Gouri Moth (a sacred place dedicated to the culture of Krishna lifestyle) was established in 1943 in Barodia, Kalia, Narail. After a couple of renovations, it is still there to welcome the devotees of Lord Srikrishno. There are some other Gourio moths in entire Bangladesh too. The most prominent one is in Dhaka at Narinda/Wari area.
In 1943, Turyaswami established the original temple after which he put the idol of Radha-Krishno in it. In 1971, during the liberation war of Bangladesh, Pakistani Army destroyed almost everywhere temple in Bangladesh but luckily the Narail area was a base of Bangladeshi Freedom Fighters so that they did not manage to destroy the temple. However, the temple needed renovation, so another Guru (religious preacher) Santo Goswami made a reconstruction of the temple complex.
25 years ago, from Rajstan (India), a White Shiv Lingam has bought in here. Now it is a Shiv Temple too and people come to worship the lingam. It is made of White Marble which is only one of the tenth of its entire criterion in Bangladesh. To see another marble made white Shiv lingam, you need to visit the Rajshahi Barenda Museum or Khulna Divisional Museum.
Few years back, idol of new Radha-Krishno was brought into this temple as well. So, now the temple looks almost as a new structure but many people did not know that it is a historical place and also a heritage sight of Bangladesh especially for the hindu religious people. It is basically a Krishna Temple that means they worship Krishna mainly. In every year during the eve of Krishna’s Birthday (Jonmastomi) they arrange a three days program to celebrate it. About 1000 local Hindu people attends the dinner (bhog/prosad) and they sings the holy krishna songs for the entire night.
[0] => Array
[name] => Ma Bhaban Mandir
[post_id] => 4641
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/ma-bhaban-mandir/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/offroadbangladeshlogo2-300x178.png
[post_content] =>
Ma Bhaban Mandir is a very traditional temple located 20 km away from Sherpur Upazila. It’s small in size and has some trees planted outside.
[1] => Array
[name] => {:en}Gunjanath Temple{:}{:bn}গুঞ্জনাথ মন্দির{:}
[post_id] => 5433
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/gunjanath-temple/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/offroadbangladeshlogo2-300x178.png
[post_content] => {:en}
Gunjanath Temple is located in Boro bazar of Kaliganj Upazila of Jhenaidah district. The Gunjanath temple was built in 17th century by the then King in Kaliganj Upazila. There are other old temples in that locality. This place can be reached from Naldanga also.
{:}{:bn}ঝিনাইদহ জেলার কালীগঞ্জ উপজেলার বড়বাজারে গুঞ্জনাথ মন্দির অবস্থিত। ১৭শ শতাব্দীতে নির্মিত এই মন্দিরটি কালীগঞ্জের আরেকটি দর্শনীয় স্থান। এখানে আপনি নলডাঙ্গা থেকেও আসতে পারবেন।{:}
[2] => Array
[name] => Jora Mandir
[post_id] => 1987
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/zora-mandir/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/jora-mandir21-240x300.jpg
[post_content] =>
At Golapganj village about six kilometer distance of Dinajpur District head quarter there has an old temple name "Twin temple" locally known as "Jora Mandir". It records that the Jora Mandir was established by Raja Ramnath (1722-1752) in 1676 Shaka era (1754 AD). Now it almost in ruins cause of no care. If you go there you will find 2 Mandir (Temple). Distance between two Temple 100 meters. One of the two is a 25 ratna twelve-sided structure, while the other is a 5 ratna quadrangular temple. The vicinity area of the temples are acquired by the local people, and they have built their own houses around the temple. The area of the Mandir are acquired by the local people, and they have establish their own houses side the temple. Thereby causing serious damage to the structures. Both temple are beautiful.
[3] => Array
[name] => Chinishpur Kalibari
[post_id] => 5717
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/chinishpur-kalibari-%e0%a6%9a%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%a8%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%b7%e0%a6%aa%e0%a7%81%e0%a6%b0-%e0%a6%95%e0%a6%be%e0%a6%b2%e0%a7%80%e0%a6%ac%e0%a6%be%e0%a7%9c%e0%a6%bf/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_01621-300x199.jpg
[post_content] =>
Chinishpur Kalibari (চিনিষপুর কালীবাড়ি) is one of old temples and a sacred place of worshippers in Hindu religion. So far from locals, it is almost 250 years old temple which was built by Hindu Saint Ram Proshaad (রাম প্রসাদ). He got financial support and land from a person name Ramkrishno Ray (রামকৃষ্ণ রায়) who was a Dewan (দেওয়ান) of G.P. Wize (Last Kuthial of Atkandi Nilkuthi).
He built this temple with stones & bricks. After founding this temple he got married to a local girl who was resident of this region and was daughter of another Hindu Saint named Narayan Chakrabarti. Then he stayed there beside the temple for his lifetime.
Architecture and Layout:
The exterior of this temple is decorated with flower and animal iconic figure. Total layout of this temple is in rectangular shape. In the inside of the temple, the Icon of Mother Goddess Kali is kept in North-side of the brick wall which is probably very ancient, and the Stela is made with stone. In the front side of this ancient temple, there is a another temple of Shiva. A big Banyan tree is standing just beside this temple. May be it is the same years old as this Temple is. In the western side of this temple, there is a large pond.
Festivals in Temple Premises:
This temple becomes so festive in every year at new moon of Bengali month Boishakh (বৈশাখ) and Joistho (জ্যেষ্ঠ), While a local fair is celebrated lasting for 3/4 days at the Temple premises. People from distance come to watch this local fair which is a place of extensive collection of local arts & Crafts. For the people of Hindu religion this fair is very important event and they usually don’t miss it. Another attraction of this temple is every year at the time of fair there are a huge number of billy goats is sacrificed in front of Kali Goddess to make her satisfied with the blood of animals. In course of time this tradition is losing its popularity as many rich people of Hindu Religion had left the country at the time of dividing Indian sub-continent in the year of 1947.
Present Condition:
Very recently a gigantic temple is being constructed outside of the main building of this temple & it is totally covered with the new gorgeousness. Hopefully, it will be one of the most exclusive and gigantic Kali Temples in Bangladesh. Nearly, 80 million BDT will be spent to build this Temple.