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[name] => Chandanpura Mosque
[post_id] => 7036
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Chandanpura Mosque is an attractive multiple domed mosque. This is situated is just beside the Kaptai road, the old part of the Chittagong. If you are traveling the place from Chittagong, then you can take a CNG auto rickshaw, and just ask the auto to take you at "Chandanpura Mosque". The mosque is renovated at 1952. The colorful design of the mosque is really outclass. Recently due to pollution, the mosque is losing its beauty day by day.
Just opposite of the mosque, there is fire station. This building was built during the British reign. This red building of the fire station is very eye catching and make people remember the history of infrastructure of then British Architecture.
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[name] => {:en}Nawabbari Mosque of Dhonbari{:}{:bn}ধনবাড়ির নবাববাড়ি মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 5273
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[post_content] => {:en}
Nawabbari Mosque of Dhonbari is built at the outside of the Nawab Manzil premise, so that local people can access it during their prayer time. Initially, Nawabbari Mosque of Dhonbari was an old fashioned three domes mosque similar to the other ancient mosques from Bangladesh. But later this mosque was extended to accommodate more people. Extended part is having 10/12 minarets at top which are similar to Persian design. This extension with the old fashioned mosque made it a hybrid looking mosque. Not enough antiquities are left now a days.
But still, you'll love to see this mosque. It’s neat and clean everywhere. Apart from the mosque, there are few micro edifices are available around the mosque. I am not sure what those are.
There are few old graves available at the graveyard which is at the western side of the mosque. Since 1929, after the death of Nawab Ali Choudhury (নবাব আলী চৌধুরী) the Holy Qur'an has been recited continually beside his grave.
জনসাধারণ যেন নামাজ পড়তে পারেন সেজন্য এই মসজিদটি নবাব মঞ্জিলের সীমানার বাইরে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল। বাংলাদেশের অন্যান্য প্রাচীন মসজিদের মত এটিও একটি তিনগম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট মসজিদ ছিল। পরবর্তীতে ধারনক্ষমতা বাড়ানোর জন্য মসজিদটিকে বর্ধিত করা হয়। মসজিদটির বর্ধিত অংশে পারস্য নকশার সাথে মিল রেখে ১০ টি থেকে ১২ টি মিনার নির্মাণ করা হয়। বর্ধিতকরনের কারনে মসজিদটির প্রাচীন বৈশিষ্ট্য অনেকাংশেই লোপ পেয়েছে।
তবে এখনও পরিষ্কার পরিছন্ন মসজিদটি দেখে আপনার ভাল লাগবে। মসজিদের আশেপাশে কিছু ক্ষুদ্রাকৃতির স্তম্ভ রয়েছে যদিও এসব কি এবং কেন এখানে রয়েছে তা জানা যায়নি। মসজিদের পশ্চিমে অবস্থিত কবরস্থানে কিছু প্রাচীন কবর রয়েছে। ১৯২৯ সালে নবাব আলী চৌধুরীর মৃত্যুর পর তাঁর কবরের পাশে সবসময় পবিত্র কোরআন শরীফ পড়া হয়ে আসছে।
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[name] => Shahjadpur Mosque
[post_id] => 3085
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[post_content] => It was built in 1528 in ancient Bangla. Many people believe that it is a 15
th century architecture which was built by Shah Mokdum(R). There is no inscription found for any date. Shahjadpur mosque stands on the bank of the river Hurasagar at Dargapara, the extreme end of Shahjadpur proper, in the district of Sirajganj. It is not dated by any inscription. Architectural as well as decorative features of the mosque point to its 15th century origin. Its architectural and decorative features indicate that it is of the 15
th century. It has a rectangular multi domed shape. Externally it is 19.13m tall and 12.6m wide and internally it is 15.77m tall and 9.60m wide. Its walls are 1.5m thick. Inside we can find 2 rows made of stone pillars and they carry pointed archways. There are 8 black slag pillars. There are 5 arched entrances in the mosque parallel to the west wall mihrab.
There are eight black basalt pillars, square at the base, then octagonal, and having a square capital on the top. The mosque is entered by five impressive arched entrances parallel to the mihrabs in the west wall. There are three blind niches on the south and north sides where the openings would have been. There are two subsidiary mihrabs on the left side of the central mihrab, and one on the right side. The place of another mihrab on the right side of the central mihrab is occupied by the mimbar of the mosque. The plan shows five bays and three aisles, allowing for fifteen uniform domes over the roof. The decoration and roof the mosque is slightly curved which dates back during time of Sultanate period. This mosque resembles features of early Sultanate period of Bengal.
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[name] => Autshahi Mughal Mosque
[post_id] => 9330
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Autshahi Mughal Mosque,is a ruin of Mughal period Mosque, just located beside the Autshahi (আউটশাহী) Graveyard. It’s silently containing the evidences of ancient time. People are avoiding to visit that site frequently as it is inside the boundary of graveyard.
It has two entrances and one bulbous shaped dome on the top. Basically, from the structural remains it would be very difficult to prove how it was being used or how it became so.