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[name] => Gurr River and Bridge
[post_id] => 14445
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Gurr River, the actual name of this place is Nagar River, but popularly known by the locals as Gurr. It is one of the beautiful rivers of Bangladesh. It is situated at Singra Upazila of Natore district near “Singra Upazila Health Complex”. It is very small but, looks very pleasant. There is a very large sized bill beside this river. The coordinate is 24° 30' 54.43" N 89° 8' 42.75" E. The Bridge was built years ago, the exact year was not found, but it’s really helping the people in establishing business connection on both sides of the river.
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[name] => Naf River
[post_id] => 7073
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Naf River (নাফ নদী) is the only river that is shared between Myanmar and Bangladesh. The eastern coast of the river is Arakan, state of Burma, and the western coast is Teknaf of Bangladesh.
Naf River is originated from the Arakan Hills of Myanmar and after flowing as a trans-boundary river, it finally falls into the Bay of Bengal. The river is having 1-3 kilometer width between the two countries at some places and the depth of the river is having 130 ft. an average depth and highest depth is 400 ft.
Being near to the ocean, the water of the river is salty. Also the water level has an ups and downs based on the high and low tide from the sea. Keeping similarity with the Bay of Bengal, the river has almost same color of the ocean.
Tourists of St. Martin's island are being carried by the ship over the river. During the cruising, you can see lot of boats were floating over the river. Boatmen from the both country use to catch fish on a regular basis.
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[name] => {:en}Baulai River{:}{:bn}বওলাই নদী{:}
[post_id] => 4124
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Baulai River (বওলাই নদী), it is a river near the Tanguar Haor. It’s a very calm & charming river. Both banks of the river have a series of beautiful trees which has the survival capabilities under water. In winder season, you have to Tanguar Haor through the river.
Birds like White Egret (সাদাবক), Pankouri (পানকৌরি), Common Seagull (গাংচিল), Kingfisher (মাছরাঙ্গা), are seen in the winter season. Baulai River (বওলাইনদী) is the only way for transporting for the local People. Sometimes, you’ll see no people around the river for 2-3 miles. Meghalaya hill of India is the place of origin of this river. It flowed between the Tanguar Haor and joined with Surma River afterwards.
টাঙ্গুয়ার হাওড়ের কাছে একটি শান্ত নদী হল বওলাই নদী। ভারতের মেঘালয় পাহাড় থেকে উৎপত্তি হওয়া এ নদীর দুইতীরেই কিছু সুদৃশ্য গাছ রয়েছে যেগুলো পানির নীচেই বেঁচে থাকতে সক্ষম। টাঙ্গুয়ার হাওড় দিয়ে প্রবাহিত হয়ে এই নদীটি সুরমা নদীতে মিলিত হয়েছে। শীতকালে এই নদী অতিক্রম করেই আপনাকে টাঙ্গুয়ার হাওড়ে যেতে হবে। শীতকালে এখানে নানা প্রজাতির পাখি দেখতে পাওয়া যায় যেমনঃ সাদাবক, পানকৌরি, গাংচিল, মাছরাঙ্গা ইত্যাদি। স্থানীয়দের জন্য এই নদীটি পরিবহনের একমাত্র মাধ্যম। কখনো কখনো এ নদীর ২-৩ মাইল এলাকায় কোন জনমানব দেখতে পাওয়া যায় না।
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[name] => Brahmaputra river
[post_id] => 22002
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In Bangladesh, the Brahmaputra (ব্রহ্মপুত্র) river is joined by the Teesta (তিস্তা) river (or Tista), one of its largest tributaries. Below the Tista, the Brahmaputra splits into two distributary branches. The western branch, which contains the majority of the river's flow, continues due south as the Jamuna to merge with the lower Ganges called as Padma river. The eastern branch formerly the larger, but now much smaller is called the lower or old Brahmaputra.
Mymensingh (ময়মনসিংহ) district stands just beside the old Brahmaputra river. It curves southeast to join the Meghna River near Dhaka. The Padma and Meghna converge near Chandpur and flow out into the Bay of Bengal. This final part of the river is called Meghna.
The Brahmaputra enters the plains of Bangladesh after turning south around the Garo Hills below Dhuburi, India. After flowing past Chilmari, Bangladesh, it is joined on its right bank by the Tista river and then follows a 150 miles (240km) course due south as the Jamuna river. South of Gaibandha, the Old Brahmaputra leaves the left bank of the main stream and flows past Jamalpur and Mymensingh to join the Meghna river at Bhairab Bazar.
There are lot of bridges over this river at several districts. Near the Mymensingh town, you'll find two bridges. One is for the road transports, and other one is only for railway service. From one bridge other one can be seen and a traveler can enjoy the whole view of river while walking through a passage just beside the river.