the pond fulfilled with water. The two daughter of the lanowner failed to reach in the bank and died. After that he saw a dream that his two daughter got immortality.
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[name] => {:en}Jaysagar Dighi{:}{:bn}জয়সাগর দীঘি{:}
[post_id] => 3094
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It is said that during the reign of kings, Jaysagar Dighi was excavated for collecting water for cattle. Historians claim that during reign of King Gopal Pal, this Dighi was excavated. Many fish farms have been established in this Dighi. This Dighi has a lease settlement with Grameen bank for 25 years. The tenure of lease is almost coming to an end. Adjacent to this Dighi there are several other Dighis. In addition to the huge reservoir, there are sufficient places to build the necessary infrastructure in place for the tourists. There are other dighis like Uday Dighi, Shaila Dighi, Dewan Pirer Mazar etc.
ইতিহাসবিদরা দাবি করেন যে রাজা গোপাল পালের শাসনকালে জয়সাগর দীঘি খনন করা হয়। এই দীঘিতে অনেক মৎস্য খামার গড়ে উঠেছে। গ্রামীণ ব্যাংককে এই দিঘীটি ২৫ বছরের জন্য লীজ দেওয়া হয়েছে যেটি প্রায় শেষ হবার পথে। অন্যান্য দীঘিগুলোর মধ্যে আছে উদয়দীঘি, শালিয়াদীঘি, দেওয়ান পীরের মাজার ইত্যাদি। এই দীঘির পাশেই আরও কয়েকটি দীঘি আছে। এছাড়াও পর্যটকদের জন্যে প্রয়োজনীয় স্থাপনা তৈরির জন্য পর্যাপ্ত জায়গাও আছে এখানে। বলা হয়ে থাকে রাজাদের শাসনকালে এই দিঘীটি গরু ছাগলকে পানি খাওয়ানোর জন্যে খনন করা হয়েছিল।
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[name] => Maharajar Dighi
[post_id] => 3086
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Away from panchagar town about 10 miles a big pond is situated at Amarkhana unionis popularly known as Maharajar dighi. With the bank its surface is 800 yard. Local people says that its depth is 40 feet. Its water is clear. It has 10 saghata.It is imagined that Pitthu king dag this lake. It is said that the king attacked by a lower class and suicide with family and wealth by jumping in this lake. Every year Boishakhi fair held at the bank of the river. Many time the presence of the Indian people also seen. Beside the lake there are many green designs of trees which is very dear to all till now.
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[name] => Shukhbashpur Dighi
[post_id] => 8933
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[post_content] => Shukhbashpur Dighi (সুখবাসপুর দিঘী), nearly hundred years old Lake situated at Hatimara, Rampal Union Parishad of Munshiganj Sadar. Almost all around the year it is filled with water. It is a rectangular shaped lake which is surrounded by different types of green trees. Its natural beauty, gentle breeze, calm and quiet environment attracts people to spend their leisure time at the edge of this dighi. Above all, its oldness and different types of myth also make people visit this place.