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[name] => Chilmari Port
[post_id] => 6427
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Chilmari Port is located at the bank of the Brahmaputra River about 35 kilometer south from Kurigram district headquarter. Importance Brahmaputra River and Chilmari port is undesirable. Brahmaputra is 8th largest river of the world. Popular Bhaoyaila songs of Abbas Uddin about Chilmari Port is also now Folk resource of Bangladesh. In the time of British period many large ships up and down by the Brahmaputra River. At present this port is used for ineligible dew to reduce of Navigability. Now only Shipping – Transport is available and in a little range, the port is used too.
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[name] => Burimari Land Port
[post_id] => 4853
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Burimari land port (বুড়িমারী স্থল বন্দর) is situated at Sreerampur Union in Patgram sub district. It is the 3rd largest land port of Bangladesh. In 1988 Burimari land port has been established at Burimari zero point for import and export goods with India, Bhutan and Nepal by road way. Using this land port Bangladesh import coal, wood, Timber, Stone, Cement, China clay , Ball clay, Quartz, Chemical fertilizer, Cosmetic content, Animal food, Varity kinds of fruits, onion, garlic, ginger, rice, pulse, wheat, verity kinds of seeds etc. from India, Bhutan and Nepal, and Bangladesh export Hilsha fish, Melamine and some others goods.
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[name] => {:en}Port of Mongla{:}{:bn}মংলা বন্দর{:}
[post_id] => 1570
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[post_content] => {:en}
Port of Mongla is the second and most Eco friendly port in our country. The Mongla Sea Port is protected by the Sundarbans (the largest mangrove forest- declared as 'World Heritage' in 1997 by the UNESCO). It was formerly located at Chalna, about 11 miles (18 km) upstream on the Pashur River, but it is now located 48 km south of Khulna city, as established on 11 December 1954. The Port is surrounded as well as well protected by the Sundarban mangrove forest. The name Mongla originated from Mongla River presently known as Mongla Nulla. Mongla River originated from Pashur and Rampal is situated beside Pashur.
The anchorage was shifted to Mongla in 1954 as the place could accommodate sea-going vessels with greater draughts. During the Pakistan period, the administration of the port was under a port director, whose main office was at Khulna. Port of Mongla is situated at the confluence of the Pashur River and the Mongla River. It lies about 62 miles (100 km) north of the Bay of Bengal and is connected to the major inland river ports and to the rail terminal at Khulna. It is very near to Sundarbans.
Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) and Haldia in India and Mongla and Chittagong in Bangladesh are the principal seaports on the world's largest Ganges delta. The port has trade links with almost all major ports of the world, although vessels arriving here are mostly from ports of Asia, the Middle East, Australia, Europe and North America and the ships rarely come to Mongla from the countries of Latin America or Africa.
{:}{:bn}বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিন-পশ্চিম অংশে বাগেরহাট জেলার মংলা উপজেলায় বঙ্গোপসাগরের কাছে পশুর নদী এবং মংলা নালার মোহনায় মংলা বন্দরটি অবস্থিত। বাংলাদেশের দ্বিতীয় এবং সবচেয়ে পরিবেশবান্ধব বন্দর এটি। এই বন্দর দিয়ে মুলত মাছ রপ্তানি করা হয়। মংলা সমুদ্র বন্দরকে সুরক্ষিত করে রেখেছে সুন্দরবন (পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় ম্যানগ্রুভ বন যেটিকে ১৯৯৭ সালে ইউনেস্কো ‘বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্য’ হিসেবে ঘোষণা করে।{:}
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[name] => Lilavumi Patharghat
[post_id] => 3635
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[post_content] => Lilavumi Patharghat is also known as Kosba Uchai or Mohipur. Covering an area of 9-10km. 200 meter to the North of it there is an ancient shallow pond. During Pal period to the north of this lake christen missionaries built several buildings. Approximately 18 feet to the bottom of the river from the upland fringe Tulsiganga River paved with stone steps and the ruins of an ancient building are worth watching. It is assumed that due to creation of Tulsiganga River the high infrastructures built went below the river. 300m to the Christian Missionaries building there is a mazar and a mosque. The locals say it as the Mazar of PirKebla Nasir and Hindus say it as Nimai Pirer Dargah. There were nine ponds of Christian Missionaries on the west. That is why the place was named as Noy Pukuriya.