Where to Stay
1) Palash house / night gandha residential hotels
Mosque Road, Tangail
phone: 0921-53154
2) Al Faisal Hotel Residential
Mosque Road, Tangail
phone: 0921-53918
3) Hotel Sagor Residential
New makert Road, Tangail
phone: 0921-54308
4) Apharin Hotel
Mosque Road, Tangail
Mobile: 01916782389
5) S.S rest House
akuratakur para, Tangail
phone: 0921-55180
6) Rural Electrification rest House
phone: 0921-53390
7) L.E.G.D rest House (Government)
phone: 0921-54261
8) Sugandha Hotel
Old busstand, Tangail
Mobile -01674-346815
9) Nirala Hotel
Nirala Mor, Tangail
phone: 0921-61363
10) Piyasi Hotel
Nirala Mor, Tangail
phone: 01711-352493
11) Hotel Kicokhon
Nirala Mor, Tangail
phone: 0921-55219
12) Hotel Aditya (residential)
Madhupur, Tangail
Mobile: 01716-796065
13) Hotel drim touch (residential)
Madhupur, Tangail
phone: 01717218799
14) Salban Residential Hotel
Madhupura, Tangail
Mobile: 01713-462103
15) Islamia guest house
Madhupur, Tangail
Mobile: 01917566234
16) Vai Vai guest house
Madhupur, Tangail
Mobile: 01190975539
17) Jamuna Resort Ltd.
syamasaila Vinod luhuriya kalihati, Tangail
Phone: 09239-76032-4
Fax: 09239-760325
18) Elenga Resort Limited residential hotels
Elenga kalihati, Tangail
phone: 02-9884322
Fax: 02-9881290
[0] => Array
[name] => {:en}Boddho Vumi and Gono Kobor{:}{:bn}বধ্যভূমি এবং গনকবর{:}
[post_id] => 3643
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/boddho-vumi-and-gono-kobor/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/boddho-vumi2-300x242.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}Boddho Vumi is located in the field of Amutto village close to Akkelpur Sadar Upazila. In 1971 22 freedom fighters lost their lives in the hands of Pakistani soldiers. As a result a memorial is built in memory of those who lost their lives.
Gono kobor is located in West Amutto Mouja of Akkelpur Upazila. Akkelpur Upazilla has significant contribution in our Liberation war.385 freedom fighters took part from here. Many people died in the Liberation war. There are 2 mass graves in West AmuttoMouja.Many people come here to show respect to the matyrs in Victory and Independence Day.{:}{:bn}
এই বধ্যভূমি ও গনকবর জয়পুরহাট জেলার আক্কেলপুর উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। বধ্যভূমিটি অবস্থিত আক্কেলপুর সদর উপজেলার নিকটবর্তী আমুত্ত গ্রামের মাঠে। ১৯৭১ সালে ২২ জন মুক্তিযোদ্ধা পাকিস্তানী বাহিনীর হাতে এখানে নিহত হন। শহীদদের স্মরণে এখানে একটি সৃতিসৌধ নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে।
গনকবরটি অবস্থিত আক্কেলপুর উপজেলার পশ্চিম আমুত্ত মৌজাতে। আমাদের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধে আক্কেলপুর উপজেলার রয়েছে বিরাট অবদান। এখান থেকে ৩৮৫ জন মুক্তিযোদ্ধা যুদ্ধে অংশ নেন। এখানকার অনেক মানুষ স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধে শহীদ হন। পশ্চিম আমুত্ত মৌজাতে দুইটি গনকবর আছে। বিজয় দিবস এবং স্বাধীনতা দিবসে অনেক মানুষ এখানে আসেন শহীদদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানাতে।
[1] => Array
[name] => Chakma Rajbari
[post_id] => 756
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/chakma-rajbari/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Chakma-Rajbari-Rajib-Bangladesh-1-300x169.jpg
[post_content] =>
Chakma Rajbari is one of the most beautiful Rajbari, which is located in Rangamati. This Rajbari was constructed by Raja Tridiv Roy, father of Raja Devasish Roy in 1960 when the earlier palace went under water due to commissioning of Kaptai dam. It has been learnt that Raja Devasish Roy is in Thailand. Every year number of visitors are come here to see this beautiful House. Chakma Rajbari is one of the major visiting attractions in Rangamati. This royal house represents the tradition and culture of Chakma (চাকমা).
