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[name] => Ulpur Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 18413
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During 1850, the greater Gopalganj area was ruled by the Zamindar. At that time, they made hundreds of buildings for their residence and official purposes. The buildings were made in the traditional Zamindar Bari look and style. In the last 150 years, most of the houses were destroyed by erosion. After being taken by the government, the authority turned some of these houses into government buildings. Now, most of the houses are abandoned or occupied by local people.
There is a cluster of old buildings in the Ulpur Area which is situated in the Gopalgonj - Takerhat highway, not so far from the Gopalgonj main town. As soon as you cross the Ulpur bridge from Ulpur bazar, the buildings start to appear. The first one was used as the Union Land Office (Government) but is now abandoned. The local people over there are now using it to stock fodder.
The second was probably used as a duplex residential complex but now is being used as the Sub Post Office. The surrounding environment is good and the building is covered by bamboo stocks. In the main road, there is a large old building, which was probably the main building. Outside this building the words "Dinesh Dham" in Bengali is carved in a white slate. This building is currently occupied by some local inhabitants.
If we go farther, then we will see another broken house formerly used as the Upazilla Registry office, now almost completely in ruins. "Din-Dham" in Bengali is also carved outside he building in white stone.
The overall environment of this village is very good and peaceful. Walking for an hour in the silence of this area will be relaxing. The most attractive structure is the Temple. The walls of the temple is decorated with colorful glass & ceramics. The temple looks good but it is also abandoned so the temple has shifted into a newly constructed building.
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[name] => Panam Nagar
[post_id] => 11238
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Panam Nagar (পানাম নগর), ancient Painam, a locality now in Sonargaon upazila of Narayanganj district. It is about 2.5 kilometre to the north of Dhaka-Chittagong highway at Mograpara point. It is said to have been the site of Hindu capital city of Sonargaon emerging in the seventh decade of the thirteenth century. The Panam area formed part of the Muslim metropolis developed on the south of the old city, and perhaps constituted the place of residence of the early Muslim governors'. After the Mughal conquest of Sonargaon (1611) the Panam area was connected with the ruling metropolis by construction of highways and bridges. Panam still possesses three brick bridges belonging to the Mughal period: Panam Bridge, Dalalpur Bridge and Panamnagar Bridge.
The existence of these bridges, and the canals enclosing the site on three sides is indicative of its being a suburban area of the medieval city. The pucca road which leads from the Mograpara crossing on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway in the direction of Panam extending up to the Neel-Kuthi looks like a dividing line between medieval Sonargaon and the present Panamnagar, the only surviving relics of the Panam area. The Panam township stands on the east of this road opposite Aminpur, and a one-arched humped bridge leads from the same road over a narrow canal to the main street of Panamnagar.
In all probability the present Panamnagar grew as a by-product of the commercial activities of the english east india company and of the Permanent Settlement. The East India Company established their factory in Panam for the purchase of muslin and other cotton fabrics. The Company, for the purchase of muslin, used to distribute annually to the weavers from their factory in Panam as much as a lakh of rupees as dadni (dadni system advance), and it is estimated that there were then 1400 families of Hindu and Muslim weavers in and around Panam.
Sonargaon developed into a center of trade in cotton fabrics, chiefly English piece goods, during the colonial period, and thereby grew the new township of Panamnagar. A group of Hindu talukdars, who came into being from among the traders in the nineteenth century, chose this site for their residence. The existing brick buildings of Panamnagar, obviously the residence of the Hindu merchant-talukdars, can be dated back to early nineteenth, and the later ones to late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Panamnagar which developed in the nineteenth century, continued to flourish till the end of the Second World War.
