Gouripur Lodge (গৌরীপুর লজ) is a signature of golden Zamindari period and an old edifice in Mymensingh town. This archaic building is located near the main town. One can go there using rickshaw easily. It is very near to the Boro Bazar. Though, the purpose and time of establishment is not known to all; however, it can be discovered if further research is conducted there.
It was made using iron, tin and wood. Structure of the building is similar to the Zamindar Mansion of that period. History tells that it was built by Brozendra Kishor Ray Chowdhury (ব্রজেন্দ্র কিশোর রায় চৌধুরী).
Now it is being used as Sonali Bank Corporate office of Mymensingh city. Government officers and few of their subordinates are currently living at that mansion. It has around 20 rooms inside. Anyone can visit there at anytime. You may not have the permission to enter inside, but easily can get access to the mansion premises.
How to go
It is located near Mymensingh Zero Point and Boro Bazar area. You may Just ask to the local people for Sonali Bank and they will direct you to it.
How To Reach: Mymensingh District
Mymensingh city is located about 120 km (75 mi) north of Dhaka which is the capital of the country. There is no airport in Mymensingh. Dhaka airport is approximately 110 km (4.00 hours drive) from Mymensingh by bus. There are several bus services from Dhaka to Mymensingh. Buses leave from the Mohakhali bus stand (10 km south of Dhaka Airport) in Dhaka to the Mashkanda bus stand in Mymensingh. You can get on any of the following buses from the Mohakhali bus stand in Dhaka, which will cost around Tk. 350 ($4):
1. Shoukhin
2. Ena
There are several train services from Dhaka to Mymensingh. It takes almost 3 hours to reach Mymensingh from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. You can get on from the Dhaka Airport or you could go to the main train station-Komlapur Rail Station.
The main bus terminal is Mahstandar bus station, 3km from the Station Rd Circle. Between 6am and 6pm you can get a bus to a zillion places including Tangail (Tk 80, 2½ hours), Madhupur (Tk 40, 45 minutes), Dhaka (Tk 80, 4½ hours) and Bogra (Tk 140, 4½ hours).
The bus stand for Haluaghat and other destinations on the other side of the Brahmaputra River is, logically, at the bridge. Buses to Haluaghat (Tk 45, 1½ hours) leave regularly between 8am and 7pm.
Every day from the capital Dhaka to Mymensingh, a total of 7 mail trains comes in till 11:00 am. Four of the seven are intercity express train, others are local. These trains come to Mymensingh through to Tongi-gaffargaon from Dhaka. 3 out of 4 go to Tarakandi and 1 go to Dhaka-mohanganj. Per day 3 local train arrives at Mymensingh from Dhaka. 1 in 3 of the local trains come to Mymensingh via Bhairab-Kisorganj-gauripur, the other two comes Mymensingh via gaffargaon.
Where to Stay
1. Hotel Hera
Address: 36/B S. K. Moharaja Road
Phone: +8801711167880, +8801714414212
24 hours internet facility at the lobbey of the Hotel Hera. Internet is absolutely free for the people staying at the hotel.
2. Hotel Amir International
Address:Palika Shopping Centre, 46 Station Rd Mymensingh
Phone: 01711167948, 09151500
3. Hotel Mustafiz International
Address: 6/B Gangadas Guha Rd, Mymensingh
Phone: 09163870
4. Nirala Rest House
Address: 67 Chotto Bazar Mymensingh
Phone: 091 67384
[0] => Array
[name] => Niyogi House
[post_id] => 16728
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/niyogi-house/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/niyogee-house-8-300x200.jpg
[post_content] =>
The Niyogi House (নিয়গি বাড়ি) is located at Pukur Para (পুকুর পাড়া) of Singair Upazila. It is a old house built by Ganesh Chandra Niyogi more than 100 years ago. The household comprises of three structures, the principal and largest one is in severe ruins. Not only has the entire roof fallen down, anything that once formed this roof has now disappeared. The large arched doors and windows including their frames too are not to be found anywhere. It had a spacious corridor running the length of the building inside.
