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[name] => {:en}Hemnagar Zamindar Bari{:}{:bn}হেমনগর জমিদার বাড়ি{:}
[post_id] => 5284
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[post_content] => {:en}
Hemnagar Zamindar Bari (হেমনগর জমিদার বাড়ি) is a less highlighted edifice from Bangladesh. Not that much tourists use to travel here despite of having everything to become a promising tourist attraction from Bangladesh. Only local people from around use to visit here. It was built by the prominent Hindu Zamindar (জমিদার) from Tangail (টাংগাঈল) district named Hemchandra Choudhury (হেমচন্দ্র চৌধুরী) at 1890.
The Main building at the front side has two small statues of angel at the top. That's why local people know this as Porir Dalan (পরীর দালান) which means a Palace of Angel. Main building of this Zamindar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ি) is currently using as an administrative building of Hemnagar (হেমনগর) Degree College, but the other buildings at the back side is empty right now. There it has approximately 25 rooms inside.
Front side of the building is having the best styles from the whole premise. It is highly ornate at the walls using colorful glasses. Every inches of the walls, pillars, and the archways are flourished with flowers, vines, stars, etc formed using those colorful glasses.
The Zamindar (জমিদার) was slight cruel and rude on the peasants. They were coerced to follow few rules. For example, if anyone wanted to pass this palace premise, he/she must had to continuously keep vowing and walking backwards with bare feet. Such things must have poured the heart of locals with hatred and grief. That's why the powerful Zamindar (জমিদার) had to escape from the place during the country's separation. Along with the buildings, the whole premise was having 7 massive ponds (only few are right now available). Local people say those 7 ponds are for the seven ladies (daughters and sisters of the Zamindar). Dhonbari Zamindar Bari is very near from this place.
বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম আকর্ষণীয় পর্যটনস্পটে পরিনত হওয়ার সকল যোগ্যতা থাকার পরও হেমনগর জমিদার বাড়ি খুব একটা সুনাম অর্জন করতে পারেনি এবং খুব বেশি পর্যটকও এখানে আসেন না। মূলত এখানকার আশেপাশে স্থানীয় বসবাসকারীরা এখানে আসেন। ১৮৯০ সালে টাঙ্গাইলের বিশিষ্ট হিন্দু জমিদার হেমচন্দ্র চৌধুরী এই জমিদারবাড়িটি নির্মাণ করেন।
জমিদারবাড়ির মূল ভবনের সামনে দুটি পরীর ছোট মূর্তি রয়েছে আর এ কারনেই স্থানীয়রা এই জমিদারবাড়িকে বলে থাকে পরীর দালান। এই জমিদারবাড়ির মূল ভবনটি বর্তমানে হেমনগর ডিগ্রী কলেজের প্রশাসনিক ভবন হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে তবে এখানকার পেছনদিকে অবস্থিত ভবনটি বর্তমানে খালি পড়ে আছে। জমিদারবাড়ির অভ্যন্তরে প্রায় ২৫টি কক্ষ আছে।
জমিদারবাড়ির সামনের দিকটি সবচেয়ে দৃষ্টি নন্দন। রঙ্গিন কাচ দিয়ে ভবনের দেয়ালে নকশা করা হয়েছে। জমিদারবাড়ির দেয়াল, পিলার, ফটকের প্রতিটি ইঞ্চিতে রঙ্গিন কাঁচ ব্যবহার করে ফুল, তারা, গাছ ইত্যাদি সৃষ্টি করা হয়েছে।
জমিদার তার এলাকার মানুষকে কঠোর হাতে শাসন করতেন এবং তাঁদের কিছু নিয়ম মানতে বাধ্য করা হত যেমনঃ কাউকে জমিদারবাড়ির মধ্যে দিয়ে অতিক্রম করতে হলে তাঁকে খালি পায়ে ক্রমাগত মাথা ঝুঁকিয়ে আনুগত্য প্রকাশের পাশাপাশি উল্টো হয়ে হাটতে হত এবং এ কারনে স্থানীয়দের মনে জমিদারের উপর চরম ক্ষোভ ও ঘৃণার সৃষ্টি হয়। এই ঘৃণা এবং অসন্তোষের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে জমিদার দেশবিভাগের সময় জমিদারবাড়ি থেকে পালিয়ে যান।
মূল জমিদারবাড়ির পাশাপাশি এখানে সাতটি বিশালাকারের পুকুর ছিল যেগুলোর মধ্যে মাত্র কয়েকটি বর্তমানে টিকে রয়েছে। স্থানীয়রা বলে থাকে যে সাতটি পুকুর ছিল জমিদারের সাত ছেলে মেয়ের জন্য। ধনবাড়ি জমিদারবাড়ি এখান থেকে বেশ নিকটে অবস্থিত।
[1] => Array
[name] => Tushbhandar Zamindar Bari or Landlord House
[post_id] => 4790