Panamnagar, a unique township, stretched in a single street 5 meter wide on the average and 600 meter in length. All the buildings have the character of urban street front houses and are lined up on either side of this street which ends up at the Panam bazar. Fifty-two houses exist in dilapidated and disused condition having 31 in the north side of the street and 21 on the south. Panamnagar appears to be well protected by artificial canals all around. Two fairly wide canals run parallel to the street on its either side and joined by a narrow canal on the western side over which is the entrance bridge (Panamnagar Bridge). On the eastern side, the canal on the south swerves rightward and goes eastward crossing the north-south road that passes through the Panam bazar. The northern canal, the Pankhiraj Khal, runs eastward to meet the Meghna-Menikhali stream.
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[name] => {:en}Karpashdanga Neelkuthi{:}{:bn}কারপাসডাঙ্গা নীলকুঠি{:}
[post_id] => 1691
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During the British period in Bengal, farmers used to cultivate Neel. Karpashdanga Neelkuthi was used as the official administrative buildings to administer Neel farmers. This place has a decorative area with little history behind it. There is an open vast space where you can sit & make you feel bit relaxed. This place is so beautiful that it will take you close to nature. The place is surrounded by different type of trees which created shades to make the atmosphere cold.
There is a rest house where you can take rest for a while. Almost in every day lots of people come from different districts to see the place. There is a small market where you can find different types of items that are related with these places.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
চুয়াডাঙ্গা জেলার দামুরহুদা উপজেলায় কারপাসডাঙ্গা নীলকুঠি অবস্থিত। ইংরেজ ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানির শাসনকালে নীল চাষিদের তদারকি করার জন্য নীলকুঠিগুলো ব্যবহার করা হত। নীলকুঠিগুলোর ইতিহাস প্রসিদ্ধ না হলেও এগুলো বেশ সাজানো গুছানো ছিল। এখানকার নীলকুঠিতে বিশাল ফাকা জায়গা রয়েছে যেখানে বসে আপনি বিশ্রাম নিতে পারবেন এবং এখানে খুব সহজেই প্রকৃতির কাছাকাছি চলে যেতে পারবেন। নানা ধরনের গাছের উপস্থিতি এই নীলকুঠিটিকে প্রশান্তিদায়ক করেছে। ক্লান্ত হয়ে পরলে এখানে অবস্থিত রেস্ট হাউজে বিশ্রাম নিতে পারবেন। প্রতিদিন বিভিন্ন স্থান থেকে অনেকে আসেন নীলকুঠিটি দেখতে।
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[name] => {:en}Boro Kuthi{:}{:bn}বড়কুঠি{:}
[post_id] => 2989
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Boro Kuthi is located in Shaheb bazar of Rajshahi town. An attempt was taken by Rajshahi City Corporation for turning the historical Dutch building into a heritage sight. There are 12 rooms here and it is 2 storied. Dutch and British traders used it for trading silk. After demise of Nawab Sirajud Dowla in 1757 it was bought by East Indian Company. Later it was sold to Robert Watson and Company. After 1947 partition Government used it as their supply center. In 1953 it was taken over by Rajshahi University.
বড়কুঠি রাজশাহী শহরের সাহেব বাজারে অবস্থিত। এই দোতালা ভবনটিতে ১২টি কক্ষ আছে। ডাচ ও ইংরেজ বনিকরা ভবনটি রেশমের বাণিজ্য করতে ব্যবহার করত। ১৭৫৭ সালে নবাব সিরাজ উদ দৌলার মৃত্যুর পর ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানি ভবনটি কিনে নেয়। পরবর্তীতে এটি রবার্ট ওয়াটসন এন্ড কোম্পানির কাছে বিক্রি করা হয়। ১৯৪৭ সালে দেশ বিভাগের পর সরকার এটি তাদের সাপ্লাই সেন্টার হিসেবে ব্যাবহার করে। ১৯৫৩ সালে রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভবনটি অধিগ্রহন করে। রাজশাহী সিটি কর্পোরেশন প্রচেষ্টা নিয়েছিল ডাচদের স্মৃতি বিজরিত এই ভবনটিকে একটি ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থানে পরিণত করতে।