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[name] => Shrine of Three National Leaders
[post_id] => 7569
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The Shrine of three leaders (তিন নেতার মাজার) is a significant architectural monument located at Shahbag, Dhaka in Bangladesh. The monument hosts the graves of three pre-liberation Bengali politicians in the 20th century- A.K. Fazlul Huq (1873–1962), Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963) and Khwaja Nazimuddin (1894–1964). All three men served as the Prime Minister of Bengal in British India. The monument was designed by architect Masood Ahmed and S.A. Zahiruddin and was established in the year 1963. The style of architecture of the monuments is an interpretation of Islamic Arcs.
The Shrine of three leaders was established in the year 1963. It was built by architects Masood Ahmed and S.A. Zahiruddin. The Shrine of three leaders consists of a hyperbolic paraboloid structure that is erected over the three graves of the three political leaders. The three political leaders being A.K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Khawaja Nazimuddin. The three leaders had died in separate dates but were all buried in the same area as all three of them had contributed significantly to East Pakistan and were all involved politically.
A.K. Fazlul Huq was a very well-known politician who was famous for his leadership qualities. One of his most important contributions was being involved with the Bengali Language Movement. Fazlul Huq along with Huseyn Suhrawardy had engaged in many political acts such as forming the United Front in the 1954 elections, with which they had gained victory by winning the most seats. Huseyn Suhrawardy and Fazlul Huq had also worked together to control the government of East Pakistan.
However, it was rumored that Suhrawardy and Fazlul Huq had rivalry between them which had caused Fazul Huq to step down from politics. Suhrawardy was known to be the founder of the Bangladesh Awami League. He was also known to contribute significantly to the growth and development of East Pakistan. Suhrawardy became the Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1956 but was forced to resign in 1957. He was completely banned from politics by Ayub Khan (President of Pakistan). Khawaja Nazimuddin was the Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1951 to 1953.
Suhrawardy had served as the Minister of Labor and also the Minister of Civil Supplies under Khawaja Nazimuddin. At that time, Pakistan was considered to be moving in a forward direction in terms of turning into a republic but it soon failed as Nazimuddin had died shortly after in the year 1963. Even with all these achievements, it was rumored that these three political leaders had a rivalry with each other in terms of success. However, despite their rivalry, three of the political leaders were buried under the same roof of the Shrine of the three leaders.
In the present day, the Shrine is sometimes open to the public. In certain events such as the death anniversary of either A.K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Suhrawardy or Khawaja Nazimuddin, special prayer ceremonies are taken place in the site of the Shrine and people bring in flowers to commemorate.
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[name] => {:en}The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (Ra){:}{:bn}হযরত শাহ মুস্তফা (রঃ) এর দরগা{:}
[post_id] => 4041
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The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (Ra) is located in Moulvibazar district of Sylhet division. Moulvibazar is also known as the land of the companion of famous Muslim Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) the great torch bearer of Islam to this region. The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (RA) a great companion of the greatest saint Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) is located at Moulvibazar town. Originally, with the advent of a great saint Hazrat Syed Shah Mustafa Sher-E-Sowar Chabukmar Baghdadi (RA) for preaching Islam, this Moulvibazar came to limelight.
Subsequently, in the year 1882, it was declared a Sub-division under the name of "South Sylhet". Later the Sub-division was renamed after the name of a local Bazar called Moulvibazar. In the year 1984, the then President H. M. Ershad upgraded this Sub-division as a District. The First Deputy Commissioner and the Police Super of the district were Shakir Uddin Ahmed and Mukleshur Rahman respectably.
The famous Muslim Saint, Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) brought Islam to this area hundreds of years ago. The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (RA) a companion of the greatest saint Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) is located in Moulvibazar town. Originally, with the advent of a saint Hazrat, Syed Shah Mustafa Sher-E-Sowar Chabukmar Baghdadi (RA) for preaching Islam, Moulvibazar became famous. Moulvibazar got its name from one of the descendants of Hazrat Shah Mustafa, who was preaching there as a Moulavi.
{:}{:bn}হযরত শাহ মুস্তফা (রঃ) এর দরগা সিলেট বিভাগের মৌলভীবাজার জেলায় অবস্থিত। বৃহত্তর সিলেট অঞ্চলে ইসলাম প্রচারকারী মহান সাধক হযরত শাহজালাল (রঃ) এর সঙ্গী সাথীদের স্মৃতি বিজরিত পুণ্যভূমি হল মৌলভীবাজার। ইসলাম প্রচারের জন্য হযরত শাহ মুস্তফা শের-ই-সাওয়ার চাবুকুমার বাগদাদী (রঃ) এর আগমনের মধ্যে দিয়ে মৌলভীবাজার পাদপ্রদীপের আলোতে আসে। তাঁর দরগা মৌলভীবাজার শহরে অবস্থিত। মৌলভীবাজারের নামকরন করা হয়েছে হযরত শাহ মুস্তফার একজন উত্তরসূরির নামানুসারে যিনি একজন মৌলভী ছিলেন।{:}
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[name] => Mazar of Lagor Pir (Ra)
[post_id] => 5841
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Mazar of Lagor Pir (Ra) is located 3km away from Akkelpur Upazila of Joypurhat district. In a place called Sonamukhi close to Tulsiganga River, the mazar of Hazrat Abdullah Makki (Ra) is situated. Recently a Madrasha has been established there.
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[name] => Sureswar Darbar Sharif
[post_id] => 6410
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Sureswar Darbar Sharif, a Muslim Dargah founded by Hazrat Jan Sharif Shah Sureswari at Naria Upazila under Shariatpur District of Bangladesh. Oros-sharif of Sureswar Darbar is held from Magh 19 to 21 each year and attended by a large number of devotees from different parts of the country.
The first Pir of Sureswar darbar was Hazrat Jan Sharif Shah Sureswari (Mawlana Seha Sufi Syed Ahmed Ali) (1856–1919 AD), a Muslim saint and Pir. He was spiritually guided in the Marifat Tariqah of Prophet Mohammad (S) and saint according to Oaisia Tarika. After his death his dissidents were:
• Hazrat Moulana Nur Saha (R) (1893–1954 AD),
• Hazrat Saha Sufi Jalal Nuri (R) (died 1406 B.S.),
• Al-Hajj Shah Sufi Syed Tazammul Shahnuri (died 26 Falgun B.S. or 10 March 1989 AD)
• Shah Nur E Belayat Hossain (January 30, 1939 – July 10, 2001)
• Al-Hajj Shah Sufi Syed Nur-I-Akhtar Hossain Ahmadi Nuri @ Chunnu Miah Shah.