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During the period of Maharaja Pran Narayan "Rsik Ray bigroho" happened in 1634 and in that time the origin of tushvandar Murari dev Ghosal Vottacharjo from 24 porgona/Kolkata's Jay nagar came in Koach bihar and in upuonchouki matter get a taluk anstarted to live here. During that time to do religious work land was given by upenchouki matter. Murari dev disagree to take the donation of the shudro king's beacuse he is a brammon. He appealed to take rent for the land. After that the queen agreed to take paddy bran as rent. Dew to give rent as paddy bran it was stored near landlord house in the east side and after it was sent to the Koachbihar kings house. With this bran many religious events happened in the king’s house. People says that, for the stored bran this place was named as tushvandar. By brammahan murari dev vottacharja the landlord of tushvandar was declared. And in 1935 with his death as long 400 years land owner was came into an end.
[2] => Array
[name] => Haturia Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 5290
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Haturia is the birth place of Zamindar Sekander Ali Chowdhury who was the Recognized Muslim Zamindar in British Period. Haturia is the place in Gosairhat Upazila where once upon a time, there was Stimar Station. The old structure of Haturia Zamindar Bari is now destroyed for lack of caring. If Government or any other not care it or take any steps, it will be distinct as soon as possible.
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[name] => Kusumba Mosque
[post_id] => 3656
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[post_content] => Kusumba Mosque is named after the village of Kusumba, under the Manda upazila of Naogaon district, on the west bank of the Atrai River. It is inside a walled enclosure with a monumental gateway that has standing spaces for guards. It was built during the period of Afghan rule in Bengal under one of the last Suri rulers Ghiyasuddin Bahadur Shah, by one Suleiman who was probably a high ranking official. The inscription tablet in Arabic (only the word ‘built by’ is in Persian) dating the building to 966 AH (1558-59 AD) is fixed over its eastern central entrance.
Although built during Suri rule, it is not influenced at all by the earlier Suri architecture of North India, and is well grounded in the Bengal style. The brick building, gently curved cornice, and the engaged octagonal corner towers are typical features. The mosque, presently protected by the Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh, was badly damaged during the earthquake of 1897. Although the main fabric of the building is of brick the entire exterior walls, and the interior up to the arches of the pendentives have stone facing. The columns, platform, floor, and perforated side screens are of stone. The mosque has a rectangular plan with three bays and two aisles, three entrances on the east and two each on the north and south sides.
The central mihrab is projected in the west. The interior west (qibla) wall has two mihrabs on the floor level opposite the central and southeastern entrances, but the one in the northwestern bay is above a raised platform ascended by a staircase on the east. The presence of such a platform in a non-imperial mosque indicates that not only royalty, but nobility and high-ranking officials were also separated from the general public during prayers. The mihrabs have elaborate stone carving. They have cusped arches crowned with kalasa (water pot) motifs, supported on intricately carved stone pillars which have projections and tasseled decorations hanging from chains. Bunches of grapes and vines curve in an almost serpentine manner on the mihrab frames, and kalasas, tendrils and rosettes are reduced to dots.
The platform edge has grape vine decoration, and there are rosettes on the spandrels of the arches supporting the platform, as well as on the mihrab wall. The stone used in the exterior facing is of a coarse quality and carved in shallow relief. Mouldings are most prominent decorative feature on the outside. They divide the walls into upper and lower sections, run all along the curved cornice, around the corner towers, in a straight line below the cornice, and frame the rectangular panels in the east, south and north walls. The spandrels of the central entrance arch are filled with small kalasa and rosette motifs. The north and south sides have screened windows.