Kadam Rasul Dargah (কদম রাসূল দরগা) is located at the Nobiganj (নবীগঞ্জ) Bazar of Narayanganj District. It is believed that it contains a footprint (marked on a stone) of Prophet Mohammad (Sm). Lot of followers of Islam used to pay a visit here everyday to touch or kiss that footprint for blessings. The stone is cut as a shape of a footprint. Mainly the central shrine inside the premise is being used to keep this footprint.
It is believed that the footprint was bought from an Arab merchant by an Afghan chief named Masum Khan Kabuli at the early 17th Century. Apart from the footprint, the Kadam Rasul Dargah premise has a specious mosque inside. Lot of graves covered with green and red cloths. We are not sure about who are those people.
The main entrance of the Kadam Rasul Dargah has a lovely decoration. Its around a three storeyed building. The whole premise is placed over a very high plinth. The river Sitalakkha is flowing beside the Dargah.
How to go
First you have to come at the Nobigonj of Narayanganj district. You can come here through the Narayanganj town, or through the Modonpur of Dhaka Chittagong highway. From Nobijonj bazar you can hire a Rickshaw which will cost so little to reach there at Kadam Rasul Dorga.
How To Reach: Narayanganj District
The distance from Dhaka to Narayanganj is 28.1 km, which is around 47 minutes travel from the Dhaka city. By air, the distance between Dhaka and Narayanganj is 13.71 km. This distance is equal to 8.52 miles, and 7.4 nautical miles. These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather or other events may cause conditions to differ from this, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route.
By Road:
1. Bandhan (From Motijheel to Narayanganj, Direct)
From Motijheel to Narayanganj
2. Ekata (From Gulistan to Narayanganj)
From Gulistan to Shib Market, Narayanganj
3. Ullash (From Gulistan to Narayanganj)
From Gulistan to Narayanganj
Where to Stay
1. Hotel Meheran
Shonaton Pal len road
2. Hotel Shonali
1no. Railgate, Pal road
3. Hotel Narayanganj
1no. Sirajuddoula road
4. Hotel Shugondha
Liakat Super Market,12/20 Digu babur bazar
5. Hotel Shurma
17no. Shahid Sohrawardi road
6. Hotel Rupayan
6no. S.S. road
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[name] => Nimai Pirer Dargah
[post_id] => 3638
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[post_content] => Nimai Pirer Dargah is interesting as per the actual story behind this. Muslim people believe this as a Mazar (মাজার) of a saint named Nasiruddin Pir (নাসির উদ্দিন পীর). But the Hindu people believe this as their place as his name was Nimai Pir (নিমাই পীর). Whoever the guy was, actually he used to do meditation here hour after hour by sitting in one place. After his death, people started to believe that the guy Nimai Pir (নিমাই পীর) might have achieved some supernatural power and that's why they use to gather here for something that I don't know. A village fair uses to held here during the Joishtho (জৈষ্ঠ), a month from Bengali Calendar which is May/June in English Calendar.
Beside the Mazar(মাজার) a small moribund river is flowing named Tulshigonga (তুলসিগঙ্গা নদী). Very small one that looks like a canal. Also the flow of the river is very poor, can die in any day. You can have explore this river for few minutes during your visit here. Also, there are several old huge rain-trees available around the place.
There is a lower implant of stones besides Patharghata Lilavumi. It is known as the expectation of the Pir. He would sit on a stone inlay before delivering speech. During the month of Chaitra in 1
st Monday there used to be Milad mehfil in the mazar. Few days after the Milad there used to be a carnival where thousands of Hindu-Muslims used to gather. This carnival was known as Patharghatar Mela. A lot of stones are found lying in here. There is a saying that Pir Saheb bought the stones from the river in miraculous ways.
