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[name] => Nagar Kasba
[post_id] => 8573
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[post_content] => Kasba (কসবা) is an administrative unit of the Sultani rulers (1342-1576). The administrative units, such as Iqta(ইকতা), Erta (ইরতা), Iqlim (ইখলিম), and Kasba (কসবা) have been mentioned in the contemporary texts.
So far 37 Kasbas could be traced in the region of Bangladesh, most of which had been within or near about the present district towns. The distance between one Kasba from another varied. It is noticed that official titles were associated with some of the kasbas. We can exemplify Kazir Kasba (কাজীর কসবা), Kotowaler Kasba(কোতওয়ালির কসবা), Nagar Kasba(নগর কসবা) etc. Considering the location, distance of one from another, communication system with the central or Provincial Capital, attachment of official titles etc it is assumed that Kasba were administrative units and were equivalent to districts. An administrative officer, a Quazi (কাজী) and a Kotwal(কোতওয়াল) were in charge of a Kasba.
In this complex of many buildings we can detect several names of businessman who built those in different period of time in 19th Century.
While most of the Kasbas lost their former importance during the Mughal period, Munshiganj, or Bikrampur, as it was known earlier, flourished as an important district through a rich combination of education, economy, literary & cultural pursuits. Therefore, the Nagar Kasba of Munshiganj stood with its importance through the course of time. It is believed that during the British rule, especially during the later part of the 19th century, Nagar Kasba was rebuilt as a residential area of wealthy predominantly Hindu business people, who mostly traded through the river port of Mirkadim.
After the Partition of India (1947), it is believed that most of the Hindu wealthy families migrated to Kolkata. Those who decided to stay back, to tend to their established businesses soon began to find it difficult. As sporadic communal riots continued, the exodus continued till the late 1950s. Families often left silently at night, leaving behind all their belongings. Those who still chose to stay, almost completely left for India during our Liberation War in 1971.
During these dire times, most of these full-furnished wealthy houses fell vacant and remained untended for a long time. Gradually, over time, these empty houses began to be taken over by influential locals. The descendents of these grabbers now own these properties, and live in the dilapidated buildings. It therefore is not surprising that a house that looks like it was purposely built for Hindu owners now adorns the names of Muslim people.
Even in its latest hay days in the later part of the 19th century, Nagar Kasba was a row of magnificent houses, mostly of two floors, though not too large, but built in British colonial styles. The intricate designs and motifs that remain on the walls and pillars are testament to the wealth and taste of the owners. Unfortunately, almost all are now in ruins, where some have even been demolished by present day owners.
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[name] => Radha Gobindo Temple
[post_id] => 8789
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[post_content] => Radha Gobindo temple (রাধা গোবিন্দ মন্দির) is one of the most ancient temples in Munshiganj. Local people are barely familiar with the name of this temple. Even the temple's land owner doesn't know the actual name of this temple. So, we had to make people understand the nature of this temple to find it out.
After finding the temple, we came to know that this temple is familiar with the name Binoy Shadhur Mandir (মন্দির) rather 'Radha Gobindo' temple.
It's to be mentioned that Binoy Shadhu is taking care of this temple for long 80 years. He said, he was 120 years old. He along with his Shadhu named 'Mongola Rani Das' discovered this temple.
It was very hard to find out the real time period of this temple. Interviewing local people and Binoy shadhu, we could assume that it might be a thousand year old temple, which is very near to destruction. A big banyan tree has grown through the middle of this temple.
Every Bengali year, people arrange a fair in the month of Chaitro (চৈত্র). Basically, Chaitro Shonkrantir Mela (চৈত্র সংক্রান্তির মেলা) is a common festival in Bangladesh. In this event, Binoy Shadhu used to show some magic which has a long time Spiritual recognition to the normal people around there.
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[name] => Bhai Girish Chandra Sen's Old House
[post_id] => 23726
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[post_content] => Girish Chandra Sen also known as Bhai Girish Chandra Sen ( ভাই গিরিশ চন্দ্র সেন), a Brahmo Samaj missionary, was the first person to complete the translation of the Qur'an into Bengali in 1886. It was his finest contribution to Bengali literature. Born in the village of Panchdona of Narsingdi in 1835 in the famed Dewan Baidya clan, he learnt Persian and Sanskrit in early life and started working as a copywriter in the court of the deputy magistrate in Mymensingh. He also taught for a short while at the Mymensingh Zilla School before engaging wholeheartedly in journalism and literary activities. He was attracted to the Brahmo Samaj under the influence of Keshub Chunder Sen and Bijoy Krishna Goswami and joined it as a missionary in 1871. He traveled through India and Burma to propagate his new faith.
The plasters on the walls of this two floor house have almost completely fallen off, baring the brick work, which is covered in a thick moss. The ceilings on both the floors have entirely caved in. Trees have grown all over the walls, thereby creating large cracks. The wood work from doors and windows is completely stolen. To overcome those destruction and deterioration of this old House owned by this famous Scholar, Government has taken necessary steps to renovate the building immediately.
In the year of 1869, Keshub Sen chose four persons amongst his missionaries and ordained them as professors of four old religions of the world. Girish Chandra was selected to study Islam. The others selected to study different religions were Gour Govinda Ray for Hinduism, Protap Chandra Mazoomdar for Christianity, and Aghore Nath Gupta for Buddhism.
This was a time, when even translating religious scripts from Islam was considered as desecration of the sanctity of the scripts. The Holy Qur’an was considered too sacred for translation, as such most of the Muslim scholars refrained from even trying.
A firm believer in the basic unity of all religions, Girish immersed himself in his studies and later went to Lucknow in 1876 to study Arabic, Islamic literature and the Islamic religious texts. He was involved in intense studies for about five years. His keen interest in different religions and his liberal outlook earned him the respect of followers of other religions.
On completion of his studies, he returned to Kolkata and engaged in translation of Islamic scriptures. After hard labor of six years from 1881-1886, he produced an annotated Bengali version of the Qur’an via Persian.
Girish Chandra wrote and published a total of 42 books in Bengali. His books were greatly appreciated by the Muslim community which referred to him as 'Bhai Girish Chandra'. The Muslim society, in his days, respected him enormously and gave him the title of a Maulavi.
Girish Chandra Sen spoke fluently in Bengali, Urdu & Persian. A simple soft-spoken person, he endeared himself to all those who came in contact with him. His autobiography, 'Atmajivani' (আত্মজীবনী), was published in 1906. He passed away in 1910.
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[name] => Deo Bari
[post_id] => 8713
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There is a significant number of old houses found in Munshiganj district. Which has enriched the historical & Cultural importance of this district among the others in Bangladesh. It’s assumed that in earlier phase it was a prominent center for trading all over the country as it is standing beside the mighty river Meghna. So, historically still this place contains the plenty of evidences of growing business trend at that time.
One of the most old houses built by the Merchant is Deo Bari ( দেউ বাড়ি) at Abdullahpur, Tongibari, Munshiganj. It’s about 120 Years Old Historical House (Adjacent to Pulghata Bridge). Shokti de (শাক্তি দে) and Vokto de (ভক্ত দে) built this 3 storied building. Still 45 rooms found in this derelict building.
The most fascinating part of this house is its brick-work with some fabulous design & decoration. which has become exposed now that the plasters have fallen off at many places.
This building is now on the way of decaying. Many parts of its has already broken because of lack in proper care and conservation. Immediate steps should be taken to preserve it from further destruction.