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[name] => BAUET
[post_id] => 15071
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BAUET (Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology) is a university operated by the Bangladesh Army. The university is situated in Qadirabad Cantonment, Natore District, in Rajshahi Division. BAUET is located in between Natore to the North, Iswardi and Abdulpur to the South, Bonpara to the East and Bagatipara to the West. Formerly, the place was known as Dayarampur. The Engineering Centre and School of Military Engineering (ECSME) of the Bangladesh Army is located there. Following the establishment of the school, a Cantonment was established there, named after Shaheed Lt Col Abdul Qadir who was martyred in the Bangladesh Liberation War.
All academic programs of BAUET are affiliated with the Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP). BUP was established as the 30th public university of Bangladesh on 5 Jun 2008. All examinations are conducted as per the schedule approved by the same university. BUP also approves the results and awards certificates to the qualified students. All of the departments in that university offer four-years of undergraduate B.Sc degrees: Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, and Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
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[name] => Feni Girls Cadet College
[post_id] => 5631
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Feni Girls Cadet College is a military high school for girls, located in Feni District. Cadet colleges are autonomous residential institutions that impart an all-round education to the young learners of the secondary and higher secondary level. The colleges are under the Ministry of Defense and function under the direct supervision of Adjutant General of Bangladesh Army.
History: Mymensingh Girls Cadet College was established in 1984 and that was the only Girls cadet College in Bangladesh while other nine cadet colleges for boys. The necessity was felt to increase the number to ensure better opportunity of education for girls. The introduction of commissioning Lady Officers in Defense Services in 2002 added more impetus to the issue. Finally government decided to establish two Girls Cadet Colleges at Feni and Joypurhat. After a comprehensive reconnaissance a portion of an abandoned British Airfield (constructed in 1942 during World War II) was chosen as the site for Feni Girls Cadet College. The MES (Military Engineer Services) started the project work on 29 June 2004. Student (called cadet) selection procedure started in December 2005 and after a nationwide competitive examination best girls were selected for admission.
Initially only minimum essential Officers, Faculty Members and Staffs were posted from old colleges while the recruitment procedure was on. The college received the first batch of newly recruited employees on April 2006. The college opened on 15 April 2006 with 100 students (cadets). fifty each from class VIII and VII. On 7 June 2006 the then Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia formally inaugurated the college through a grand ceremony. Ministers, Chief of three Service, Senior Military and Civil Officers, Elites, Staffs of the college and Cadets were present on the occasion. The college was started with only few essential installations while the project work was still in progress.
Motto: Noble Education Decent Life.
Administration: Cadet Colleges function under the Ministry of Defense. Defense Secretary is the Chairman of the Cadet College Governing Council while Adjutant General, Bangladesh Army is the Chairman of Cadet College Governing Body. Cadet College Section at the Adjutant General's Branch in Army Headquarters directly controls the Cadet Colleges.
College Administration: A serving Military Officer of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (sometimes from Air force/Navy of the equivalent rank) or a senior officer from the Cadet College Service (Promoted from the faculty members as per regulation) acts as Principal of the college. Vice Principal is responsible for the Academic affairs. A Military Officer of the rank of Major is posted as Adjutant who is a staff of the Principal and is responsible for the administrative matters. A senior faculty member called House Master looks after the administration of the Cadet Hostel (House). All faculty members are attached to the Houses and are called House Tutors. Accounts Officer looks after the matters relating to accounts and budget.
Cadet Administration: To build up leadership qualities and maintain effective cadet administration a set of cadet leaders called Prefects is appointed from the cadets of the senior most class. The cadet administration works in close coordination and under the supervision of the college administration. There are many things in the college area. The college is spread over an area of about 49.5 acres (200,000 m2). The buildings comprise an Academic Block, House, Cadet Mess, Mosque, Auditorium, College Hospital, College Library, Administrative Building, Cadet Canteen, Sports fields, Basketball Courts and a Drill Ground.
Recreation: Every House has a Recreation Room with provisions of TV, newspapers, periodicals and musical instruments. The House Indoor Games Room has the facilities of Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess and Scrabble. Cadets can also pass their time reading books in the House Library. On selected Thursdays movie shows are arranged. Every class present a cultural night where the Officers and Faculty Members are invited with family. Houses also present a cultural program at the end of each term. Music and dance training classes are organized for the interested cadets. Every potential of a novice cadet is discovered through a Talent Show program. Special occasions (Bengali New Year, Rabindra, Nazrul anniversary etc.) are celebrated through cultural shows and discussion.
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[name] => {:en}Hemnagar Zamindar Bari{:}{:bn}হেমনগর জমিদার বাড়ি{:}
[post_id] => 5284
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Hemnagar Zamindar Bari (হেমনগর জমিদার বাড়ি) is a less highlighted edifice from Bangladesh. Not that much tourists use to travel here despite of having everything to become a promising tourist attraction from Bangladesh. Only local people from around use to visit here. It was built by the prominent Hindu Zamindar (জমিদার) from Tangail (টাংগাঈল) district named Hemchandra Choudhury (হেমচন্দ্র চৌধুরী) at 1890.
