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[name] => Dhakeshwari National Temple
[post_id] => 1455
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Dhakeshwari National Temple is a Hindu temple in Dhaka city. It is state-owned, giving it the distinction of being Bangladesh's 'National Temple'. The name "Dhakeshwari" means "Goddess of Dhaka". Since the destruction of Ramna Kali Mandir in 1971 by the Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh Liberation War, the Dhakeshwari Temple has assumed status as the most important Hindu place of worship in Bangladesh.
The Dhakeshwari temple was built in the 12th century by Ballal Sen, a king of the Sena dynasty, and many say the city was named after this temple. The current architectural style of the temple cannot be dated to that period because of the numerous repairs, renovations and rebuilding which have taken place over time. It is considered an essential part of Dhaka's cultural heritage. Many researchers said that the temple is also one of the Shakti Peethas, where the jewel from the crown of the Goddess Satihad fallen. Although there is not enough historical context to establish this as a fact, researchers were directed to this site while trying to locate the particular Shakti Peetha. Since ages, the temple has been held in great importance. The original 800-year old statue was taken to Kumartuli, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. There remains the replica of original idol in Dhaka. The temple was further damaged during the Muslim mob attacks of 1989–90.
It is widely believed that the Queen, wife of King Bijoy Sen, went to Langolbond for bathing. While coming back, she gave birth to a son, known to historians as Ballal Sen. After ascending to the throne, Ballal Sen built this temple to glorify his birthplace. Legends say that Ballal Sen once dreamt of the deity covered under the jungle. Ballal Sen uncovered the deity from there and built a temple, named for Dhakeswari. Whatever the legends describe, Hindu religious consider Dhakeswari to be the presiding deity of Dhaka, which is an incarnation or form of Goddess Durga the Adi Shakti . The idol of Durga is called Dhakeswari.
Within the premises of the Dhakeswari there are temples of two types of architecture. The ancient one is of the Poncharotna Goddess Durga’s which lost its actual look after the renovation work. Bradly Bird wrote this at the beginning of this century. The present temple is two hundred years old which was built by an agent of East India Company. Most probably he had renovated the temple. Other than this there are four Shib Temples. According to hearsay, in the 16th century King Mansing built these temples by laying four Shib Lingas there. But this information seems to be unreliable. The fusion of Bangla chowchala and shikor temple is notice in the architecture of Dhakeshawri. Ratan Lal Chakraborti in an article mentioned that “ the structure and architecture of it is like a BuddhistPagoda”. He opined that it was probably a Boddist pagoda which was turned into a Hindu temple later. From this, he assumed that the temple was probably built in the 10th century.
How did Dhakeshari temple look like in the 19th century? Ridoynath Majumder described about the temple. At that time the temple was covered by jungle and in its north the Urdu road went westward towards Pilkhana and at its south west was Mirpur road. At its south there was a wood and Urdu bazaar was at the east.
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[name] => House of Labu Babu and Adjacent Kali Temple
[post_id] => 9609
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Explorers team of Offroad Bangladesh travelled here for the quest of old traditional zamindar house and observed that there was no any existence of such kind of house.Instead the existence of house (House of Labu Babu), There was just only a Temple of Kali being found so far. Where devotees used to worship only on Sunday evening. This place is known as Babu Bari.
It is assumed that there was a 300 years old house located here at Bejgaon Village, Louhojong, Munshiganj. It was built by a renowned Merchant named Labu Babu. This old house was abandoned and totally demolished now.
[We need more detail information of this spot. If you have more information, then please be advised to add and share in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
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[name] => Chinishpur Kalibari
[post_id] => 5717
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Chinishpur Kalibari (চিনিষপুর কালীবাড়ি) is one of old temples and a sacred place of worshippers in Hindu religion. So far from locals, it is almost 250 years old temple which was built by Hindu Saint Ram Proshaad (রাম প্রসাদ). He got financial support and land from a person name Ramkrishno Ray (রামকৃষ্ণ রায়) who was a Dewan (দেওয়ান) of G.P. Wize (Last Kuthial of Atkandi Nilkuthi).
He built this temple with stones & bricks. After founding this temple he got married to a local girl who was resident of this region and was daughter of another Hindu Saint named Narayan Chakrabarti. Then he stayed there beside the temple for his lifetime.
Architecture and Layout:
The exterior of this temple is decorated with flower and animal iconic figure. Total layout of this temple is in rectangular shape. In the inside of the temple, the Icon of Mother Goddess Kali is kept in North-side of the brick wall which is probably very ancient, and the Stela is made with stone. In the front side of this ancient temple, there is a another temple of Shiva. A big Banyan tree is standing just beside this temple. May be it is the same years old as this Temple is. In the western side of this temple, there is a large pond.
