Ramsagar is a largest man made lake of Bangladesh situated in the village Tejpur eight kilometer south of the Dinajpur town. The lake wide is about 1079 m north-south and length 192.6 m in East-West. Ramsagar was stablished in the mid-1750s by Raja Ram Nath. About 1.5 million worker took part to dig the lake and total cost is 30000 TK that time.
The total area of Ramsagar National Park about 60 square km. Forest Department of Bangladesh have planted different type of ornamental and fruit trees that have flourished and become forested areas. Around the Ramsagar it is a familiar picnic place for tourists. The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation has improve some tourist facilities around the Ramsagar Lake, such as rest-rooms, picnic spots and kiosks to sell refreshments, as well as playgrounds for children to enjoy.
The lake is full of different type of fishes. There have some fresh water crocodiles. In national park there has some animals such as Deer, Wild Boar, Blue Bull, Sloth Bear and Hyena. There some birds such as White-Breasted Water Hen, Jacanas, Moorhen, River Tern, Sand Piper, Ringed Plover and Grey and Purple Herons are seen. Moreover, the lake is a safe place for migratory birds.
Whatever it is a place which is full of natural beauty. So government should give more concentration about the National park.
Where to Stay
The accommodation facilities in Dinajpur are developed than before. Some of the places you may consider staying in are listed below for your assistance.
1. Al Rashid Hotel
Contact: 01716 535956, 0531 65658
2. Hotel Diamond
Contact: 64629
3. Hotel Unique
Contact: 01736 335264, 0531 52203
4. Parjatan Motel
Contact: 64718
5. Caritas Guest House
West Shibrampur, Dinajpur,
Phone: 0531-65673, Email:
6. Dinajpur Circuit House
RK Mission Road, Dinajpur.
Phone: 0531-63112, 63377
7. FPAB Guest House
Ghashipara, Dinajpur.
Phone: 0531-63214, Email:
8. Hotel Capilla
Hili, Dinajpur.
Phone: 05329-75364
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[name] => Bir Kamalar Dighi
[post_id] => 5561
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Bir Kamalar Dighi is situated in the Kakara Union of Chakaria Upazila. Its site was once full of archaeological relics. Mr. Abdur Rashid Siddiqui, in his research work “Rnoai Tatwa”, has made reference to a stone-inscription found on the bank of this tank. It could not be deciphered at that time. At present there is no trace of it. There is a reference of this tank in the “Rajmala”, the history of the Tippera kings. It has been described in the “Rajmala” that a tank was excavated by the Tippera army after it had attacked Roshang and penetrated up to Ramu during the reign of King Dhany Manikya of Tippera in 1513-14 A.D.
From this it can be supposed that the Tippera army had this tank excavated after the conquest of Chakria. It was named Bir Kamalar Dighi after Kamala Devi, wife of King Dhanya Manikya.
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[name] => {:en}Nunchhori Debota Pond{:}{:bn}নুনছড়ি দেবতা পুকুর{:}
[post_id] => 1107
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Nunchhori Debota Pond (Matai Pukhiri/Goddess Pond) is a remarkable lake known as the Matai Pukhiri, 500 meters above ground level at Nunchhari in Khagrachhari District. According to a legend of the Tripura tribe, the water of this lake never dries up nor becomes dirty, which is why it is called Matai Pukhiri or the Lake of God.
নুনছড়ি দেবতা পুকুর খাগড়াছড়ি সদর উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। খাগড়াছড়ির নুনছড়িতে ভুপৃষ্ঠ থেকে ৫০০ মিটার উঁচুতে অবস্থিত নুনছড়ি দেবতা পুকুরটি মাটাই পুখুরি অথবা দেবতা পুকুর নামেও পরিচিত। আদিবাসী ত্রিপুরা গোত্রের কল্পকাহিনী অনুযায়ী এই পুকুরের পানি কখনো শুকিয়ে যায় না এবং ময়লা হয়না তাই এই পুকুরকে বলা হয় মাটাই পুখিরি অথবা দেবতা পুকুর।
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[name] => {:en}Jaysagar Dighi{:}{:bn}জয়সাগর দীঘি{:}
[post_id] => 3094
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It is said that during the reign of kings, Jaysagar Dighi was excavated for collecting water for cattle. Historians claim that during reign of King Gopal Pal, this Dighi was excavated. Many fish farms have been established in this Dighi. This Dighi has a lease settlement with Grameen bank for 25 years. The tenure of lease is almost coming to an end. Adjacent to this Dighi there are several other Dighis. In addition to the huge reservoir, there are sufficient places to build the necessary infrastructure in place for the tourists. There are other dighis like Uday Dighi, Shaila Dighi, Dewan Pirer Mazar etc.
ইতিহাসবিদরা দাবি করেন যে রাজা গোপাল পালের শাসনকালে জয়সাগর দীঘি খনন করা হয়। এই দীঘিতে অনেক মৎস্য খামার গড়ে উঠেছে। গ্রামীণ ব্যাংককে এই দিঘীটি ২৫ বছরের জন্য লীজ দেওয়া হয়েছে যেটি প্রায় শেষ হবার পথে। অন্যান্য দীঘিগুলোর মধ্যে আছে উদয়দীঘি, শালিয়াদীঘি, দেওয়ান পীরের মাজার ইত্যাদি। এই দীঘির পাশেই আরও কয়েকটি দীঘি আছে। এছাড়াও পর্যটকদের জন্যে প্রয়োজনীয় স্থাপনা তৈরির জন্য পর্যাপ্ত জায়গাও আছে এখানে। বলা হয়ে থাকে রাজাদের শাসনকালে এই দিঘীটি গরু ছাগলকে পানি খাওয়ানোর জন্যে খনন করা হয়েছিল।
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[name] => Rampal Dighi
[post_id] => 8867
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[post_content] => Rampal Dighi is one of the most ancient Dighi(large pond) in Munshiganj District. It is about 1500m long from north to south and 300m wide. Recently built Rampal College stands on its northern bank. Rampal Dighi covers an area of about 55 acres of land.
The Lake of Legend:
Ballal Sen (Bengali: বল্লাল সেন; reign: 1160–1179) was the second ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal. He was the son and successor of Vijay Sen, the founder of Sen dynasty. King Bollal Sen was a famous ruler of Sen dynasty in Bikrompur. One day his mother told him that the tenants need a good & suitable source of water for their everyday use. The kind King set arrangement for making a very large pond. Actually his mother was instructed by some Angelic figures in a lucid dream. So,according to her dream she decided to walk a mile. Her walkway will be the area of the pond. After the pond is being dug, there was no water at all. Again according to the instruction of an angelic entity the King decided to sacrifice himself. But at last moment kings friend Rampal took his place. Rampal sacrificed himself and the pond was filled with water instantly. But unfortunately today there is no water in this pond anymore.