Where to Stay
1. Hotel Red Castle
Hotel Red Castle is a nice guest house for accommodation. It is situated at the centre point of Rajshahi district. The river Padma is very near from the hotel. Anyone can easily go anywhere in the city from the hotel. Moreover the rent of the hotel is also very cheap. It has 13 rooms in 2 floors. Room Fare: Single A/C BDT 1,000/-, Double A/C BDT 2,200/- to BDT 3,200/- Have to add 15% VAT and 5% Service charge. Address: Serushar Para, College Road, Boalia,Rajshahi.
2. Hotel Sukarna International
কাপড় পট্টির গলি Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Phone: 0721-771817
3. Haq’s Inn
Extra Facilities: Boiled water, Television, Car Parking, Attached Bath
Address: Bir Srestha Captain Mohiuddin Zahangir Sarani, Shiroil, Rajshahi-6100.
Phone: 810420, 810421
Email: Hotel.nice@yahoo.com
Email: haqsinn@librabd.net
Rates: 250 to 1400 BDT
4. Hotel Dalas International
Extra Facilities: Boiled Water, Television for Each Room, Car Parking, Attached Bath.
Phone: 811470, 773839,
Mobile: 0171-802387
Address: Bindur More, Rail Gate, Rajshahi
Rates: 350 to 1600 BDT
5. Hotel Mukta International
Extra Facilities: Boiled Water, Television for Each Room, Car Parking, Attached Bath.
Address: Ganakpara, Shaheb Bazar, Rajshahi
Phone: 771100, 771200
Rates: 250 to 1500 BDT
6. Hotel Mid Town International
Extra Facilities: Boiled water, Television, Telephone, Dining, Attached Bath
Address: Shaheb Bazar (Be side of Zero Point), Rajshahi
Phone: 774961, 811528
Mobile: 0173-704314
Rates: 300 to 900 BDT
Other accommodation facilities in Rajshahi are as follows:
Porjoton Motel (0721-775237), Hotel al Hasib (Ganokpara, Boalia), Hotel Moon (Shahebbazar, Boalia), Hotel Radar, Hotel hox Inn (Shroil, Boalia, Rajshahi), Hotel Jomjom (Hetmotha, Boalia), Hotel Prince (Ganokpara, Boalia), Hotel Saikat (Laxmipur mor), Islami Abasik Hotel (Laxmipur, Razpara), Hotel Sukanna International (Somobay Super Market), Hotel Nice International (Ganokpara), Hotel Sky (Molopara, Boalia), Hotel Heaven (Sharoil Bazar, Boalia), Hotel Elegent (Ganokpara, Boalia).
[0] => Array
[name] => Lalpuri Dorbar Sharif Complex
[post_id] => 10854
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/lalpuri-dorbar-sharif-complex/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/119-300x225.jpg
[post_content] =>
There are some few islands in the Mighty River Meghna. Locally these islands are called "Char" (চর). From Narsingdi to Chandpur, several chars are seen in the Meghna.
In Narayanganj-Munshiganj area (Sonargaon-Gozaria) there is seen three different islands. Locally they are named Char Balaki (বালাকি), Saydabad (সায়দাবাদ) or Gucchogram (গুচ্ছগ্রাম) and Nuner Tek (নুনের টেক). In Bangla, "tek" means some place isolated by water. Lalpuri Dorbar Sharif Complex is situated at Nuner Tek.
Lalpuri Shah was a preacher of Islam. When he came in this land no one can say exactly. People believe that the man had spiritual power to cure problems or illness. His actual date of demise is still unknown. Followers of him made a dorgah beside his tomb. Recently by the donation of people, a mosque with a tall minaret has made.
The island is isolated. Trawlers commute on scheduled time only on day time. But anyone can visit the place if he is willing to visit sonargaon. Trawlers go there in half an hour interval so anyone can go and after spending 30 minutes can return with the next trawler.
[1] => Array
[name] => Shrine of Three National Leaders
[post_id] => 7569
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/shrine-of-three-national-leaders/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Shrine-of-Three-National-Leaders1-240x300.jpg
[post_content] =>
The Shrine of three leaders (তিন নেতার মাজার) is a significant architectural monument located at Shahbag, Dhaka in Bangladesh. The monument hosts the graves of three pre-liberation Bengali politicians in the 20th century- A.K. Fazlul Huq (1873–1962), Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (1892–1963) and Khwaja Nazimuddin (1894–1964). All three men served as the Prime Minister of Bengal in British India. The monument was designed by architect Masood Ahmed and S.A. Zahiruddin and was established in the year 1963. The style of architecture of the monuments is an interpretation of Islamic Arcs.
