Raja Ballal Sen excavated the Balia Dighi. Many say that since it is a sandy dighi so it is known as Balia Dighi. It is located on south of Kotowali gate. Its volume is 39.8 acre.
This spot is located in Shibganj Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district. For directions to Shibganj Upazilla seehttp://bit.ly/1h01qn7
All the buses start from Dhaka to Rajshahi, go to Chapai Nawabganj. For example, Hanif Enterprise, Modern Enterprise, Shyamoli Paribhaban etc.
Green Line (Volvo) 08:30AM, 03:15PM, 11:30PM 01730-060080
Hanif Enterprise 04:30AM to 11:30PM (with every 30 minutes interval) 0173-402670
Shyamoli Paribahan 05:00AM to 12:00Pm (with every 1 hour interval) 02-900331, 02-8034275.
Modern Enterprise 06:00AM to 12:00Pm (with every 1 hour interval) 9123743, 327293, 806099
The major transportation system in this town is the bus service to different districts and towns. The main transportation route is Nawabganj-Rajshahi. The bus transportation service is off three types which are gate-lock, direct and local service. The others bus routes are Nawabganj-Shibganj, Nawabganj-Naogaon, Nawabganj-Nachol, Nawabganj-Rohanpur.
The BRTC bus service serves for the long intra-district route to almost all important districts of Bangladesh. The most important long route is the Nawabganj-Dhaka. This route has ample bus service. There are two bus stoppages. The biggest one is called Chapai Nawabganj Bus Terminal and the other is the Dhaka Bus Terminal. Sona Mosjid-Rajshahi-Sona Mosjid bus Service are on at 7.15am to 5.15pm every 1 hour after.
In the past, the main transport system was based on the water path. The river Padma (Ganges), Mahananda River, Pagla, Moraganga and some beels (marshland) were used for intra-district transport system. The water level went down due to adverse effect of Farakka Barrage on Padma (Ganges) river, and therefore, water transport has lost its popularity. But still rivers are used for transportation of daily goods from different parts of the district. Still the transportation from the villages in western and eastern parts of the district depends on the boat. In the Shibgonj Upazila have a small river name [pagla].
There are limited railway services with Rohanpur and Rajshahi. One of the international rail line passes through the district to Malda, West Bengal, India. There are few services of local train from different stations of Chapai Nawabganj such as Nawabganj Sadar, Amnura, Nachole, Nijampur, Rahanpur to Rajshahi and other parts of Bangladesh and also has a shuttle service from Nawabganj to Rajshahi for the intercity train service from Rajshahi to other part of Bangladesh.
There are many hotels to stay, such as Government Rest House (Rohanpur Upazila), Johrul Cottage (Shahabazpur Upazila), Hotel Al-Hera, Hotel Al-Nahid etc. in the city area.
1. Hotel Rose
Manager/Owner: Anwar Hossain Anu
Capacity: Room- 56, Seat- 73
Address: Station Road (Mohananda bus stand), Lakherajpara, Chapai Nawabganj Sadar.
Mobile: 01761855471
2. Lal Bording
Manager/Owner: Md. Sentu Mia
Capacity: Room- 16, Seat- 33
Address: Dhaka bus stand, Chapai Nawabganj Sadar, Chapai Nawabganj
Mobile: 01718279841
3. Hotel Shopnopuri
Manager/Owner: Md. Babul Hasnat Durul
Capacity: Room- 18, Seat- 8, double- 9
Address: Arambag Mor, Bissho Road, Chapai Nawabganj
Mobile: 01711416041
4. Nababganj Boarding
Manager/Owner: Advocate Kashem Mia
Capacity: Room: 7, double: 8, Seat: 26
Address: Hospital Road, Chapai Nawabganj Sadar, Chapai Nawabganj
Mobile: 01715167646
5. Hotel Al Nahid
Manager/Owner: Alhaz Rofiqul Islam
Capacity: Room- 28, Seat- 40
Address: Shantimor, Arambag, Chapai Nawabganj Sadar, Chapai Nawabganj
Mobile: 01713376902
6. Hotel Rangdhonu
Manager/Owner: Mosharraf Hossain
Capacity: Room- 12, Seat: 17
Address: Lakheraj Para, Mohananda bus stand, Chapai Nawabganj Sadar, Chapai Nawabganj
Mobile: 01712339687
7. Hotel Nazma
Capacity: 22 persons
Address: Kansat, Shibganj, Chapai Nawabganj
Experience the natural view of Balia dighi.
If you are hungry you may search for restaurants or fast food shops nearby. You may also carry your own food.
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