How to go
This is a very easy trail and requires around 30 minutes of trekking. First of all you have to come at the Chhoto Komoldoho Bazar of Mirsarai. If you are coming from Dhaka (to Chittagong), then you can ask your bus driver to drop you near the Chhoto Komoldoho Bazar. The GPS coordinate of your dropping point will be (22°42’19.36″N, 91°36’46.03″E).
From there you can take a CNG driven vehicle to drop you near the bottom of the hill. I don’t know the exact name of that place. But the GPS coordinate is (22°42’17.41″N, 91°37’33.61″E).
After that you have to start walking through the hilly trail. It’s a very easy trail and will require maximum 30 minutes to reach there. GPS coordinate of the Horinmara Kundo Waterfall is (22°42’46.28″N, 91°37’50.54″E).
From there it’s around 5-10 minutes of walking distance. The GPS coordinate of the waterfall is (22°42’42.12″N, 91°37’51.44″E). And the GPS coordinate of the unknown waterfall is (22°42’40.10″N, 91°37’51.70″E).
How To Reach: Chittagong District
Dhaka and Chittagong are linked by road. You can take a bus from Dhaka to reach the district of Chittagong. Some of the bus services are listed below for our assistance.
1. Saudia Paribahan
Arambag, Phone: +88-02-7102465
Gabtoli, Phone: +88-02-8018445
Kalabagan, Phone: +88-02-9124792
2. S Alam
Contact: +880 31 636997, 611426
3. Hanif Enterprise
Panthpath: 0173-402670
Dhaka and Chittagong are linked by air. Some of the airlines with flights available from Dhaka to Chittagong are listed below for your assistance.
1. United Airways
Contact: 09606445566, +880 2 8932338,+880 2 8931712
2. Bangladesh Biman
Contact:+88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44
3. Novo Air
Contact: 13603
4. Regent Airways
Contact: 028953003 or 16238
Where to Stay
There are many hotels available in Chittagong. Some of them have been mentioned below for your help.
1. Hotel Golden Inn
Address: 336 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 611 004
2. Asian SR Hotel
Address: 291 Station Rd Chittagong
Contact: 031-2850346-8, 01711-889555
3. Hotel Park
Address: 627, DT road, Kadamtoli Chittagong
Contact: 01819-388011
4. Hotel Landmark
Address: 3072, Sheikh Mujhibar Road, Agrabad, Chittagong
Contact: 031-813598/727299
5. Hotel Dream International Ltd
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh
6. Hotel Azad
Enayet Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh
7. Hotel Mishka
Station Road, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh
8. Motel Shaikat
Station Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh
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[name] => Faipi Waterfall
[post_id] => 5344
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Faipi Waterfall is another waterfall of Bandarban situated in Thaikang Para. Traveler may go Falpi waterfall by using several route. From Thanchi or from Ruma Upazila a traveler may travel to Faipi waterfall.
To go to Faipi waterfall a traveler has to go Bandarban first. Then he can go there by using some different route. There are many bus services among the districts of Bangladesh to reach Bandarban. Dhaka to Bandarban it may cost around 550/- Taka (BDT) to the travelers if they travel by any non-ac bus service. The travel buses usually start at night. The bus service providers may offer new schedule as well. It can be around 7-7.5 hour’s journey to go Dhaka to Bandarban.
[If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as an Content Author]
[1] => Array
[name] => Sijuk Waterfall 1
[post_id] => 22355
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[post_content] => Sijuk Waterfall 1 is located in Rangamati District, but if you decide to have a trip to Sijuk Waterfall (সিজুক ঝরনা), you can form a group comprises couple of ebullient members from Khagrachhari. You may expect poor road condition and other hectic factors. If you start your journey after a quick breakfast from Khagrachhari town, you can start for Dighinala (দীঘিনালা) by using CNG auto rickshaw. It actually costs 500 taka, but you can bargain to manage at best 450 taka.
It would be advisable to contact a tour guide for directions. During the journey, you can enjoy the exquisite beauty beside the road from the vehicle. If you start your journey at 8:00 am, then you can expect to reach Dighinala at 10:00 am morning.
