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[name] => Jagannath Dev Mandir
[post_id] => 1380
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Jagannath Dev Mandir is one of the ancient temples in Comilla district. King of Tripura built it. It was named 'Moharaja Radha Kishor Manikuo Bahadur' during the 16th century. The gods Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra were worshiped here. Initially, the statue of gods were at Tripura temple but later it was been shifted here. Wikipedia mentioned this as Saptratna Mandir, where as the travel book writer Mustafiz Mamun has introduced this as Sotero Rotno Mandir (সতের রত্নের মন্দির). There might be a state of confusion regarding the name, but this temple is unique considering the other temples from Bangladesh.
The deities of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra were originally installed in a temple in Tripura from where they were subsequently shifted to this temple. The terracotta brick work of the temple is in the typical Bengal style of temple architecture. Jagannath Temple is one of the oldest temples of Comilla district. It is located two km East from Comilla town, on East Bibirbazar Road, Comilla. (5km east from Comilla dist.)
This four storied, conical shaped temple is a brick built structure, constructed on a concrete octagonal base-stone. This is the only octagonal based and shaped temple of Bangladesh, and one of its type. External wall of every floor looks like octagons and were ascended like inverted Cone. It is a single spire Temple. I believe there were so many artistic terracotta all over this Mandir , from Top to bottom. I find some of the traditional Bengal design on the outside wall of third floor- a terracotta of flower, leaves and petals. Department of Archaeology renovated outside portions of Ground and first floor. Terracotta of these two floors was ruined.
There is a rumor about this ordinary looking spiritual place. Some believes there are two more floors underground, which is filled by sedimentation from Gumti River over the years. I feel this is a weak and bogus point.
This 16th Century edifice is almost 60 feet tall. There is a tank to the West of Temple premises. That Tank could be as old as the temple. The tank is also sketched in 1863 drawing [a British Library Collecton].
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[name] => {:en}Mathurapur Deul{:}{:bn}মাথুরাপুর মন্দির অথবা দেউল{:}
[post_id] => 5912
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Mathurapur Deul, located at the Madhukhali Thana of the Faridpur district. Local people used to call this as Deul. If you wish to visit the Deul, you have to reach the Madhukhali Thana.
This Deul is around 90 feet tall, and with highly ornate terracotta at the wall of it. The outer side wall of the Deul is comprises with some small "murti"(statue) using mud. It’s not far from the Deul; you'll find a river named "Chandana". If you want you will visit the river side.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
মাথুরাপুর মন্দিরকে স্থানীয়রা বলে থাকেন দেউল। দেউলটি দেখতে চাইলে আপনাকে মধুখালী থানায় পৌছাতে হবে। দেয়ালে টেরাকোটার কাজ করা এই দেউলটি উচ্চতা প্রায় ৯০ ফুট। দেউলের বাইরের দেয়ালের গায়ে কাদা দিয়ে তৈরি কিছু মূর্তি খচিত আছে। চন্দনা নদী দেউলের খুব কাছেই অবস্থিত। চাইলে আপনিও নদীর তীর থেকে ঘুরে আসতে পারেন।
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[name] => Kal Bhairab Temple
[post_id] => 1057
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Kal Bhairab Temple is a Hindu temple which is dedicated to the God Shiva. The temple is famous for the giant Shivalinga. Shivalinga is a 28-feet tall Shiva statue. No other statue in the world is assumed to be as big as it. Hindu Lord Shiva known as Kal Bhairab is the main attraction here, but Goddess Kali is also been worshiped. The location of statue of Kali is on the right side of the Kal Bhairab and the statue of the Goddess Saraswati on the left. The temple is a major pilgrimage place for Shaivites in Bangladesh.
The temple dates back to the 19th century. It is said that approximately 200 years ago a sculptor named Durgacharan Acharjee saw a dream which motivated and influenced him to make preparations to build the statue from soil. Noor Muhammad, the famous landlord of Sarail donated the land to build this temple.
