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[name] => Panam Bridge
[post_id] => 11590
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Panam area is formed as a part of the Muslim metropolis, developed on the south of the old city, and perhaps constituted as the place of residence of the early Muslim governors'. After the Mughal conquest of Sonargaon (1611), the Panam area was connected with the ruling metropolis by construction of highways and bridges. Panam still possesses three brick bridges belonging to the Mughal period: Panam Bridge, Dalalpur Bridge and Panamnagar Bridge. The existence of these bridges and the canals enclosing the site on three sides is indicative of its being a suburban area of the medieval city.
Panam Bridge a fine old bridge constructed originally over a canal on a village road from Hajiganj to Baidyer Bazar, now located a little further to the east of Habibpur on a pucca road between Companyganj and Bari Majlis in Sonargaon. It was originally known as Companyganj ka Pul (কোম্পানিগঞ্জের পুল). The Bridge measuring about 53 meter in length and 5 metre in breadth consists of three arches, the middle arch being wider and higher providing easy passage of boats underneath. The steep roadway is formed of bricks circularly arranged. The architectural feature places the bridge to belong to the Mughal period (17th century).
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[name] => Jowari Bishi Bari
[post_id] => 17211
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Jowari Bishi Bari (জোয়ারী বিশি বাড়ি) is located in Jowari Village. Promothonath Bishi, The prominent literary of the then Indian Sub-continent, was born in this village. His house was popularly named after him, as his blessed memory is still visible. This house is considered to be the oldest house in that area, built around 150 years ago as the local said.
Now a days, this house becomes a total ruin. Trees and bushes are everywhere surrounding the house. There were used to be a main gate called “Elephant Gate” which had been destroyed by the local people. Already half of the house totally became a mess; people are staying on the other half. Only that used portion remains intact. Locals say, this place needs to be taken care of for spreading the fame work of Promothonath Bishi.
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[name] => Pal Bari
[post_id] => 8538
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Pal Bari (পাল বাড়ি) is one of the renowned historical places in Munshiganj. According to the current inhabitants of the Pal House at Abdullahpur, Kamini Pal and Dwarkanath Pal, the eldest two sons of Tokani Prasad Pal, possibly one of the richest business persons of Bikrampur, established this house around the end of the 19th century.
They added a few more blocks to the house over the years, but lived within the compounds of their father's house, several miles away.
During the liberation war, many of their family members were brutally tortured and killed, prompting the entire clan to leave for Kolkata,India. A few years later Dwarkanath returned, to wind up his businesses here. Dwarkanath Pal, therefore chose to spend his last few years at this house. He decided to stay back in Munshiganj, but could not live in his own house. Many others had occupied most of that property.
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[name] => Ishwar Chandra High School
[post_id] => 15702
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Ishwar Chandra High School (ঈশ্বর চন্দ্র উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়) is situated at Saturia Upazila of Manikganj District, very near to the Baliati Palace. This school was named after Ishwar Chandra Ray Chowdhury, one of the famous Zamindars in Baliati. According to the locals, this school was found by Horendra Kumar Ray in the year 1915-1916. From the history, it can be said that Horendra Kumar Ray was the Son of Ishwar Chandra Ray Chowdhury. Once, this school was named as Ishwar Chandra English High School, but in later time, the name has been changed.
It is said that Horendra Kumar Ray Chowdhury spent around fifty thousands taka at that time to build this ornamented & large school building. which was certainly a big amount to pay at that contemporary time. In recent time, this school has been conducted by a committee consisting of local people.