The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (Ra) is located in Moulvibazar district of Sylhet division. Moulvibazar is also known as the land of the companion of famous Muslim Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) the great torch bearer of Islam to this region. The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (RA) a great companion of the greatest saint Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) is located at Moulvibazar town. Originally, with the advent of a great saint Hazrat Syed Shah Mustafa Sher-E-Sowar Chabukmar Baghdadi (RA) for preaching Islam, this Moulvibazar came to limelight.
Subsequently, in the year 1882, it was declared a Sub-division under the name of “South Sylhet”. Later the Sub-division was renamed after the name of a local Bazar called Moulvibazar. In the year 1984, the then President H. M. Ershad upgraded this Sub-division as a District. The First Deputy Commissioner and the Police Super of the district were Shakir Uddin Ahmed and Mukleshur Rahman respectably.
The famous Muslim Saint, Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) brought Islam to this area hundreds of years ago. The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mustafa (RA) a companion of the greatest saint Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) is located in Moulvibazar town. Originally, with the advent of a saint Hazrat, Syed Shah Mustafa Sher-E-Sowar Chabukmar Baghdadi (RA) for preaching Islam, Moulvibazar became famous. Moulvibazar got its name from one of the descendants of Hazrat Shah Mustafa, who was preaching there as a Moulavi.
Where to Stay
Sreemangal Tea Resort:
Accommodation: Bungalows BDT 3,500-5,500, Suites BDT-3,500/-, Ip rooms BDT-2,500/-. Have to add 15% vat & 7% Service charge.
Address: Bangladesh Tea Board, Bhanugach Road, Srimangal, MauloviBazar.
Hotel Tea Town:
Accommodation: Deluxe non A/c BDT 1,000-1,250, Couple BDT 1,350/-, Suite BDT-1,550-1,850/-
Have to add 15% vat & 5% service charge
Address: Dhaka Sylhet Road, Sreemongal.
3. Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf
Arman Khan (Act GM), Sreemangal, +8801730793552-(59)
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[name] => Mazar of Lagor Pir (Ra)
[post_id] => 5841
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Mazar of Lagor Pir (Ra) is located 3km away from Akkelpur Upazila of Joypurhat district. In a place called Sonamukhi close to Tulsiganga River, the mazar of Hazrat Abdullah Makki (Ra) is situated. Recently a Madrasha has been established there.
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[name] => Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mokdum (Ra)
[post_id] => 2999
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[post_content] => Shrine of Hazrat Shah Mokdum (Ra) can be termed as a Mazar or Dorga which is situated around the grave of Hazrat Shah MokdumRuposh (Ra). He initiated Islam in the Rajshahi region. It is said that he came to Rajshahi by sitting on top of Crocodile. Many crocodile are stored in the famous Dighi which is next to the mazar of Shah Mokdum (Ra).
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[name] => {:en}Ramkot{:}{:bn}রামকোট{:}
[post_id] => 5597
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Ramkot or Ramkut is situated in the Rajarkul union of Ramu Pourashova, four kilometers south of Ramu Chowmohony Bus station.
It is one of the most ancient historical sites of the district. Research- scholars unanimously hold the view that it had been one of the northern forts of the kingdom of Arakan from where the governor of Ramu called “Pomaja” in Arkanese dialect ruled south Chittagong over which the Arakanese kings had been holding their sway for about one thousand years. Here in the mediaeval age the Tippera and the Mughal armies fought fierce and sanguinary battles against the Arakanese troops by turns in order to take possession of this fort as well as Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar regions.
It is now mostly known for its age-old shrines of the Buddhists and the Hindus. According to the Hindu mythology, Ram Chandra, the prince of Oudh, came to this place accompanied by his wife Sita while he had been in exile for twelve years and stayed here for some time. Hence, the place is called Ram Kshetra or Ramkut or Ramkot.
রামকোটকে বলা যেতে পারে কক্সবাজার জেলার সবচেয়ে প্রাচীন স্থানগুলোর মধ্যে একটি। গবেষকরা সকলেই একমত হয়েছেন যে আরাকান রাজার প্রায় হাজার বছরের শাসনকালে এই স্থানটি ছিল আরাকান রাজ্যের উত্তরাঞ্চলীয় দুর্গ যেখান থেকে রামুর গভর্নর (যাকে আরকানিজ ভাষায় বলা হত ‘পোমাজা’) দক্ষিন চট্রগ্রাম শাসন করতেন। মধ্যযুগীয় আমলে চট্রগ্রাম এবং কক্সবাজার অঞ্চলের পাশাপাশি এখানকার দুর্গ দখলের জন্য টিপ্পেরা এবং মুঘল বাহিনীর সাথে আরকানিজ বাহিনীর বেশকিছু পৃথক রক্তক্ষয়ী যুদ্ধ সংঘটিত হয়েছিল।
বৌদ্ধ এবং হিন্দুদের প্রাচীন উপাসনালয়ের উপস্থিতির কারনে এই স্থানটি বেশি পরিচিত। হিন্দু শাস্ত্র অনুযায়ী উধের যুবরাজ রামচন্দ্র বারো বছর নির্বাসনে থাকাকালে তাঁর স্ত্রী সীতাসহ এখানে এসে কিছুদিন অবস্থান করেন। একারনেই এই স্থানটিকে বলা হয় রামশেতরা অথবা রামকুট অথবা রামকোট।
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[name] => Hazrat Sharfuddin Abu Tawama
[post_id] => 11327
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Hazrat Sharfuddin Abu Tawama’s Tomb and Mazar is situated just eastward to the Mosque in mazar Complex, connected to the Mazar of Hazrat Ibrahim Danish Mand. Without any inscriptional evidences, local people believe that this Grave is belong to the Hazrat Sharfuddin Abu Tawama. There are six graves in a row and second one from the east is belong to Hazrat Sharfuddin. This Mazar is surrounded by a fence wall. In that brick wall there is a stone inscription had been found. On the inscription a short description is written about the time period of a Mosque situated just west to the Mazar area.
Hazrat Sheik Sharfuddin Abu Tawama hails from Bhukhara. During the year 1274-1277, he came to then Sonargaon along with his family via Delhi and Manere of Bhiar. From Maner, a 17 years old pious boy Sheik Sharf-Uddin Yahia Manery took bayet in his hand and accompanied him to Sonargaon. Hazrat Sharf-Uddin Abu Tawama got the blessing of Hazrat Ibrahim Daneshmand (RA) who induldged him in establishing a Khankha to preach Islam in the area. He established Khanka to make the same one of the high standard educational institution with the help of his diciple Hazrat Sheik Sharf-Uddin Yahia Manery, who became the celebrated mentor and teacher of the Khanka.
Hazrat Sheik Sharfuddin Abu Tawama died in the year 1300 AD and buried within the premises of Darga Bari which is at the eastern side of Mograpara.
Unfotunitly the grave of Hazrat Sheik Sharfuddin Abu Tawama (RA) does not have any shed nor the place could be said very well maintained area.