We can reach Nondoram (নন্দরাম) village by 11:00 at morning through bike. The village is beside the river Kasalong (কাসালং). This village is actually located at the Sajek union of Rangamati (সাজেক, রাঙামাটি). Before this village, an Army camp is located on the way. Travelers must entry their names to that camp. You can have tea in that village and then start your trekking again through the hillocks of Rangamati.
Some tribal people pronounce Sijuk canal as Shishuk khal (শিশুক খাল). The canal is formed after joining two mighty streams. The two waterfalls are located at those two streams. You can explore the left side stream first (furthest) and the right side (nearest) stream later.
The level of the water depends on the season, but you can expect to face around an average height of 3-4 ft. But at some points the water level is near 6 ft. Also the canal is totally covered with dark forest.
As the depth of the water is very high, the flow of the water is less. Lot of rotten leafs are available on the water. At some places, the mud under the water produce gasses with bad odors with bubbles when pressed by feet.
The more you progress, the more you welcome the Hati Poka (হাতি পোকা).Those microscopic insect bite can cause lots of pain. Wasps and scary looking mosquitoes are there too. To add these misery, you may find some leafs stinging. A soft brushing those leafs with arms cause you inflammation.
After passing through such hideous, you may finally reach near to the waterfall. We can hear the roaring sound of the waterfall but may not see that. That portion of the Jhiri (ঝিরি) is covered with large rocks. All of the rocks are covered with mosses and ferns. Those are the best hideout for snakes and other reptiles. Also crossing those stones are not easy.
After jumping and bumping through rocks, you can finally reach in front of the Sijuk waterfall. It is having mighty water flow. Shorter and mightier than other one.
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[name] => {:en}Shuvolong Waterfall{:}{:bn}শুভলং ঝর্ণা{:}
[post_id] => 1239
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Shuvolong Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall in Rangamati. The only available path to reach at the waterfall is through the lake. People visit there by boat. It is a famous place with the tourists for the waterfall, high hills and the natuarl surrounding it offers. This waterfall is just before the Shubholong Bazar. So that Shuvolong is easily accessible by speed boat or motor boats from Rangamati.
[We need more detail information of this spot. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add and share in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
বিশ্বের অন্যতম প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যের অধিকারী বাংলাদেশে বেশকিছু পর্যটন স্পট রয়েছে যার মধ্যে চট্রগ্রাম বিভাগে অবস্থিত রাঙ্গামাটি জেলা অন্যতম। রাঙ্গামাটির অন্যতম আকর্ষণীয় স্থান হল শুভলং ঝর্ণা। শুধুমাত্র জলপথে এই ঝর্ণায় যাওয়া যায় তাই পর্যটকেরা এখানে আসতে নৌকা ব্যবহার করে থাকে। শুভলং বাজার থেকে মাত্র ৫ মিনিটে এই ঝর্ণায় পৌছাতে পারবেন। চারপাশে পাহাড় ও ঝর্ণার সমন্বয়ে পর্যটকদের জন্য প্রকৃতির এক অপরূপ লীলাভূমি বলা চলে এই স্থানটিকে।
[3] => Array
[name] => {:en}Tamabil{:}{:bn}তামাবিল{:}
[post_id] => 4164
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Tamabil is on the border front of Sylhet-Shillong road, Tamabil is surrounded by beautiful nature. It is about 55 km away from Sylhet town. The sight of mountains while traveling through the zigzag streets is an attraction for the tourists. The tide flowing from the mountains is a treat to watch for the eyes.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
চমৎকার প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যে আচ্ছাদিত তামাবিল হল সিলেট-শিলং সড়কের বাংলাদেশ অংশে অবস্থিত সীমান্ত এলাকা। সিলেট থেকে ৫৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত তামাবিলে যাবার সময় অন্যতম আকর্ষণ হল আঁকাবাঁকা বিশাল পাহাড় দেখতে পাওয়া। পাহাড়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে ঝর্নার প্রবাহ দেখে আপনার দৃষ্টি জুড়িয়ে যাবে তাতে কোনই সন্দেহ নেই।