The Shrine of three leaders was established in the year 1963. It was built by architects Masood Ahmed and S.A. Zahiruddin. The Shrine of three leaders consists of a hyperbolic paraboloid structure that is erected over the three graves of the three political leaders. The three political leaders being A.K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Khawaja Nazimuddin. The three leaders had died in separate dates but were all buried in the same area as all three of them had contributed significantly to East Pakistan and were all involved politically.
A.K. Fazlul Huq was a very well-known politician who was famous for his leadership qualities. One of his most important contributions was being involved with the Bengali Language Movement. Fazlul Huq along with Huseyn Suhrawardy had engaged in many political acts such as forming the United Front in the 1954 elections, with which they had gained victory by winning the most seats. Huseyn Suhrawardy and Fazlul Huq had also worked together to control the government of East Pakistan.
However, it was rumored that Suhrawardy and Fazlul Huq had rivalry between them which had caused Fazul Huq to step down from politics. Suhrawardy was known to be the founder of the Bangladesh Awami League. He was also known to contribute significantly to the growth and development of East Pakistan. Suhrawardy became the Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1956 but was forced to resign in 1957. He was completely banned from politics by Ayub Khan (President of Pakistan). Khawaja Nazimuddin was the Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1951 to 1953.
Suhrawardy had served as the Minister of Labor and also the Minister of Civil Supplies under Khawaja Nazimuddin. At that time, Pakistan was considered to be moving in a forward direction in terms of turning into a republic but it soon failed as Nazimuddin had died shortly after in the year 1963. Even with all these achievements, it was rumored that these three political leaders had a rivalry with each other in terms of success. However, despite their rivalry, three of the political leaders were buried under the same roof of the Shrine of the three leaders.
In the present day, the Shrine is sometimes open to the public. In certain events such as the death anniversary of either A.K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Suhrawardy or Khawaja Nazimuddin, special prayer ceremonies are taken place in the site of the Shrine and people bring in flowers to commemorate.
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Tomb of Hazrat Shah Paran (RA){:}{:bn}হযরত শাহপরান (রঃ) এর দরগা{:}
[post_id] => 4304
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/tomb-of-hazrat-shah-paran-ra/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Hazrat_Shah_Paran1-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Hazrat Shah Paran (Bengali: শাহপরান, Shah Farhan) was a Sufi saint of the Suhrawardiyya and Jalalia order. It is said that he was the son of a sister of Shah Jalal and was born in Hadramaut, Yemen. He was an accomplice of his uncle, Shah Jalal, with whom he arrived in India. In 1303 AD, He took part in the expedition of Sylhet which was led by Shah Jalal. After the conquest of Sylhet he established a khanqah at Khadim Nagar in Dakshingarh Pargana, about 7 km away from Sylhet town, where he started Sufi spiritual practices and activities. He played a significant role in propagating Islam and establishing Muslim rule in the Sylhet region.
It is unclear how and when he died, but he is buried near his khanqah. For centuries, large numbers of devotees have been visiting his tomb, a practice which continues even today. On the 4th, 5th and 6th day of Rabi-ul-Awal, the Urs of Hazrat Shah Paran takes place. His grave is located in a high hillock and it is carefully preserved at a place which is built with bricks and surrounded by walls. On the northern side of the grave there is an old tree, the branches and branchlets of which are extended above the entire tomb.
The name of the tree is 'Ashagachh' (a tree of hopes). From a close observation of the leaves of the tree, it appears that the tree has grown out of a mixture of the fig, mango and some other tree. People eat the seeds of the figs devotionally in the hope of getting rid of diseases. Mangoes are also eaten with utmost respect as Tabaruk. There is an ancient mosque by the side of the tomb. The mosque has been modernized in 1989-91. About 1500 devout Muslims in a body can now say their prayers there.