Festivals in Temple Premises:
This temple becomes so festive in every year at new moon of Bengali month Boishakh (বৈশাখ) and Joistho (জ্যেষ্ঠ), While a local fair is celebrated lasting for 3/4 days at the Temple premises. People from distance come to watch this local fair which is a place of extensive collection of local arts & Crafts. For the people of Hindu religion this fair is very important event and they usually don’t miss it. Another attraction of this temple is every year at the time of fair there are a huge number of billy goats is sacrificed in front of Kali Goddess to make her satisfied with the blood of animals. In course of time this tradition is losing its popularity as many rich people of Hindu Religion had left the country at the time of dividing Indian sub-continent in the year of 1947.
Present Condition:
Very recently a gigantic temple is being constructed outside of the main building of this temple & it is totally covered with the new gorgeousness. Hopefully, it will be one of the most exclusive and gigantic Kali Temples in Bangladesh. Nearly, 80 million BDT will be spent to build this Temple.
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[name] => {:en}Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple{:}{:bn}যেশোরেশ্বরী কালীমন্দির{:}
[post_id] => 2012
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[post_content] => {:en}Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple is a very popular Hindu temple in Bangladesh, dedicated to the goddess Kali. The name “Jeshoreshwari” means “Goddess of Jessore”. According to belief, it is said that people consider Jesoreshwari as one of 51 Peeths of Sati. It is where the various parts of Sati’s body are said to have fallen, in the course of Shiva’s Rudra Tandava. It is said by many that General of Maharaja Pratapaditya discovered a meditative ray of light which came from the bushes, and came upon a piece of stone carved in the form of a human palm.
Later, Pratapaditya started worshiping Kali and built the Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple. “Goddess of Jessore”, was named after Jessore. It is believed to have created by Anari who was a Brahman. A 100-door temple was created by him for the Jeshoreshwari Peeth. But the time is unknown. It was later modified by Laxman Sen and Pratapaditya in their time.
The temple is located in Ishwaripur, a village in Shyamnagar upazilla of Satkhira. The temple is visited by pilgrims from all over, irrespective of sectarian differences. Worship is done by the priest every Saturday and Tuesday at noon time. But before 1971, there was daily routine of worship. Every year on the day of Kali puja, the present Caretakers of the temple conduct a ceremony. There is also a
Mela taking place around the temple compound.{:}{:bn}
যেশোরেশ্বরী কালীমন্দির সাতক্ষীরা জেলার শ্যামনগর উপজেলার ঈশ্বরীপুর গ্রামে অবস্থিত। দেবী কালীকে উৎসর্গ করে নির্মাণ করা এই মন্দিরটি বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম জনপ্রিয় হিন্দু মন্দির। ‘যেশোরেশ্বরী’ শব্দের অর্থ ‘যশোরের দেবী’। বলা হয়ে থাকে যে মানুষ যেশোরেশ্বরীকে স্বাতির ৫১টি পিঠের একটি বলে বিশ্বাস করে থাকে। বলা হয়ে থাকে যে শিবের রুদ্র তাণ্ডবের ফলে এই স্থানেই স্বাতির শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশ পড়েছিল। কথায় আছে যে মহারাজা প্রতাপদিত্ত্যর সেনাপতি এখানকার জঙ্গল থেকে একটি আলৌকিক আলোর রেখা বের হয়ে মানুষের হাতুর তালুর আকারের একটি পাথরখণ্ডের উপর পড়তে দেখেন। পরবর্তীতে প্রতাপদিত্ত্য কালীর পূজা করতে আরম্ভ করেন এবং এই কালী মন্দিরটি নির্মাণ করেন।
যশোরের নামানুসারে ‘যেশোরেশ্বরী’ নামটি রাখা হয়েছে। মন্দিরটির নির্মাণ সম্পর্কে এও বিশ্বাস করা হয়ে থাকে যে আনারি নামক জনৈক ব্রাহ্মণ ‘যেশোরেশ্বরী’ পিঠের জন্য ১০০ দরজা বিশিষ্ট একটি মন্দির নির্মাণ করেন যেটি নির্মাণের সময়কাল জানা যায়নি। পরবর্তীতে রাজা লক্ষ্মণ সেন এবং মহারাজা প্রতাপদিত্ত্য নিজ নিজ শাসনকালে মন্দিরটি নির্মাণ করেন।