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Madhnagar Rath Bari{:}{:bn}মাধনগর রথ বাড়ী{:}
[post_id] => 17704
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/madhnagar-rath-bari/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Madhabnagar-Rath-Bari-225x300.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Madhnagar Rath Bari (মাধনগর রথবাড়ী) is the largest and oldest Rath Bari of this subcontinent. In 1867, the famous Zamindar Zamini Sundori Bosak of Dilalpur area in Pabna, established this Rath (Chariot in English). The owner of the Rath was the then Zamindar of Natore, Shoilobala (শৈলবালা) and Kalidashi (কালীদাসী). Once upon a time, each year according to the lunar, in the Bengali month of Ashar (আষাঢ়), people celebrated Chariot fare and rituals here. The Zamindars of Birakutsa (বীরকুৎসা) and Goyalkandi (গোয়ালকান্দি) used to send their elephants to take part and work in this Chariot. The landlord Zamini Sundori of Dilalpur in Pabna used to send all the expenses.
Since 1867 until 1947, she carried all the costs. After the partition, it had been dysfunctional. From the year 2012, the Chariot has been started again by the local community, and started rituals again. There are currently 15 acres of land in the name of the Chariot. Pintu Odhikari is responsible for maintaining the whole rituals and maintenances of Rath Bari. There is a Mandir just near to the Rath Bari where the locals perform their rituals.
মাধনগর রথ বাড়ী উপমহাদেশের বৃহৎ ও প্রাচীনতম। ১৮৬৭ সালে পাবনার দিলালপুরের জমিদার যামিনী সুন্দরী বসাক এই রথটি প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছেন। রথের মালিকানায় ছিলেন নাটোরের জমিদার শৈলবালা ও কালিদাসী। প্রতি বছর আষাঢ় মাসের তিথি অনুসারে এখানে মাস ব্যাপী রথের মেলা ও পুঁজা অর্চনা হত। বীরকুৎসা ও গোয়ালকান্দির জমিদারের হাতি এসে রথ যাত্রায় অংশ নিত এবং রথ টানার কাজ করতো। এখানকার যাবতীয় খরচ পাবনার দিলালপুরের জমিদার যামিনী সুন্দরী স্টেট থেকে আসতো।
১৮৬৭ সাল থেকে ১৯৪৭ সাল পর্যন্ত যামিনী সুন্দরী বসাক এই ব্যায় ভার বহন করেছেন। দেশ বিভাগের পর আর কোন অনুষ্ঠান হয়নি। ২০১২ সাল থেকে স্থানীয় হিন্দু-মুসলিম মিলে আবারও রথের মেলা ও হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের পূঁজা অর্চনা শুরু হয়। রথের নামে বর্তমানে ১৫ বিঘা জমি আছে। রথটি রক্ষণাবেক্ষন, পূঁজা অর্চনা করছেন পিন্টু অধিকারী।
[3] => Array
[name] => Maynamati War Cemetery
[post_id] => 1365
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/maynamati-war-cemetery/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Comilla-War-Cemetery-011-300x225.jpg
[post_content] =>
The Maynamati War Cemetery (alternatively: Comilla War Cemetery) is a war cemetery and a memorial in in Comilla, Bangladesh for Second World War graves from nearby areas during the war. The cemetery contains 736 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War. It was established and maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), to pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives in World War II. It is situated in the Comilla Cantonment area.
Before the war Maynamati was a hamlet of a few dozen huts, but during the war a large military camp was established there. Several ordnance depots and a number of military hospitals, both British and Indian, were in the area, including Nos. 14 and 150 British General Hospitals; and the majority of the burials in Maynamati War Cemetery were from the various hospitals. Graves from isolated places in the surrounding country, and some from as far afield as Burma, were moved into the cemetery by the Army Graves Service and later on by the Commission; and it was found necessary to transfer also graves from small cemeteries at Dacca, Faridpur, Paksay, Saidpur, Santahan and Sirajgany, where they could not be maintained.
The cemetery was started by the Army and laid out by the garrison engineer. It is dominated by a small flat-topped hill crowned with indigenous flowering and evergreen trees. Between the entrance and this hill lie the Christian graves, and on the far side of it are the Muslim graves. On a terrace about half-way up the hill, facing the entrance, stands the Cross of Sacrifice, and on the other side a shelter looks over the Muslim graves to a tree-framed view of the countryside beyond.