Adjacent to the main tomb complex of Shah Paran, found in the East of Sylhet, is another tomb visited by worshipers, that of Konya Shah. Legend has it that this follower of the great saints was neither man nor woman. There is a permanent exhibition of the life and times of this saint. Contemporary paintings and pictures featured at the tomb/exhibition depict a person most likely to be a eunuch. Though the original conquerors earned a prominent role in Islamic history, main stream Islam shuns the idea of worshiping saints and eunuchs. A road bridge over the Surma River, a passenger ferry and a hall of residence at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology have all been named after Shah Paran.
Hazrat Shah Paran (the nephew of Hazrat Shah Jalal) was involved in preaching Islam in Sylhet. Shah Paran's Mazaar (tomb) is located in periphery of Sylhet town, in Major Tila. He was a companion of his uncle, Shah Jalal, with whom he arrived in India. In 1303 AD, He took part in the expedition of Sylhet which was led by Shah Jalal. After the conquest of Sylhet he established a khanqah at Khadim Nagar in Dakshingarh Pargana, about 7 km away from Sylhet town, where he started Sufi spiritual practices and activities. He played a significant role in propagating Islam and establishing Muslim rule in the Sylhet region.
{:}{:bn}হযরত শাহপরাণ ছিলেন সুহরাওয়ারদিয়া এবং জালালীয়া বংশের একজন সূফী সাধক। বলা হয়ে থাকে ইয়েমেনের হাদরামুতে জন্মগ্রহণকারী হযরত শাহপরাণ (রঃ) ছিলেন হযরত শাহজালালের বোনের ছেলে। তিনি তাঁর মামা হযরত শাহজালালের সাথে ভারতে আসেন এবং ১৩০৩ সালে শাহজালালের নেতৃত্বে সিলেট অভিযানে অংশ নেন। সিলেট অধিগ্রহনের পর শাহপরাণ (রঃ) সিলেট শহর থেকে ৭ কিলোমিটার দূরে দক্ষিনগড় পরগণার খাদিমনগরে খানকাহ স্থাপন করে সূফী মতবাদভিত্তিক আধ্যাত্মিক চর্চা ও কর্মকাণ্ড শুরু করেন। সিলেট অঞ্চলে মুসলিম শাসন প্রতিষ্ঠা ও ইসলামের প্রচারে তিনি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভুমিকা পালন করেন।
কিভাবে এবং কখন হযরত শাহপরাণ (রঃ) মৃত্যুবরণ করেন তা জানা যায়নি তবে তাঁকে দাফন করা হয় তাঁরই খানকার পাশে। শতবছর ধরে আজ অবধি অসংখ্য মানুষ তাঁর দরগায় আসেন। প্রতি বছর আরবী রবিউল আউয়াল মাসের ৪, ৫, ও ৬ তারিখে হযরত শাহপরাণের উরশ অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। তাঁর কবরটি একটি উঁচু পাহাড়ের ওপর ইট দিয়ে বাঁধানো এবং দেয়াল দিয়ে ঘেরা অবস্থায় সুরক্ষিত আছে। কবরটির উত্তরে “আশাগাছ” নামে একটি প্রাচীন বৃক্ষ আছে যেটির ডালপালা পুরো দরগার ওপর ছড়িয়ে রয়েছে। গাছটির পাতা কাছ থেকে দেখলে মনে হয় যে গাছটি আম, ডুমুর এবং অন্য কোন গাছের সমন্বয়ে বেড়ে উঠেছে। মানুষজন এই গাছটির ডুমুর ফলের বীজ রোগমুক্তির আশায় খেয়ে থাকে এবং এই গাছের আমও তবারুক হিসেবে ভক্তির সাথে খেয়ে থাকে। এই দরগার পাশেই একটি প্রাচীন মসজিদ রয়েছে। ১৯৮৯-৯১ সালে মসজিদটির আধুনিকীকরন করা হয় এবং এখানে প্রায় ১৫০০ জন মুসলিম একসাথে নামাজ আদায় করতে পারে।
শাহপরাণের মূল দরগার নিকটেই উত্তর সিলেটে রয়েছে কনিয়া শাহর দরগা। কথায় আছে যে তিনি পুরুষও ছিলেন না আবার নারীও ছিলেন না। কনিয়া শাহর দরগায় তাঁর সময়ের ছবি, চিত্রকর্ম, ও জীবনযাত্রার নিদর্শন খুঁজে পাওয়া যায় যা থেকে প্রতীয়মান হয় যে তিনি ছিলেন একজন নপুংসক। যদিও ইসলাম প্রচারকারীরা ইসলামের ইতিহাসে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থান দখল করে নিয়েছে তারপরও মূলধারার ইসলাম ধর্ম সাধু এবং নপুংসকদের অর্চনাকে নিরুৎসাহিত করে।
