Where to Stay
There are many hotels available in Chittagong. Some of them have been mentioned below for your help.
1. Hotel Golden Inn
Address: 336 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 611 004
2. Asian SR Hotel
Address: 291 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 031-2850346-8, 01711-889555
3. Hotel Park
Address: 627, DT road, Kadamtoli Chittagong
Contact: 01819-388011
4. Hotel Landmark
Address: 3072, Sheikh Mujhibar Road, Agrabad, Chittagong
Contact: 031-813598/727299
5. Hotel Dream International Ltd
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh
6. Hotel Azad
Enayet Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh
7. Hotel Mishka
Station Road, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh
8. Motel Shaikat
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh
[0] => Array
[name] => Himchhari Waterfall
[post_id] => 1311
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/himchhari-waterfall/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Himchhari-Waterfall-by-roymonotosh-237x300.jpg
[post_content] =>
Many attractions are for the tourists around Cox's Bazar. You can go Himchhari to see its Waterfall, this is famous for waterfall, though in the winter season it dwindles but during the rainy season it's really a fabulous and full waterfall can be enjoyed.
Himchhari is a beautiful picnic spot surrounded by palm trees and bamboos. Himchhari is transformed into a colorful and fascinating panorama when the winter sun rises above hilltops and sets in the blue sea. It is only eight miles away from Cox’s Bazar town. A trip by jeep to Himchhari along the sea-beach at dawn is a rewarding experience. These charms attract the holiday makers to visit this picnic spot in large number.
Himchhari is just around 5 kilometers apart from the main town. You can reach at that place by any kind of vehicles. To enter the area, you'll need to buy tickets. Which is around 20 taka. There is only two place that you can enjoy at the park, one is the falls, and another one is the top of the hill.
[1] => Array
[name] => Chingri Jhiri
[post_id] => 1310
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/chingri-jhiri/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2Chingri-Jhiri1-199x300.jpg
[post_content] =>
Chingri Jhiri is another beautiful waterfall situated at Ruma upazila in Bandarban. Chingri Jhiri waterfall is very near to Boga Lake. It is one hour walking distance from Boga Lake. So when you travel to Boga Lake, you can visit the Chingri Jhiri Waterfall as well. From Boga lake to Chingri Jhiri, it’s a straight path and it will take a nearly one hour by walking.
When you travel to Chingri Jhiri Waterfall you have to pass through some big rocks and pebbles stone. You should mentally prepare for that. Chingri Jhiri Waterfall is bit deeper from the main path. But the path of this area is not very difficult to walk.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Shuvolong Waterfall{:}{:bn}শুভলং ঝর্ণা{:}
[post_id] => 1239
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/shuvolong-waterfalls/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Shuvolong_Waterfall-Photo-By-Mirza-Salman-Hossain-Beg1-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Shuvolong Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall in Rangamati. The only available path to reach at the waterfall is through the lake. People visit there by boat. It is a famous place with the tourists for the waterfall, high hills and the natuarl surrounding it offers. This waterfall is just before the Shubholong Bazar. So that Shuvolong is easily accessible by speed boat or motor boats from Rangamati.
[We need more detail information of this spot. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add and share in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
বিশ্বের অন্যতম প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যের অধিকারী বাংলাদেশে বেশকিছু পর্যটন স্পট রয়েছে যার মধ্যে চট্রগ্রাম বিভাগে অবস্থিত রাঙ্গামাটি জেলা অন্যতম। রাঙ্গামাটির অন্যতম আকর্ষণীয় স্থান হল শুভলং ঝর্ণা। শুধুমাত্র জলপথে এই ঝর্ণায় যাওয়া যায় তাই পর্যটকেরা এখানে আসতে নৌকা ব্যবহার করে থাকে। শুভলং বাজার থেকে মাত্র ৫ মিনিটে এই ঝর্ণায় পৌছাতে পারবেন। চারপাশে পাহাড় ও ঝর্ণার সমন্বয়ে পর্যটকদের জন্য প্রকৃতির এক অপরূপ লীলাভূমি বলা চলে এই স্থানটিকে।
[3] => Array
[name] => {:en}Rumanapara Waterfall{:}{:bn}রুমানাপাড়া ঝর্ণা{:}
[post_id] => 6728
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/rumanapara-waterfall/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Ruma-Khal21-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Rumanapara Waterfall is located in the Ruma Upazila of Bandarban District. Rumana Para, a tribal village is located at the source of "Ruma Khal". You'll find plenty of very small (3-5 feet tall) waterfalls around. Nearest is a twin waterfall. It has no name. Since it’s near to the Rumana Para, locals call it Rumanapara Waterfall. If you are blessed with few days of staying at Rumana Para, then you can easily have a bath there. Local village people use this waterfall area for their washing and bath.
There is a small water basin beneath falls. You can have your bath there, and swim at that tiny water pot. It will be lovely to sink yourself inside that cold water. To get near the waterfall, you have to get down around 30-40 feet from the main walking road. It’s a narrow path, and if its rainy season, it will be a bit hard to get down.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
রুমানাপাড়া একটি আদিবাসীদের গ্রাম যেখান থেকে রুমা খালের উৎপত্তি হয়েছে। এখানে বেশকিছু ঝর্ণা দেখতে পাবেন যেগুলো ৩ ফুট থেকে ৫ ফুট উঁচু। রুমানাপাড়ার কাছেই একটি জমজ ঝর্ণা রয়েছে। এই ঝর্ণাটির কোন নাম না থাকলেও রুমানাপাড়ার কাছে অবস্থিত হওয়ায় স্থানীয়রা এই ঝর্ণাটিকে রুমানাপাড়া ঝর্ণা নামে ডেকে থাকে। রুমানাপাড়ায় যদি আপনি কয়েকদিন থাকতে পারেন তবে এই ঝর্ণায় খুব সহজেই গোসল করতে পারবেন। গ্রামের বাসিন্দারা গোসল ও ধোয়া মাজার কাজে এখানকার ঝর্ণাগুলোর পানি ব্যবহার করে থাকে।
ঝর্ণাটির নীচে একটি ছোট গহ্বর রয়েছে। এখানে আপনি গোসল করার পাশাপাশি সাঁতারও কাটতে পারবেন। ঝর্ণার ঠাণ্ডা পানিতে গা ভেজালে আপনি সত্যিকার অর্থেই অন্যরকম এক অনুভুতি অর্জন করবেন। ঝর্ণার পানিতে নামতে চাইলে আপনাকে হাঁটার মূল রাস্তা থেকে প্রায় ৩০-৪০ ফুট সরু রাস্তায় হাঁটতে হবে। তবে, বর্ষাকালে এই পথে হাঁটা আপনার জন্য একটু কষ্টসাধ্য হবে।