The Main building at the front side has two small statues of angel at the top. That's why local people know this as Porir Dalan (পরীর দালান) which means a Palace of Angel. Main building of this Zamindar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ি) is currently using as an administrative building of Hemnagar (হেমনগর) Degree College, but the other buildings at the back side is empty right now. There it has approximately 25 rooms inside.
Front side of the building is having the best styles from the whole premise. It is highly ornate at the walls using colorful glasses. Every inches of the walls, pillars, and the archways are flourished with flowers, vines, stars, etc formed using those colorful glasses.
The Zamindar (জমিদার) was slight cruel and rude on the peasants. They were coerced to follow few rules. For example, if anyone wanted to pass this palace premise, he/she must had to continuously keep vowing and walking backwards with bare feet. Such things must have poured the heart of locals with hatred and grief. That's why the powerful Zamindar (জমিদার) had to escape from the place during the country's separation. Along with the buildings, the whole premise was having 7 massive ponds (only few are right now available). Local people say those 7 ponds are for the seven ladies (daughters and sisters of the Zamindar). Dhonbari Zamindar Bari is very near from this place.
বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম আকর্ষণীয় পর্যটনস্পটে পরিনত হওয়ার সকল যোগ্যতা থাকার পরও হেমনগর জমিদার বাড়ি খুব একটা সুনাম অর্জন করতে পারেনি এবং খুব বেশি পর্যটকও এখানে আসেন না। মূলত এখানকার আশেপাশে স্থানীয় বসবাসকারীরা এখানে আসেন। ১৮৯০ সালে টাঙ্গাইলের বিশিষ্ট হিন্দু জমিদার হেমচন্দ্র চৌধুরী এই জমিদারবাড়িটি নির্মাণ করেন।
জমিদারবাড়ির মূল ভবনের সামনে দুটি পরীর ছোট মূর্তি রয়েছে আর এ কারনেই স্থানীয়রা এই জমিদারবাড়িকে বলে থাকে পরীর দালান। এই জমিদারবাড়ির মূল ভবনটি বর্তমানে হেমনগর ডিগ্রী কলেজের প্রশাসনিক ভবন হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে তবে এখানকার পেছনদিকে অবস্থিত ভবনটি বর্তমানে খালি পড়ে আছে। জমিদারবাড়ির অভ্যন্তরে প্রায় ২৫টি কক্ষ আছে।
জমিদারবাড়ির সামনের দিকটি সবচেয়ে দৃষ্টি নন্দন। রঙ্গিন কাচ দিয়ে ভবনের দেয়ালে নকশা করা হয়েছে। জমিদারবাড়ির দেয়াল, পিলার, ফটকের প্রতিটি ইঞ্চিতে রঙ্গিন কাঁচ ব্যবহার করে ফুল, তারা, গাছ ইত্যাদি সৃষ্টি করা হয়েছে।
জমিদার তার এলাকার মানুষকে কঠোর হাতে শাসন করতেন এবং তাঁদের কিছু নিয়ম মানতে বাধ্য করা হত যেমনঃ কাউকে জমিদারবাড়ির মধ্যে দিয়ে অতিক্রম করতে হলে তাঁকে খালি পায়ে ক্রমাগত মাথা ঝুঁকিয়ে আনুগত্য প্রকাশের পাশাপাশি উল্টো হয়ে হাটতে হত এবং এ কারনে স্থানীয়দের মনে জমিদারের উপর চরম ক্ষোভ ও ঘৃণার সৃষ্টি হয়। এই ঘৃণা এবং অসন্তোষের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে জমিদার দেশবিভাগের সময় জমিদারবাড়ি থেকে পালিয়ে যান।
মূল জমিদারবাড়ির পাশাপাশি এখানে সাতটি বিশালাকারের পুকুর ছিল যেগুলোর মধ্যে মাত্র কয়েকটি বর্তমানে টিকে রয়েছে। স্থানীয়রা বলে থাকে যে সাতটি পুকুর ছিল জমিদারের সাত ছেলে মেয়ের জন্য। ধনবাড়ি জমিদারবাড়ি এখান থেকে বেশ নিকটে অবস্থিত।
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[name] => Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
[post_id] => 2930
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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) is the premier seat of higher agricultural education and research in the country. The main task of the university is to tone up the quality and standard of higher agricultural education and to produce first-rate agriculturists, agricultural scientists and researchers for shouldering the responsibilities of agricultural development of the country. The missions of university have been to develop the art and science of agriculture for the well being of mankind, and to educate agriculturists of high standards of scientific, managerial and professional competence in harmony with the environment, and to share knowledge and skills with world partners.