Where to Stay
Accommodation facilities in Natore are as follows:
1. Hotel VIP
Address: Borohorishpur, Natore
Direction: 1 km West of Central Bus Terminal and East of Madrasha more.
Phone: 0771-66097, +880 1718 673735
2. Hotel Millat
Address: Madrasha More, Natore Sadar, Natore
3. Hotel Prince
Address: Railway Station Bazar, Natore Sadar, Natore
Phone: 0771-61356
Mobile: 01746029429
4. Hotel Raj
Address: Madrasha More, Natore Sadar, Natore
Phone: 0771-66660
Mobile: 01727371500
5. Hotel Rukhsana
Address: Kanaikhali, Old bus stand, Natore Sadar, Natore
Phone: 0771-62431
Mobile: 01739987017
6. Natore Boarding
Address: Nichabazar, Hospital Road, Natore Sadar, Natore.
Phone: 0771-62001
7. Natore Sugar Mills Guest House
Address: Natore Sugar Mills area, Natore Sadar, Natore
[0] => Array
[name] => {:en}Temple of Sree Choitanner Matutalai{:}{:bn}শ্রী চৈত্তানের মাতুতালাইয়ের মন্দির{:}
[post_id] => 3959
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/temple-of-sree-choitanner-matutalai/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Chaitanya-Temple-Sylhet3-300x191.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Temple of Sree Choitanner Matutalai lies at Joypur of Bhubal Upazilla, 8 km away from Shayestaganj at Sreemangal-Shayestaganj road. This temple is very holy place for Hindu community, since it's been the mother’s home of Sree Choitanner, the founder of ‘Boishnob’ religion.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
{:}{:bn}শ্রী চৈত্তানের মাতুতালাইয়ের মন্দির হবিগঞ্জের বাহুবল উপজেলার অধীন শায়েস্তাগঞ্জ থেকে ১৪.৮ কিলোমিটার দূরে শ্রীমঙ্গল-শায়েস্তাগঞ্জ সড়কের জয়পুরে অবস্থিত। বৈষ্ণব ধর্মের প্রনেতা শ্রী চৈত্তানের মায়ের বাড়ি হওয়ার কারনে এই মন্দিরটি হিন্দুদের কাছে একটি অত্যন্ত পবিত্র স্থান।{:}
[1] => Array
[name] => Handial Jagannath Temple
[post_id] => 9243
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/handial-jogonnath-temple/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/handial-jogonnath-mondir-21-300x225.jpg
[post_content] =>
Handial Jagannath Temple (হান্ডিয়াল জগন্নাথ মন্দির) is an old temple located at Handial (হান্ডিয়াল) village of Chatmohor Upazila of Pabna district. As it is located at the Handial village, it is known as Handial Mandir too.
It is a single door small sized temple which was built using bricks. This temple gets narrower as it is progressing upwards. Only the front wall of the temple has some terracotta. The temple is placed over a high plinth.
From the inscription, it is found that the temple was reconstructed by someone named Bhobani Proshad during 1590. But scholars are assuming that the temple was built even another 100 years before from that time.
The whole temple premise is under a boundary. Another two newly temples are being constructed at the both side of the old temple. There is a small chariot (রথ) available inside the premise. Also, a Mondop (মন্ডপ) is available for the upcoming Hindu festival Durga Puja (দূর্গা পূজা).
[2] => Array
[name] => Bodeshari Temple
[post_id] => 2988
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/bodeshari-temple/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/offroadbangladeshlogo2-300x178.png
[post_content] => The Hindu temple "Bodeshari" is situated in Boda sub district at Borososhi council at Devibod Deshari Mouja at the area of 2.78 acre. Among 18 Purans, Skandha is one of those. In 88 Kashi of that Puran, it is said that the king made a worship.
The King Volanath was the son in law of Shib kind Dakkha. The king Dakkha never accepted Shib as his son-in-law because of his carelessness about his life. In that worship, all were invited but his son-in-law Devi durga (Parvati/Mahamaya) Shib was not invited.
[3] => Array
[name] => Shyamsiddhir Moth
[post_id] => 8507
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/shyamsiddhir-moth/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/SDM-11-252x300.jpg
[post_content] =>
A huge number of moth (মঠ) has been found all over the places in Munshiganj District. Shyamsiddhir Moth is one of the old moth, which is located in Shyamsiddhi village, to the west of Sreenagar Bazar under Sreenagar upazila in Munshiganj district. A Bangla inscription fixed over the doorway in the south side implies that it was constructed by one Shambhunath Majumder in 1243 BS/ Shakabda 1758 (1836 AD). The math is named after by its location.
The building is square in plan, measuring 6m externally, and the walls are 1m thick. This brick built math stands on a 1.20m high platform, and is about 20m high. The moth is divided into three stages. The lower square part is the main shrine. On its south side there is an entrance with pointed arch, flanked by a rectangular panel on its either side; while each of the other three sides contains three rectangular panels in plaster, of which the central one is bigger than the flanking ones. Over the lintel level, all four sides are relieved with two semi-circular arches - one above the other - set within a rectangular frame under a large semi-circular arch. A sun emblem in plaster is depicted in the small arches.
The entire surface of the walls were originally plastered, but now have fallen at places. The shrine is covered by a dome, over which the base of the tapering shikhara (spire) is transformed into an octagonal shape at its second stage. Internally, the dome is supported on half-domed squinches and multi-cusped corner arches, while the side walls are relived with ornamented arched panels. Above these arched panels and corner arches medallions are depicted. The interior of the dome is ornamented with two bands of floral motives at the base.
At the octagonal second stage there are eight pilasters on the eight corners. The large rectangular area in each side is decorated with large window panels with closed shutters. Above the window panel runs panels containing a group of serpent hoods and floral leaf pattern alternately around the eight sides. Above each of the eight sides there is a curved chala decoration, from which the uppermost stage of the math rises in a tapering mass. The shikhara was once crowned with kalasa finial, but is now missing, although the iron trishul (trident) is still standing.
It is a typical single shikhara type of math with a series of repeated curved vertical mouldings, similar to the sonarang twin temples.