How to go
From Muktarpur Bus stop of Munshiganj Sadar, you can ride on a Bus or Auto-rickshaw moving towards Dholagaon Bazar or Dighirpar bus stand. This Dighi is just ten-fifteen minutes away from bus stop. You have to inform the helper or driver before reaching Dholagaon Bazar.
How To Reach: Munshiganj District
There are several transport is available from Dhaka to Munshiganj. The bus services are “Nayan Paribahan”, “Dighir par Paribahan” and “Dhaka Transport”, all of the buses used to start from “Gulistan” of Dhaka. It will cost you 60-80 taka, and will require 1 hrs to 2 hrs bus journey depending upon the road traffic.
Also you can hire CNG auto rickshaw from the “Postogola”, and it will take you 250-350 to take you at Muktarpur bridge. Remember, if you are hiring CNG, make sure who will provide the toll of the bridge. For you information, the toll fee is 20 taka. So negotiate with the driver of CNG about who will provide the toll.
Where to Stay
Though the district is just beside the Dhaka, still its hard to find a suitable hotel from the district. The main reason, may be people from dhaka used to come this place for a single day trip. But anyway, if you need to stay at Munshiganj town, that case I’ll suggest you to stay at “Hotel Comfort” this one is the best from the town. Also you there is another one which is “Hotel three star international”. But the quality of the rooms of this hotel is not that much good. For both cases, it will take 100-700 taka per night depending upon the room.
1. Mawa Resort
Contact: Md. Ali
Phone: 01711676058
2. Padma Resort
Contact: Mohammad Ali
Phone: 01713033049
3. Padma Rest House
Bridge Division, Ministry of Roads and Communications
Executive Engineer
Phone: 01715561933
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[name] => Kaptai Lake
[post_id] => 1231
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Kaptai Lake is a beautiful blue man-made watery lake. The size of this Lake is approximately 11000 square kilometer, which was created as a reservoir when the Kaptai dam was built during the 1960. This amazing Lake was created by flooding valleys and plain lands between numerous hills all around the Lake. Kaptai has Bangladesh's only hydro-electric project. The Kaptai Dam on the Karnaphuli River created for this purpose resulted in the Kaptai Lake. This created a charming view as forested hills and plateaus rise from beneath the beautiful Lake water.
A stretch of road connects the tourist spots of Rangamati and Kaptai. The road goes deep into the hill tracts and displays the natural beauty and wildlife of the district Rangamati. The government of Bangladesh run Tourism Corporation and many private operators offer Kaptai Lake Cruise Tours, which is worth of it. Other scenic spots are also accessible through the waterways. Cruising on the Kaptai Lake is an enjoyable way of observing the landscape as many great picnic spots, natural landmarks and historic monuments are accessible only by boats.
[1] => Array
[name] => Rampal Dighi
[post_id] => 8867
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[post_content] => Rampal Dighi is one of the most ancient Dighi(large pond) in Munshiganj District. It is about 1500m long from north to south and 300m wide. Recently built Rampal College stands on its northern bank. Rampal Dighi covers an area of about 55 acres of land.
The Lake of Legend:
Ballal Sen (Bengali: বল্লাল সেন; reign: 1160–1179) was the second ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal. He was the son and successor of Vijay Sen, the founder of Sen dynasty. King Bollal Sen was a famous ruler of Sen dynasty in Bikrompur. One day his mother told him that the tenants need a good & suitable source of water for their everyday use. The kind King set arrangement for making a very large pond. Actually his mother was instructed by some Angelic figures in a lucid dream. So,according to her dream she decided to walk a mile. Her walkway will be the area of the pond. After the pond is being dug, there was no water at all. Again according to the instruction of an angelic entity the King decided to sacrifice himself. But at last moment kings friend Rampal took his place. Rampal sacrificed himself and the pond was filled with water instantly. But unfortunately today there is no water in this pond anymore.
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[name] => Sukh Sagar
[post_id] => 2082
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[post_content] => "Sukh Sagar" is a large tank of Dinajpur. The Sukh Sagar is located at the "Rajbatika" area of the Dinajpur town. This is just few minutes distance from the "Dinajpur Rajbari". Once all banks of the water tank was covered with very high hills. Mata Sagar (another tank) is more attractive than the Sukh Sagar, and they never dry at any season.
[3] => Array
[name] => {:en}Madhobpur Lake and Tea Estate{:}{:bn}মাধবপুর লেক এবং চা বাগান{:}
[post_id] => 3966
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[post_content] => {:en}
Madhobpur Lake and Tea Estate is located in Kamalganj Upazila of Moulvibazar District. The pleasant natural Madhobpur Lake is surrounded by small hills (Tila). Most of the hills are planted with tea trees. The bank side of the lake is full of lotuses and lilies. The color of the lilies is bluish which adorns this place with a bluish sphere. The lake is surrounded by small hills.
The lake is so wide and it’s hard to cover the whole lake with your camera. There is always heavy wind blows surround the lake that made the water of the lake looks like a river or calm sea water. You might have seen such kind of magenta and white colored lilies before. It is so beautiful, and the lily looks like a bit glowing from far. It seems that someone Photoshoped the flowers for that glowings.
{:}{:bn}মাধবপুর লেক এবং চা বাগান মৌলভীবাজার জেলার কমলগঞ্জ উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। দর্শনীয় মাধবপুর লেক বয়ে গিয়েছে ছোট পাহাড় ও টিলার মধ্য দিয়ে। লেকের চারপাশের বেশীরভাগ পাহাড় ও টিলায় চা চাষ করা হয়। এই লেকের পানি সবসময় ছেয়ে থাকে নীল ও সাদা রঙের পদ্ম ফুলে। লেকটি এতটাই চওড়া যে ক্যামেরায় পুরো লেকটিকে ধারন করা প্রায় অসম্ভব। লেকের ওপর দিয়ে প্রায় সবসময় বাতাস বয়ে চলায় লেকটিকে একটি নদী অথবা শান্ত সাগরের মত দেখায়। এই লেকের নীল ও সাদা পদ্ম ফুলগুলো বহুদূর থেকে এতটাই জ্বলজ্বল করে যেন মনে হয় পদ্মফুলগুলোর ওপর কেউ নিপুণ হাতে শিল্পকর্ম করেছে। লেক থেকে প্রায় ৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে একটি স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ রয়েছে।{:}