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[name] => Dhanmondi Old Eidgah
[post_id] => 8738
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[post_content] => We came to know that Dhaka has passed it's 400 years of Glory. As it was one of the capital of Mughal Empire established in the bank of the river Buriganga, most of its old architectural sites are placed in the old town. Apart from these, there is an Eidgah established in Dhanmondi area 400 years ago which is still in use in the center point of Dhanmondi.
Many people do not aware about it. It is located near Dhanmondi KFC and the shopping mall Anam Rangs Plaza. According to Wikipedia, it was built by Shah Suja, son of Emperor Shah Jahan in 1640. Now the place is in danger because of the negligence of the government to preserve the place as a Historical Monument.
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[name] => Nidariya Mosque
[post_id] => 4801
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Mughals subadar MANSUR KHAN donated 10.56 acres of land for Nidariya Mosque and built it in 1176. In that time there was Motayalli as Ijar Mahmood Sheikh, Bijara Sheikh Mahmud,and Khan Mahmud Sheikh. People says because Subedar Mansur Kha’s not of having dari(দাড়ী) for that the mosques was known as Nidariya. Now the local people pray in this mosque.
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[name] => {:en}Korapur Mia Bari Mosque{:}{:bn}কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 6625
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[post_content] => {:en}
Korapur Mia Bari Mosque (কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদ) is an old mosque from the Barisal district (বরিশাল জেলা). The mosque is located at the Mia Bari (মিয়া বাড়ি) of that area. It is believed that the mosque was built during 18th century. They have painted the mosque recently, and also doing some sort of restoration now. And thus it lost its antiquity entirely.
This mosque is built over a high plinth. Or, may be its better to call it a high basement instead of a plinth. Inside the basement it has several rooms at ground floor. These days it is being used as a resident for the student of nearby Madrasa (মাদ্রাসা). There is a wide stair available to reach at the mosque that is at the second floor.
It is a rectangular shaped mosque having three small sized domes at the top where the middle one is slightly larger than the other twos. The mosque has total eight minarets with four at front and four at the back side walls. Apart from these, there are several small minarets available in between. All the minarets and the upper portion of the mosque is highly decorated. At the eastern side of the mosque it has a very large water pond.
বরিশাল সদরের উত্তর কড়াপুর গ্রামে এই মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। বরিশাল জেলায় অবস্থিত একটি প্রাচীন মসজিদ হলো কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদ। মনে করা হয়ে থাকে ১৮শ শতকে এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করা হয়। সাম্প্রতিককালে কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদটি রঙ করা হয়েছে এবং বর্তমানে এটির মেরামত কার্যক্রম অব্যাহত আছে। এ কারনে এই মসজিদটির প্রাচীন বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো পুরোপুরি বিলীন হয়ে গিয়েছে।
উঁচু বেসম্যাণ্টের উপর এই কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। নীচতলায় বেসম্যাণ্টের অভ্যন্তরে কয়েকটি কক্ষ রয়েছে যেগুলো মসজিদের নিকটে অবস্থিত মাদ্রাসার ছাত্রদের থাকার কাজে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে। মসজিদে প্রবেশ করার জন্য দোতলায় একটি প্রশস্ত সিঁড়ি রয়েছে।
আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার এই মসজিদটির উপরিভাগে তিনটি ছোট আকারের গম্বুজ রয়েছে যেগুলোর মধ্যে মাঝখানের গম্বুজটি অন্য দুটি গম্বুজের চেয়ে আকারে কিছুটা বড়। কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদের সামনের দেয়ালে চারটি মিনার এবং পেছনের দেয়ালে চারটি মিনার সমেত মোট আটটি মিনার রয়েছে। এছাড়া সামনের এবং পেছনের দেয়ালের মধ্যবর্তী স্থানে কয়েকটি ছোট মিনার রয়েছে। মসজিদের উপরিভাগ এবং সবগুলো মিনারে ব্যাপকভাবে কারুকাজ করা হয়েছে। কড়াপুর মিয়াবাড়ি মসজিদের পূর্বদিকে একটি বিশালাকারের পুকুর রয়েছে।
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[name] => Goaldi Mosque
[post_id] => 10965
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Sonargaon contains quite a number of Archaeological evidences, helping the scholars to reconstruct the Medieval History of Sonargaon area of Bangladesh. Goaldi Mosque, one of the very few surviving medieval monuments in the city of Sonargaon. About 6 km north-west of the little township of Panam, near Sonargaon in Narayanganj district, there are two such precariously surviving old single-domed mosques in the sequestered hamlet of Goaldi, virtually hidden behind thick bamboo brakes and clusters of mango and jackfruit tree groves.
Built in 1519, the graceful, single-domed Goaldi Mosque is the most impressive of the few extant monuments of the old capital city, and a good example of pre-Mughal architecture. This mosque is one of the few remnants from the Sultanate period in Sonargaon, during the reign of Sultan Hussain Shah in 925 Hijri (1519 AD). It was built by Mulla Hizabar Akbar Khan in the early 16th century, during the reign of Alauddin Husain Shah at a place called Goaldi - half a mile northeast of Panam village in Sonargaon. Sonargaon was the administrative center of medieval Muslim rulers of East Bengal. It became as the capital of Bengal during Isa Khan's ruling. The area falls under present-day Narayanganj District, Bangladesh. This mosque is more elegant and ornate in comparison to the earlier Sultanate mosques at Bagerhat.
There are some ornamental black stone pillars inside the prayer hall for the support of the roof. Corresponding to the three arched doorways on the east there are three richly decorated mihrabs on the west wall, of which the central one is bigger and beautifully embellished with curved floral and arabesque relief on dark black stone, but the flanking side mihrabs are ornamented with delicate terracotta floral and geometric patterns. The central stone mihrab is framed within an arched panel with an expanded sunflower motif in the centre. Below that the spandrels of the multi-cusped arch of the mihrab are decorated within a rectangular frame. The engrailed arched recess is carried on stunted octagonal pillars faceted at stages. Four round-banded turrets at the outer corners rise up to the curvilinear cornice.