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[name] => Dewan Bari Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 1887
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The founder of Dewan Bari Jamindaar Bari was Fonivuson Mojumdar. Fonivuson Mojumdar's Father Name was Landlord Radharomon and mother's name as Kusum Kumari Devi who was the second wife of Radharomon. He was born in 1892. This landlord house is a small 2 stores Building. But the main gate of the house is look like as a Mughal Castle - gate. After banned the Real estate practices in 1952 the house was auctioned. Now there have a school and some business center.Located at Deowan Bari road in Rangpur.
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[name] => {:en}Haripur Zamindar Bari{:}{:bn}হরিপুর জমিদারবাড়ি{:}
[post_id] => 6437
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The Zamindari, the area for which the Zamindar was responsible, was 300-400 years ago. Sri Jukto Babu Ghono Sham Kundu was a big businessman during that time, he had a handicraft business. He used to come to this area for business purposes. But once, by cheating, he took over this Zamindari, and started the new Zamindari which followed the Hindu religion. If you turn 60 years back then you will find the last Zamindar in the history of this area. The Zamindari was ruled by two brothers, one was Sri Jukto Babu Narayan Rai Chowdhury, and the second one was Sri Jukto Babu Bishendro Narayan Rai Chowdhury. Their father was Sri Jukto Babu Rajoshri Jogendro Narayan Rai Chowdhury and their mother was Sham Mohini Chowdhurani.
When you visit this Zamindar Bari, you will find a lot of things which hold their grandeur still, but in a ruined condition. You can see the outstanding terracotta temple, design, famous architecture and all other stuff and attractive decoration. When you visit the palace you will find some pieces of glass which are still fixed in door and window. The grills which have a different shape and design.
দানকৃত সম্পত্তি এই হরিপুর জমিদারবাড়ি কেউ কেউ রাজবাড়ি হিসেবেও বলে থাকে। দেশের বিভিন্ন অংশ থেকে অনেকে এই জমিদারবাড়িটি দেখতে আসেন। হরিপুর গ্রামের পশ্চিমদিকে তিতাস নদীর পাড়ে অবস্থিত তিনতলা জমিদারবাড়িটিকে বাইরে থেকে দেখে আপনি কিছুই বুঝতে পারবেন না। একটি বিশাল বারান্দা অতিক্রম করে মূল ভবনটি আপনার চোখে পরবে। জমিদারবাড়িটির স্থাপত্যশৈলী যতটা না চমৎকার তার চাইতে নয়নাভিরাম জমিদারবাড়িটির দেয়ালের কারুকাজ। জমিদারবাড়ির প্রকৃত দরজাগুলো এখন আর নেই। বর্তমানে এখানে প্রায় ৩০টি পরিবার বাস করে। বলা হয়ে থাকে প্রায় ১৭৫ বছর পূর্বে ইংরেজ শাসনামলে জমিদার গৌরি প্রসাদ রায় চৌধুরী এবং কৃষ্ণ প্রসাদ রায় চৌধুরী এই জমিদারবাড়িটি নির্মাণ করেছিলেন। কৃষ্ণ প্রসাদ রায় চৌধুরীর মৃত্যুর পর হরিপদ রায় চৌধুরী এবং শান্তি রায় চৌধুরী এই জমিদারবাড়িটির উত্তরাধিকার প্রাপ্ত হন। অতঃপর তাঁদের কাছ থেকে জমিদার বাড়িটির উত্তরাধিকার চলে যায় উপেন্দ্র রায় চৌধুরী এবং হরেন্দ্র রায় চৌধুরীর কাছে। জমিদারবাড়িটি কখনোই মেরামত না করায় দিন দিন এটি তার জৌলুস ও আবেদন হারাচ্ছে।
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[name] => Betila House: The Forgotten Palace of Manikganj
[post_id] => 17193
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The Betila (বেতিলা) House in Manikganj was built about a century ago by Jyoti Babu (জ্যোতি বাবু) and Satya Babu (সত্য বাবু), a couple of affluent merchants involved in the trade of Jute, the golden fibre of Bangladesh. This palatial house is located in a remote area named Betila which is within the parameters of the modern day Manikganj proper. Explorers/travelers searching for heritage sites in Manikganj over the internet may come across several links of the famous Baliati Zamindar’s Palace but never find any links on Betila. This is primarily because the Betila House was not a Zamindar’s (Land Owner) palace, and secondly since it is located in such a remote area, people hardly know about it. Rich people of those era are known to build such palatial houses in remote areas and live lavish lives, even though they were not 'Zamindars' or royalty.
For someone looking for heritage sites, the Betila Mitra Union of Manikganj would be a fabulous one to come across. It’s situated in semi rural setting (being not too distant from urban areas) and doesn't seem particularly unique on first impression but once you begin to explore it's culture and heritage, beautiful places like the Betila House amongst several others begin to surface. The seemingly tame Betila Canal runs across the area, connecting two major rivers Kaliganga (কালিগঙ্গা) and Dhaleshwari (ধলেশ্বরী) but like most waterways of Bangladesh, one can anticipate its ferocity in full monsoon season when rising water levels which is also evident in the way it has eroded both its banks, specially at the lone bridge that was constructed some time back.
On both the banks one will come across a series of heritage buildings, the pinnacle being on the eastern bank, the Betila Palatial house surrounded by rich foliage. It’s a combined structure of two separate buildings both of which are two-storied, standing almost intact, side by side and with an expansive open field before them.
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[name] => {:en}Rayerkati Zamindar Bari{:}{:bn}রায়েরকাঠি জমিদার বাড়ি{:}
[post_id] => 1102
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Around 300 years ago, a landlord family established this Zamindar bari by their name. Parliament, ball-room, guest house and many Hindu temples were constructed near that landlord house. The number of places were amounting to almost 200. Among them, 40-50 were large. In 1658, Kaali (Hindu God) Mandir or temples were established here and The biggest Shiva Linga is also located here, weight is around 1000 kg.
Though this is a Zamindar Bari, but these days there is nothing left behind. Only few temples around (or probably there were few remnants). These are old temples which are in ruin, probably carrying the mark of 300 years or more. As per the reference, it should have the largest phallus of lord Shiva. There is a newly temple built beside the old ones and few people go there for the prayer. As per their information, it is an Iskon Temple (ইস্কন মন্দির).
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
{:}{:bn}৩৫০ বছর পূর্বে এখানে একটি জমিদার পরিবার বাস করত। এখানে আইনসভা, বলরুম, অতিথিশালা, বেশকিছু হিন্দু মন্দিরসহ প্রায় দুইশর অধিক স্থাপনা নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল। যেগুলোর মধ্যে চল্লিশ থেকে পঞ্চাশটি স্থাপনা ছিল বিশালাকৃতির। ১৬৫৮ সালে এখানে কালী মন্দির নির্মাণ করা হয়। দেশের সবচেয়ে বৃহৎ শিবলিঙ্গটি এখানেই অবস্থিত, যার ওজন প্রায় ১০০০ কেজি।{:}