Tin Shiva Mandir

Type: Temple
Contributed By: ,Nayeem


The Muktagachha Tin Shiva (তিন শিব) temple/mandir (মন্দির) is a twin temple located outside the Rajbari of Muktagachha in Mymensingh. The temple was constructed in 1820 by Rani Bimola Devi (রানী বিমলা দেবী), the mother of Maharaja Shashikantha Acharya Choudhary (শশীকান্ত আচার্য চৌধুরী), the Zamindar of Muktagacha.

The twin temples consist of the Shree Shree Anandamoyi ( শ্রী শ্রী আনন্দময়ী) Shiva and Kali Mata Mandir (কালী মাতা মন্দির). The Hindu Rabidas (রবিদাস) community perform a two-day-long Kattyani (কাত্ত্যানি) Puja, locally known as the ‘Shat’ (সাত) Puja, in the Bengali month of Kartik (কার্তিক). The temple is in dilapidated condition due to lack of repairs.

How to go

From the town hall Mor of the Mymensingh city, you can take either CNG driven auto rickshaw, or any local bus for Muktagachha. It may cost 30 Taka per person and required around half an hour to reach at Muktagacha. From Muktagacha, you can take a rickahaw to reach that Zamindar House. On the way to Zamindar House a traveler will have to cross this temple.

How To Reach: Mymensingh District

Mymensingh city is located about 120 km (75 mi) north of Dhaka which is the capital of the country. There is no airport in Mymensingh. Dhaka airport is approximately 110 km (4.00 hours drive) from Mymensingh by bus. There are several bus services from Dhaka to Mymensingh. Buses leave from the Mohakhali bus stand (10 km south of Dhaka Airport) in Dhaka to the Mashkanda bus stand in Mymensingh. You can get on any of the following buses from the Mohakhali bus stand in Dhaka, which will cost around Tk. 350 ($4):

1. Shoukhin
2. Ena

There are several train services from Dhaka to Mymensingh. It takes almost 3 hours to reach Mymensingh from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. You can get on from the Dhaka Airport or you could go to the main train station-Komlapur Rail Station.

The main bus terminal is Mahstandar bus station, 3km from the Station Rd Circle. Between 6am and 6pm you can get a bus to a zillion places including Tangail (Tk 80, 2½ hours), Madhupur (Tk 40, 45 minutes), Dhaka (Tk 80, 4½ hours) and Bogra (Tk 140, 4½ hours).

The bus stand for Haluaghat and other destinations on the other side of the Brahmaputra River is, logically, at the bridge. Buses to Haluaghat (Tk 45, 1½ hours) leave regularly between 8am and 7pm.

Every day from the capital Dhaka to Mymensingh, a total of 7 mail trains comes in till 11:00 am. Four of the seven are intercity express train, others are local. These trains come to Mymensingh through to Tongi-gaffargaon from Dhaka. 3 out of 4 go to Tarakandi and 1 go to Dhaka-mohanganj. Per day 3 local train arrives at Mymensingh from Dhaka. 1 in 3 of the local trains come to Mymensingh via Bhairab-Kisorganj-gauripur, the other two comes Mymensingh via gaffargaon.

Where to Stay

1. Hotel Hera
Address: 36/B S. K. Moharaja Road
Phone: +8801711167880, +8801714414212
24 hours internet facility at the lobbey of the Hotel Hera. Internet is absolutely free for the people staying at the hotel.

2. Hotel Amir International
Address:Palika Shopping Centre, 46 Station Rd Mymensingh
Phone: 01711167948, 09151500

3. Hotel Mustafiz International
Address: 6/B Gangadas Guha Rd, Mymensingh
Phone: 09163870

4. Nirala Rest House
Address: 67 Chotto Bazar Mymensingh
Phone: 091 67384

Things to do

You can buy famous sweetmeat Monda (মণ্ডা) from the place of origin known as Mondar Dokan at the gateway of Muktagacha Zamindar House.

Eating Facilities

There are so many local hotels and restaurants available in the Muktagacha Bus stop and nearby. You may chose one according to your choice


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