সুরমা নদীর ওপর একটি সড়ক সেতু, একটি যাত্রীবাহী ফেরী এবং শাহজালাল বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের একটি হলের নামকরন হযরত শাহ পরাণ (রঃ) এর নামে করা হয়েছে।{:}
[3] => Array
[name] => {:en}Tomb of Khan Jahan{:}{:bn}খান জাহানের দরগা{:}
[post_id] => 1519
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/khan-jahans-tomb/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Ulug-Khan-Jahans-Tomb-1-300x225.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Tomb of Khan Jahan stands on a high artificial mound, as mainly known as the Dargah complex of Khan Jahan. The complex consists of the square tomb building of Khan Jahan himself; a case of Muhammad Tahir, his diwan; a single-domed mosque and the so-called kitchen. It measures as 13.7 meters height and 9.1 meters width. The four exterior angles of the building are maintained with solid circular towers. There are four walls which have a thickness of 2.4 meter, have stone casings up to the height of about 0.9 meter for preventing the building from ground moisture. The ground moisture is common in the humid climate of south Bengal. It is located on the northern bank of the so-called Thakur dighi and is surrounded by an outer wall of 67.1 meter from east to west and 64.7 meter from north to south.
It was a rectangular structure of 12.2m by 8.5m with circular towers on the exterior angles. What the building was actually intended for, is unknown. A local tradition relates that in the last years of his life Khan Jahan dwelt in the building, where he now buried, and used the adjacent building as his kitchen. About a century ago, the building was known to have been used for the same purpose by two Faqirs, who then looked after the mosque and the tomb.
কথিত ঠাকুরদীঘির উত্তর তীরে খান জাহানের দরগা অবস্থিত। এই দরগাটি পূর্ব থেকে পশ্চিমে ৬৭.১ মিটার এবং উত্তর থেকে দক্ষিনে ৬৪.৭ মিটার দীর্ঘ দেয়াল দিয়ে ঘেরা। খান জাহানের দরগা কমপ্লেক্সটি উঁচু মাটির ঢিবির উপর অবস্থিত। এই কমপ্লেক্সে অবস্থিত একটি বর্গক্ষেত্র আকারের ভবনে খান জাহানের সমাধি, তাঁর দেওয়ান মুহাম্মাদ তাহিরের সমাধি, একটি এক গম্বুজবিশিষ্ট মসজিদ এবং একটি কথিত রান্নাঘর রয়েছে। খান জাহানের সমাধিটির প্রতিটি দিকের মাপ বাইরে থেকে ১৩.৭ মিটার এবং ভেতর থেকে ৯.১ মিটার। ইট দিয়ে নির্মিত এই ভবনটি দরগা কমপ্লেক্সের প্রাণকেন্দ্র। ভবনটির চার কোণায় চারটি গোলাকার টাওয়ার রয়েছে। এছাড়া ভবনটির চার দেয়ালের প্রতিটির পুরুত্ব ২.৪ মিটার এবং মাটির আদ্রতা থেকে রক্ষা করতে দেয়ালের ০.৯ মিটার উচ্চতা পর্যন্ত পাথরের আবরন ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। দক্ষিনবঙ্গের আদ্র আবহাওয়ায় মাটির আদ্রতা একটি সাধারণ ব্যাপার।
কি উদ্দেশ্যে ভবনটি নির্মিত হয়েছিল সেটি জানা যায়নি। স্থানীয়দের কাছ থেকে জানা যায় জীবনের শেষ সময়ে খান জাহান আলী এই ভবনে বাস করতেন এবং পাশের ভবনটিকে রান্নাঘর হিসেবে ব্যবহার করতেন। মৃত্যুর পর খান জাহান আলীকে এই ভবনেই সমাহিত করা হয়। জানা যায় প্রায় শত বছর পূর্বে মসজিদ এবং দরগার দেখাশোনার কাজে নিয়োজিত দুজন ফকির একই উদ্দেশ্যে এই ভবনটিকে ব্যবহার করতেন।