Another large building, though too in a dilapidated state is currently being used as the hostel of the local college. The smallest structure that once served as the kitchen has been renovated and is currently being used as accommodation by the Head of the Department of Economics of the same institution. He was there to proudly show us around the premises.
Within the inner compound of the buildings, there is an old well, which shows more waste than water some fifteen feet below. Date inscribed there 1334 Falgun (ফালগুণ) on the wall of this well, declaring this to be at least 87 years old.
[1] => Array
[name] => Nahabatkhana
[post_id] => 11529
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/nahabatkhana/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/IMG_34281-225x300.jpg
[post_content] =>
Nahabatkhana (নহবতখানা) or Probeshdar (প্রবেশদ্বার) is one of the well known features in Mograpara, Sonargaon Upazila in Narayanganj. This gateway or entrance was built in at the end of 17th century. According to the description of 'Zames Wise' (civil surgeon of Dhaka in 1860s), it is located at South Ward from the Hazrat Abu Tawama Mazar and Ibrahim Mosque. There are two doors being traced on north & south side of this feature.
A story has been circulated among the local people that there was a musical Instrument around this feature which was being used for different purposes. Mainly, this instrument being used to awake people to take Seheri (সেহরি) and Iftar (ইফতার) at the month of Ramadan. Another notion is said that, it was being used to notify poor people and Musafir for Kangalivoj (কাঙ্গালিভোজ). This instrument was used for inviting people too. Now, one of the doorways of Nahabatkhana is used by public, and another one is preserved with less care.
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Shilaidaha Kuthibari{:}{:bn}শিয়ালদহ কুঠিবাড়ি{:}
[post_id] => 1875
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/shilaidaha-kuthibari/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Tagore_Kuthibari-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) frequently visited and used to stay in Shilaidaha Kuthibari in connection with the administration of his Zamindari and enriched Bengali literature through his quality writing during that time. He wrote many memorable poems during his stay here. He built it as his residence/office for collecting revenue as a zamindar, from local peasants. It is now a museum under Archaeology department of Ministry of Cultural Affairs.{:}{:bn}বিশ্বকবি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর (১৮৬১-১৯৪১) প্রায়ই এখানে আসতেন এবং অবস্থান করতেন। তিনি তাঁর জমিদারি তদারকি করার জন্য এখানে অবস্থান করতেন। এখানে অবস্থানকালে রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর তাঁর লেখনীর মাধ্যমে সাহিত্য চর্চা করতেন। এখানে অবস্থানকালে তিনি অনেক স্মরণীয় কবিতা রচনা করেন। জমিদার হিসেবে স্থানীয় কৃষকদের কাছ থেকে খাজনা আদায়ের জন্য তিনি কুঠিবাড়িকে তাঁর আবাস/দফতর হিসেবে ব্যবহার করতেন। বর্তমানে সংস্কৃতি মন্ত্রনালয়ের প্রত্নতত্ত্ব অধিদফতরের অধীনে কুঠিবাড়িকে একটি জাদুঘর হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে।{:}
[3] => Array
[name] => Tajmahal of Bengal
[post_id] => 11632
[post_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/places/banglar-tajmahal/
[thumb_link] => https://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/tajmahal-11-300x199.jpg
[post_content] =>
Tajmahal of Bengal (বাংলার তাজমহল) is a scaled copy of the original Tajmahal (a Mughal mausoleum located in Agra, India) located 10 miles east of Sonargaon. Unlike the original, work on the building took only five years. Ahsanullah Moni, a wealthy Bangladeshi film-maker, announced his 'Copycat version of Tajmahal' project in December 2008. The project cost about USD$ 56 Million, and was built to the northeast of Capital Dhaka. This caused complaints from Indian officials that copying Historical Monument is Illegal. Founder explained that he built this replica of the Tajmahal so that the poor people of his nation can realize their dream of seeing neighboring India's famed monument.