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[name] => {:en}Gangatia Zamindar Bari{:}{:bn}গাংগাটিয়া জমিদার বাড়ি{:}
[post_id] => 5054
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[post_content] => {:en}
This Zamindar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ী) is currently known as Manob Babur Bari (মানব বাবুর বাড়ী) as the current owner's name is Manab Babu (মানব বাবু) who is the last descendent of the Gangatia Zamindar (গাংগাটিয়া জমিদার). Manob Babu (মানব বাবু) has fisheries project near from his house. You can also visit the project with its owner if he is available.
According to the Manob Babu (মানব বাবু), they are the possible smallest Zamindar (জমিদার) from the Bangladesh. Their forefathers came here from India, a Brahmin family (very strictly following Brahmin). During the war of 1971, the Pakistani armies and their Bangladeshi allies have done lot of damage to their house. Right now he is living there with his wife and sister. Neither he nor his brothers (all his brothers are passed away) have any children.
Gangatia Zamindar Bari (গাংগাটিয়া জমিদার বাড়ী) is mainly a small house that is having an array of Roman styled columns at the front. The architecture and the style of the building from the front side is amazingly beautiful. Very few travelers use to visit here. This Zamindar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ী) is a small one, but it has a massive boundary. The front door is also decorated and stylish. (গাংগাটিয়া জমিদার বাড়ী).
গাংগাটিয়ার জমিদারের সর্বশেষ বংশধর মানব বাবু বসবাস করার কারনে বর্তমানে এই জমিদার বাড়িটি মানব বাবুর বাড়ি নামে পরিচিত। জমিদার বাড়ির কাছেই মানব বাবু মাছ চাষ করেন। আপনি চাইলে তার সাথেই মাছের খামার ঘুরে দেখতে পারবেন।
মানব বাবুর ভাষ্যমতে তারা হলেন এদেশের সবচেয়ে ছোট জমিদার পরিবার। তারা হলেন ব্রাহ্মণ গোত্রের এবং তাঁদের পূর্বসূরীরা এখানে ভারত থেকে এসেছিল। ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময় পাকিস্তানী হানাদার বাহিনী ও তাদের এদেশীয় দোসররা জমিদার বাড়িটির ব্যপক ক্ষতিসাধন করে। বর্তমানে মানব বাবু এখানে তার স্ত্রী ও বোনকে নিয়ে বাস করছেন। মানব বাবু এবং তাঁর পরলোকগত কোন ভাইয়েরই কোন সন্তান নেই।
গাংগাটিয়া জমিদার বাড়ির সম্মুখভাগে রোমান স্থাপত্যের কলাম রয়েছে। সামনে থেকে এই জমিদার বাড়িটির স্থাপত্যশৈলী এক কথায় অসাধারণ। এখানে খুব কম পর্যটক বেড়াতে আসেন। ছোট এই জমিদার বাড়িটি বিশাল এলাকার উপর অবস্থিত। জমিদার বাড়ির সম্মুখ দরজাটি নকশায় পরিপূর্ণ।
বাংলাদেশের বেশীরভাগ হিন্দু জমিদার বাড়ি বেশ নাজুক অবস্থায় রয়েছে। বেশীরভাগ হিন্দু জমিদার ধর্মীয় অস্থিরতা এবং অন্যান্য প্রতিকুল পরিস্থিতির কারনে এদেশ ত্যাগ করতে বাধ্য হন। তবে, স্থানীয়দের বন্ধুত্বসুলভ আচরণ এবং সার্বিক সহযোগিতায় এখনও কিছু হিন্দু জমিদার পরিবার গর্বের সাথে বসবাস করছে।
[1] => Array
[name] => Ulpur Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 18413
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During 1850, the greater Gopalganj area was ruled by the Zamindar. At that time, they made hundreds of buildings for their residence and official purposes. The buildings were made in the traditional Zamindar Bari look and style. In the last 150 years, most of the houses were destroyed by erosion. After being taken by the government, the authority turned some of these houses into government buildings. Now, most of the houses are abandoned or occupied by local people.
There is a cluster of old buildings in the Ulpur Area which is situated in the Gopalgonj - Takerhat highway, not so far from the Gopalgonj main town. As soon as you cross the Ulpur bridge from Ulpur bazar, the buildings start to appear. The first one was used as the Union Land Office (Government) but is now abandoned. The local people over there are now using it to stock fodder.
The second was probably used as a duplex residential complex but now is being used as the Sub Post Office. The surrounding environment is good and the building is covered by bamboo stocks. In the main road, there is a large old building, which was probably the main building. Outside this building the words "Dinesh Dham" in Bengali is carved in a white slate. This building is currently occupied by some local inhabitants.
If we go farther, then we will see another broken house formerly used as the Upazilla Registry office, now almost completely in ruins. "Din-Dham" in Bengali is also carved outside he building in white stone.
The overall environment of this village is very good and peaceful. Walking for an hour in the silence of this area will be relaxing. The most attractive structure is the Temple. The walls of the temple is decorated with colorful glass & ceramics. The temple looks good but it is also abandoned so the temple has shifted into a newly constructed building.
[2] => Array
[name] => Sreefaltali Royal Palace
[post_id] => 3546
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[post_content] => Sreefaltali Royal Palace, also named as Sreefaltoli Zamindar Estate was built in 1300A.D.
[3] => Array
[name] => Kansat Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 3621
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Kansat is an ancient village in Shibganj. The ancestors of the Zamider used to stay in a village called Koroi Jhakoir. Dossu sardar due to torture of Pandits moved to Muktogacha in Myemensingh. Later on they moved to Kansat. It is said that previously the king had a house known as Kongsohatta. From this area is known as Kansat.
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