Before the Brahmanbaria city was established, Medda was the market located beside the famous Titas river. This market is almost 300 years old. Durgacharan first built this statue by the bank of the river with soil. Regular prayers were held by the local fans until 1971.
During the Bangladesh Liberation War the Pakistani soldiers damaged and looted a lot of Hindu temples in Bangladesh. This temple was one of the damaged temples. The soldiers damaged the parts of this statue using dynamite. Later the statue was made again. It took four years to build this statue again but it reached the height of 24 feet. The current statue is made of stone.
Both regular and annual prayers are held here. People from different regions come to visit this temple. This place is also referred as one of the tourist attractions of the Brahmanbaria district. There are management committees to look after the temple. The giant statue of the Shiva is mostly locked for maintenance issues. The Government of Bangladesh looks after the charges for maintenance.
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[name] => {:en}Kobi Chondraboti Shib Mandir{:}{:bn}কবি চন্দ্রাবতী শিব মন্দির{:}
[post_id] => 5071
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Poet Chandrabati (চন্দ্রাবতী) is considered to be the first Female poet in Bengali literature. She was born in 1550. Her father's name was Bangshidas Bhattacharya (বংশীদাস ভট্টাচার্য) who is considered as one of the composers of Monosha mongol (মনসা মঙ্গল). She along with her father composed the Monosha Debir Bhashan (মনসা দেবীর ভাসান) during 1575. Poet Chondraboti (কবি চন্দ্রাবতী) started narrating the Ramayana (রামায়ন) from the Sita's (সীতা) point of view by criticizing Rama (রাম). But unfortunately, she couldn't finish her work.
There are two Shib Mandir (শিব মন্দির) available near the village Chandrabati (চন্দ্রাবতী) that is around 6 kilometer apart from the Kishoreganj (কিশোরগঞ্জ) town. One of those are shorter in size. These temples are related with many stories of Chandrabati (চন্দ্রাবতী) and her life. It is believed that the temples were built during the 16th century, contemporary to the poet's birth.
It was around 3:00 at the afternoon when I have reached there. So I was the only traveler or tourist there that time. There are few sitting places available near the temple. Authority built those for the visitors. Probably during the holidays or at afternoon lot of visitors use to gather here.
কবি চন্দ্রাবতীকে বাংলা সাহিত্যর প্রথম মুসলিম কবি হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয়ে থাকে। তিনি জন্মেছিলেন ১৫৫০ সালে। কবি চন্দ্রাবতীর বাবার নাম বংশীদাস ভট্টাচার্য যাকে মনে করা হয়ে থাকে মনসা মঙ্গলের অন্যতম রচয়িতা। ১৫৭৫ সালে কবি চন্দ্রাবতী তাঁর বাবাকে সাথে নিয়ে মনসা দেবীর ভাসান রচনা করেন। কবি চন্দ্রাবতী রামের সমালোচনার মাধ্যমে সীতার দৃষ্টিকোন থেকে রামায়ন বর্ণনা করা শুরু করেছিলেন কিন্তু দুর্ভাগ্যবশত তিনি এই কাজটি শেষ করতে পারেননি।
কিশোরগঞ্জ শহর থেকে ৬ কিলোমিটার দূরে চন্দ্রাবতী গ্রামে দুটি শিবমন্দির রয়েছে। এই দুটি মন্দিরের মধ্যে একটি অপেক্ষাকৃত ছোট। কবি চন্দ্রাবতী এবং তাঁর জীবনের অনেক ঘটনার সাথে এই মন্দিরগুলোর সম্পৃক্ততা রয়েছে। ধারনা করা হয়ে থাকে যে এই মন্দিরগুলো ১৬শ শতকে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল যেসময়টিতে কবি জন্ম নিয়েছিলেন। মন্দিরগুলোর কাছে দর্শনার্থীদের জন্য বসার ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। বিকালবেলা অথবা ছুটির দিনে এখানে অনেক মানুষের সমাগম হয়ে থাকে।
ছবির জন্য ক্লিক করুন: