How to go
After reaching at Naogaon, take local buses to reach that place.
How To Reach: Naogaon District
Buses can be used to get between major towns, or else rickshaws for small distances. There are two major Bus Stand/ Stop in Naogaon District. The First but small one is “Dhaka Bus Stand” , where usually you will get buses to go to Dhaka, Bogra, Sylhet and Chittagong mainly. The other one is “Baludangga Bus Stand” situated almost at the end of the Naogaon Municipality. At “Baludangga” Bus Stand, you can get buses to travel to Paharpur, and other Sub-division of Naogaon District, such Sapahar, Nazipur, badalgachi etc.
The other most convenient options is the “Bangladesh Railway”, from “Santahar” Railway Station. You can find numerous trains from “Santahar” to various district in Northern & Southern Bangladesh. Using First class ticket is a very convenient way for foreign Tourists, to be safe and pleasant journey, and price is also very reasonable in fact Bangladesh Railway is cheap.
SR Travels has regular routes from Dhaka to Naogaon: (Both AC and Non-AC are available). Counters of SR Travels in Dhaka:
1. Kollyanpur Bus Stand (Counter-1), phone: 02-8013793, 02-8019312,
2. Abdullahpur Bus Stand, Phone: 01711-944023
3. Gabtoli Bus Terminal, Phone: 02-8011226
4. Bijoy Nagar, Kakrail, Phone: 02-9352118
5. Mohakhali Bus Terminal, Phone: 02-8834833, 01552-315831
6. Kollyanpur Bus Stand (Counter-2), Phone: 02-8060876
Some bus services from Dhaka to Naogaon are:
1. Shayamoli Paribahan – TK 350-450
2. Hanif Enterprise – TK 350-450
3. Ekota Paribahan – TK 350-450
There are plenty more services almost similar, but air conditioned services give a little deluxe flavor.
There are a number of luxurious intercity services between Dhaka and Naogaon each day. Railway station in Naogoan is “Santahar Junction”, which is situated at the end of Bogra. However it costs just TK 15-20 to reach Naogaon by rickshaw or CNG-powered auto rickshaw.
From Dhaka to Santahar, Naogaon Intercity trains from BimanBandar: Except “Nilsagar” all the train can be embarked on from “Kamlapur Junction Station, Dhaka” as well. Just add around 35-40 mins prior to the time given for Bimanbandor (Bengali of Airport) time.
Train No Name Off Day From Departure To Arrival
772 Rangpur Express Monday Airport 5:58 AM Dhaka 6:35:00 AM
771 Rangpur Express Sunday Airport 9:33 AM Zamuna Bridge (East) 11:32 AM
705 Ekota Express Tuesday Airport 10:22 AM Dinajpur 7:10 PM
706 Ekota Express Monday Airport 6:43 AM Dhaka 7:40 AM
751 Lalmani Express Friday Airport 10:42 PM Lalmonirhat 8:20 AM
752 Lalmani Express Friday Airport 8:28 PM Dhaka 9:05 PM
757 Drutajan Express Wednesday Airport 8:12 PM Dinajpur 5:00 AM
758 Drutajan Express Wednesday Airport 5:10 PM Dhaka 5:55 PM
765 Nilsagar Monday Airport 8:36 AM Nilphamari 5:30 PM
766 Nilsagar Sunday Airport 7:35 AM Dhaka Cantt 7:45 AM
Note: All the train above touches “Santahar”, destination above are end destination of the train.
Where to Stay
1. Hotel Agomoni
Address: Muktir Mor, Naogaon.
Manager: Md. Salah Uddin Parvej,
Phone: 0741-63351
2. Hotel Obokas
Address: Par-Naogaon, Santahar Road, Naogaon.
Manager: Md. Abdul Azij Chowdhury,
Phone: 0741-62356
3. Afsar Rest House
Sadar Hospital Road, Naogaon.
Manager: Md. Khayrul Alam Advocate,
Phone: 0741-63153
4. Archaeological Rest House, Paharpur,
Phone: 0571 89119
[0] => Array
[name] => Shukhbashpur Dighi
[post_id] => 8933
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[post_content] => Shukhbashpur Dighi (সুখবাসপুর দিঘী), nearly hundred years old Lake situated at Hatimara, Rampal Union Parishad of Munshiganj Sadar. Almost all around the year it is filled with water. It is a rectangular shaped lake which is surrounded by different types of green trees. Its natural beauty, gentle breeze, calm and quiet environment attracts people to spend their leisure time at the edge of this dighi. Above all, its oldness and different types of myth also make people visit this place.
[1] => Array
[name] => {:en}Nunchhori Debota Pond{:}{:bn}নুনছড়ি দেবতা পুকুর{:}
[post_id] => 1107
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Nunchhori Debota Pond (Matai Pukhiri/Goddess Pond) is a remarkable lake known as the Matai Pukhiri, 500 meters above ground level at Nunchhari in Khagrachhari District. According to a legend of the Tripura tribe, the water of this lake never dries up nor becomes dirty, which is why it is called Matai Pukhiri or the Lake of God.
নুনছড়ি দেবতা পুকুর খাগড়াছড়ি সদর উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। খাগড়াছড়ির নুনছড়িতে ভুপৃষ্ঠ থেকে ৫০০ মিটার উঁচুতে অবস্থিত নুনছড়ি দেবতা পুকুরটি মাটাই পুখুরি অথবা দেবতা পুকুর নামেও পরিচিত। আদিবাসী ত্রিপুরা গোত্রের কল্পকাহিনী অনুযায়ী এই পুকুরের পানি কখনো শুকিয়ে যায় না এবং ময়লা হয়না তাই এই পুকুরকে বলা হয় মাটাই পুখিরি অথবা দেবতা পুকুর।
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Bharaura Lake{:}{:bn}ভারাউড়া লেক{:}
[post_id] => 6388
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Bharaura Lake in Bharaura tea garden near Sreemangal is possessed by the James Finlay Co. A traveler can have a spectacular view of Lotus floating all over the lake which is the core attention of the lake. You might find some monkeys as your companions around. Left to the rail cross of the garden about 1.5 km ahead. You can observe the red hill enclosed by jackfruit trees. If you get close to the trees you might be frightened by the sound of monkeys, live in shades of trees.
Be advised, you should not try to be over smart and try to return before sunset, as there is much more concerning the security. The western area of Sreemangal consists a place filled with Haors and beels which is known as Hail Haor. There is a water front which becomes the territory of winter birds.
ভারাউড়া লেক মৌলভীবাজার জেলার শ্রীমঙ্গল উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। ভারাউড়া চা বাগানে অবস্থিত ভারাউড়া লেকটির মালিকানার অধিকারী জেমস ফিনলে কোম্পানি। এই লেকের মূল আকর্ষণ হল লেকের সর্বত্র ফুটে থাকা পদ্মফুল যা বহুগুনে লেকের সৌন্দর্য বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছে। এছাড়া এখানে আসলে পাহাড়ের গায়ে বেড়ে ওঠা কাঁঠাল গাছ দেখতে পাবেন। এসব গাছের কাছে গেলে কিছু বানরেরও দেখা পেতে পারেন আপনি। আপনাকে অবশ্যই সন্ধ্যার পূর্বেই ফিরে আসার চেষ্টা করতে হবে। হাওড় ও বিলে পরিপূর্ণ শ্রীমঙ্গলের পশ্চিমভাগকে বলা হয় হাইল হাওড়। শীতকালে এখানে অতিথি পাখির সমাগম হয়।
[3] => Array
[name] => {:en}Madhobpur Lake and Tea Estate{:}{:bn}মাধবপুর লেক এবং চা বাগান{:}
[post_id] => 3966
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Madhobpur Lake and Tea Estate is located in Kamalganj Upazila of Moulvibazar District. The pleasant natural Madhobpur Lake is surrounded by small hills (Tila). Most of the hills are planted with tea trees. The bank side of the lake is full of lotuses and lilies. The color of the lilies is bluish which adorns this place with a bluish sphere. The lake is surrounded by small hills.
The lake is so wide and it’s hard to cover the whole lake with your camera. There is always heavy wind blows surround the lake that made the water of the lake looks like a river or calm sea water. You might have seen such kind of magenta and white colored lilies before. It is so beautiful, and the lily looks like a bit glowing from far. It seems that someone Photoshoped the flowers for that glowings.
{:}{:bn}মাধবপুর লেক এবং চা বাগান মৌলভীবাজার জেলার কমলগঞ্জ উপজেলায় অবস্থিত। দর্শনীয় মাধবপুর লেক বয়ে গিয়েছে ছোট পাহাড় ও টিলার মধ্য দিয়ে। লেকের চারপাশের বেশীরভাগ পাহাড় ও টিলায় চা চাষ করা হয়। এই লেকের পানি সবসময় ছেয়ে থাকে নীল ও সাদা রঙের পদ্ম ফুলে। লেকটি এতটাই চওড়া যে ক্যামেরায় পুরো লেকটিকে ধারন করা প্রায় অসম্ভব। লেকের ওপর দিয়ে প্রায় সবসময় বাতাস বয়ে চলায় লেকটিকে একটি নদী অথবা শান্ত সাগরের মত দেখায়। এই লেকের নীল ও সাদা পদ্ম ফুলগুলো বহুদূর থেকে এতটাই জ্বলজ্বল করে যেন মনে হয় পদ্মফুলগুলোর ওপর কেউ নিপুণ হাতে শিল্পকর্ম করেছে। লেক থেকে প্রায় ৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে একটি স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ রয়েছে।{:}