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[name] => Nagar Kasba
[post_id] => 8573
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[post_content] => Kasba (কসবা) is an administrative unit of the Sultani rulers (1342-1576). The administrative units, such as Iqta(ইকতা), Erta (ইরতা), Iqlim (ইখলিম), and Kasba (কসবা) have been mentioned in the contemporary texts.
So far 37 Kasbas could be traced in the region of Bangladesh, most of which had been within or near about the present district towns. The distance between one Kasba from another varied. It is noticed that official titles were associated with some of the kasbas. We can exemplify Kazir Kasba (কাজীর কসবা), Kotowaler Kasba(কোতওয়ালির কসবা), Nagar Kasba(নগর কসবা) etc. Considering the location, distance of one from another, communication system with the central or Provincial Capital, attachment of official titles etc it is assumed that Kasba were administrative units and were equivalent to districts. An administrative officer, a Quazi (কাজী) and a Kotwal(কোতওয়াল) were in charge of a Kasba.
In this complex of many buildings we can detect several names of businessman who built those in different period of time in 19th Century.
While most of the Kasbas lost their former importance during the Mughal period, Munshiganj, or Bikrampur, as it was known earlier, flourished as an important district through a rich combination of education, economy, literary & cultural pursuits. Therefore, the Nagar Kasba of Munshiganj stood with its importance through the course of time. It is believed that during the British rule, especially during the later part of the 19th century, Nagar Kasba was rebuilt as a residential area of wealthy predominantly Hindu business people, who mostly traded through the river port of Mirkadim.
After the Partition of India (1947), it is believed that most of the Hindu wealthy families migrated to Kolkata. Those who decided to stay back, to tend to their established businesses soon began to find it difficult. As sporadic communal riots continued, the exodus continued till the late 1950s. Families often left silently at night, leaving behind all their belongings. Those who still chose to stay, almost completely left for India during our Liberation War in 1971.
During these dire times, most of these full-furnished wealthy houses fell vacant and remained untended for a long time. Gradually, over time, these empty houses began to be taken over by influential locals. The descendents of these grabbers now own these properties, and live in the dilapidated buildings. It therefore is not surprising that a house that looks like it was purposely built for Hindu owners now adorns the names of Muslim people.
Even in its latest hay days in the later part of the 19th century, Nagar Kasba was a row of magnificent houses, mostly of two floors, though not too large, but built in British colonial styles. The intricate designs and motifs that remain on the walls and pillars are testament to the wealth and taste of the owners. Unfortunately, almost all are now in ruins, where some have even been demolished by present day owners.
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[name] => Ishwar Chandra High School
[post_id] => 15702
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Ishwar Chandra High School (ঈশ্বর চন্দ্র উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়) is situated at Saturia Upazila of Manikganj District, very near to the Baliati Palace. This school was named after Ishwar Chandra Ray Chowdhury, one of the famous Zamindars in Baliati. According to the locals, this school was found by Horendra Kumar Ray in the year 1915-1916. From the history, it can be said that Horendra Kumar Ray was the Son of Ishwar Chandra Ray Chowdhury. Once, this school was named as Ishwar Chandra English High School, but in later time, the name has been changed.
It is said that Horendra Kumar Ray Chowdhury spent around fifty thousands taka at that time to build this ornamented & large school building. which was certainly a big amount to pay at that contemporary time. In recent time, this school has been conducted by a committee consisting of local people.
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[name] => Birulia
[post_id] => 10247
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[post_content] => Birulia is a very small village under Ashulia Thana of Savar Upazila. Legends say that Birulia was once a very rich residential area with a complex of Buildings belonging to the classical essence of architecture.
It is located on the banks of the Turag River, once was an important part of the Bhawal Estate. It has been said that Birulia was a center for Zamindars who were responsible to govern a broader area nearby Savar and parts of Kaliakoir, adjacent areas of Sripur, some other areas of Gazipur, and Mirpur and Gabtoli area, which are under Dhaka presently.
Besides Governing, it is well known that Birulia was later also chosen as a good residential & business area by several business magnates of the time, because of its close proximity to a few river, such as Turag, Bangshi and Dhaleswari.
Names found who were governing from Birulia estate:
- Kali Kumar Saha
- Tarak Chandra Saha
- Gopi Babu
- Nitai Babu
- Rajani Ghosh are some such names.
Some of their Palace like houses, Temple etc. were built over a century ago, evidences still remaining in Birulia. However, these complex of buildings are in a state of ruining.
In recent days, there are so many poor families living in these complex of building, who were probably homeless by river erosion. Some of them insist that they are the inheritor of traders family.
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[name] => Balia Zamindar House
[post_id] => 17418
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Balia Zamindar House or Palace is once known as a symbol of dignity in this region. Still some of the ancestors of this zamindari estate living in Kolkata. Interviewing local folks ORB team came to about its identity and partial history, which could be possibly will help to rebuild its actual history in near future.
So far we came to know from different sources that, this zamindari was founded by man named Zamindar Malik Muhammad Box (জমিদার মালিক মুহাম্মদ বক্স) who came to this region from Multan. His son Hazi Malik Karim Box (হাজি মালিক করিম বক্স) was chronologically the second successful famous zamindar of this estate who donated a big amount of money from ‘Kashmir & Kyed-E-Azam relief fund’.
According to the old people of Balia this building is more than 400 Years old. There is a little difference between this Zamindar house with others. It’s one of the few Zamindari estate in Bangladesh which was being founded by Muslim zamindars where as rest of others being established by Hindu zamindars.
This old house is on the way to ruin, most of its building material is being removed. Except its tall dome and a triangular pediment rest others element is lost in course of time.There is a three domed Mosque in front this old House which could be possibly built in some later time.