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[name] => {:en}Baba Adam Shah Mazar and Dighi{:}{:bn}বাবা আদম শাহ মাজার এবং দীঘি{:}
[post_id] => 1275
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Prior to 13th century, there was no existence of this Dighi. At that time this part of Bangladesh was ruled by Bollal Sen second son of the king. His capital was in Bikrampur, Dhaka. During the tenure of king low caste Hindus, Muslims and Christians were tortured. At that time Baba Adam (Ra) came with 12 of his disciples. The general people were impressed by the behavior of his disciples in a very short time. As a result many group of people slowly started converting to Islam. Baba Adam (Ra) had a strong influence from Sherpur of Bogra to Jamuna River.
At that time, the local people of Adamdighi thana were struggling due to scarcity of water. Responding to his call many Hindus, Muslims came and excavated a canal next to Adamdighi. The scarcity of water was removed through this canal. Later on this Dighi was named after the name of Baba Adam(Ra) as Adam Dighi. Later on a war was held between Muslims and Bollal Sen. In this war Baba Adam(Ra) was severely injured. He was bought to the Dighi and soon after he died. He was buried on south side of the canal. From then it was known as the Mazar of Baba Adam(Ra).
তেরো শতকের পূর্বে বাবা আদম শাহ মাজার এবং দীঘির কোন অস্তিত্ব ছিলনা। সেসময় বাংলাদেশ শাসন করতেন রাজার দ্বিতীয় পুত্র বল্লালসেন। তাঁর রাজধানী ছিল ঢাকার বিক্রমপুরে। রাজার শাসনামলে নিম্নবর্ণের হিন্দু, মুসলিম এবং খ্রিষ্টানদের ওপর নির্যাতন করা হত। সেসময় বাবা আদম (রঃ)এর আগমন ঘটে তাঁর ১২ জন শিষ্য সহ। সাধারণ মানুষ খুব অল্প সময়ে তাঁর শিষ্যদের ব্যাবহারে মুগ্ধ হন এবং এর ফলশ্রুতিতে মানুষজন ধীরে ধীরে ইসলাম ধর্ম গ্রহন করতে আরম্ভ করে। বগুড়ার শেরপুর থেকে যমুনা নদী পর্যন্ত বাবা আদম (রঃ) এর শক্ত প্রভাব ছিল। সেসময় আদমদীঘি থানার স্থানীয় মানুষজন পানি স্বল্পতার কারনে কষ্ট পাচ্ছিল।
বাবা আদম (রঃ) এর আহবানে অনেক হিন্দু, মুসলমানেরা এগিয়ে আসে এবং আদমদীঘির পাশে একটি খাল খনন করে যার ফলে পানির সংকট দূর হয়। পরবর্তীতে বাবা আদম (রঃ) এর নামানুসারে এই দিঘীটির নাম রাখা হয় আদম দীঘি। পরবর্তীতে মুসলমান এবং রাজা বল্লাল সেনের মধ্যে একটি যুদ্ধ সংঘটিত হয় যেখানে বাবা আদম (রঃ) গুরুতরভাবে আহত হন। তাঁকে দীঘির পাশে আনা হয় এবং তিনি এরপরই মৃত্যুবরন করেন। তাঁকে খালের দক্ষিনে দাফন করা হয়। সেই থেকে এই জায়গাটি বাবা আদম (রঃ) এর মাজার হিসেবে পরিচিত।
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[name] => Pachpir Mazar
[post_id] => 1400
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It is one of the historic places in Kahaloo Upazila. 5 Peers used to stay in the same place so it is known as Pachpir. The Mazar is located on a top hill. It is said that during the reign of Akbar this came to be known as Pachpir Mazar. When the Mazar area was being levelled in 1952, 5 graves were being found. It is said by the locals that a person while labelling the Mazar area saw 5 mazar of 5 pirs in night vision.
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[name] => Shah Neymat Ullah Mazar
[post_id] => 3623
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[post_content] => Shah Neymat Ullah (Ra) is popular among them who preached Islam in different places of Chapai Nawabganj. He came from a Delhi province named koroniya to preach Islam during the reign of Sultan Shah Suja (Ra). Then he stayed permanently in Shibganj Upazila. After his death in 1080 he was buried in Firozpur of Shibganj Upazila. His mazar is located in Takhana of Shibganj Upazila.