How to go
It is located in Bangsipara village, Atghariya Upazila of Pabna district. For directions to AtghariyaUpazila see
How To Reach: Pabna District
It is approximately 219 km away from Dhaka. You can reach by using both road and rail transports.
Dhaka is about five hours by road, through the Jamuna Bridge. Cities and towns of Dhaka Division, Chittagong Division and Sylhet Division are also connected though it. Kushtia District and other parts of Khulna Division and Barisal Division is connected through Lalon Shah Bridge. River crossing (ferry ghat) at Nogorbari on the Jamuna River is the old route to Dhaka and the eastern part of Bangladesh.
It requies three to four hours to cross only the Jamuna from Nogobari to Aaricha river port in Manikgonj District. Najirgonj river crossing on the Padma River connects Pabna town with neighbouring Rajbari District as well as Faridpur, Madaripur, Shariatpur and Gopalganj Districts, and Barisal Division. Pabna is also well connected to all the districts and towns of Rajshahi Division by road.
Pabna town has no rail network. Nearby railway stations are situated at Iswardi and Chatmohar Upazila. Nearby airport is at Ishwardi Upazila. Biman Bangladesh Airlines used to operate twice- weekly services to Ishwardi from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka. However, no airlines is operating to and from Ishwardi at the moment.
Several Dhaka bound private bus services are available such as Pabna Express, Shyamoli, Shorkar Travels, Raja Badsha, Badol, Mohanagar, Shorkar Travels, Ishurdi Express, Night Star, Kings, Esha, Capital Service, etc. Government owned Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) provides bus services to Rajshahi and Bogra cities. Water transport is important as the Padma and other rivers, and Chalan Beel are situated in Pabna. In Pabna district ride by Nosimon, rickshawvan and Korimon are pleasure worthy.
Dhaka is about five hours by road, through the Jamuna Bridge. Pabna is also well connected to all the districts and towns of Rajshahi Division by road.
1. Pabna Express:
Kollyanpur Counter: BRTC Market,
Mobile: 01750-143095, 01193-086077
2. Shyamoli Paribahan:
12, South Kollyanpur, Mirpur Road, Dhaka.
Tel: 02-900331, 02-8034275.
3. Green Line:
Address: 9/2, Outer Circular Road,
Momen Bagh, Rajarbagh, Dhaka – 1217
Phone: 8331302-4, 8353004-5, 9339623, 9342580
Other bus services are- Shorkar Travels, Raja Badsha, Badol, Mohanagar, Shorkar Travels, Ishurdi Express, Night Star, Kings, Esha, Capital Service, etc.
Pabna town has no rail network. Nearby railway stations are situated in Iswardi and Chatmohar Upazila.
Where to Stay
1. Hotel Probashi International
Address: Rupkatha Road, Pabna 6600, Bangladesh
Phone: +88 01749148685
2. Hotel Park
Facilities: Residential hotel, Air Conditioned
Address: Abdul Hamid Road,
Tel: 0731-64096
3. Hotel Shilton
Address: Abdul Hamid Road, Pabna.
Tel: 0731-62006,01712-433 249
4. Chayanirr Hotel
Address: Rupkatha Road, Pabna
Telephone: 0731-66100, 65390
5. Prime Guest House
Facilities: Car Parking, Air Conditioned
Address: Abdul Hamid Road,
Tel: 0731-65701,0731-66901
6. Midnight Moon Chinese Restaurant
Facilities: Residential hotel, Car Parking, Air Conditioned
Address: A. Hamid Road.
Tel: 0731-65787
7. Shawgatam and Chinese Restaurant
Facilities: Residential hotel, Air Conditioned
Address: Rupkatha Road,
Tel: 0731-64029,0731-65861
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[name] => Mausoleum of Giyas Uddin Azam Shah
[post_id] => 11222
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Mausoleum of Giyas Uddin Azam Shah is one of the renowned archaeological features, situated at Mograpara, Sonargaon. Giyas uddin Azam Shah (1390-1411 AD) the third sultan of the Iliyas Shahi dynasty of Bengal earned great name for his ideal character, patronage of learning and for good administration. The events of his life are so variegated that he may be compared to a prince in a fairy tale. Himself a scholar and poet, Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah held literary men in great esteem. He corresponded with the famous Iranian poet Hafiz and inviting him to visit Bengal. Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah contributed a good deal to the development of Bengali literature. He was known for his friendly relations with foreign countries, sent envoys to Makkah, Madina and China. This great sultan died in 814 AH/1410 AD and buried in Mograpara.
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[name] => {:en}The Mausoleum of Bongobondhu{:}{:bn}বঙ্গবন্ধুর সমাধিসৌধ{:}
[post_id] => 6026
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To visit the Mausoleum of Bongobondhu, it is not that much comfortable. You have to use several poor local bus services on our way. Local bus of Narail isn't that much comprehensive, but it is awesome at Gopalganj. The highway is smooth and wide enough, and has lot of spaces, even inside the local bus either. From Gopalganj, to visit this place, you need to go to Tungipara.
Bus journey from town to Tungipara is about 30-35 minutes. For your information, it doesn't require any ticket to visit the mausoleum. You can observe the display gallery that is having lot of photos of Bongobondhu from different occasions and times. It is probably a gallery and library together. It has an open stage with an 'audience gallery' beside the library.
It requires to go through a long path from the gallery to the grave. The grave is covered under a nicely designed structure. Everyone is allowed to enter inside the structure, but not allowed to take any photographs.
After exploring everything around, you can return from there and come outside to have foods. There are several fast food shops which basically sell the Chotpoti and Fuchka. There is a vast paddy field beside that area.
আজ সকালে এসএম সুলতানের সমাধিসৌধ দেখে দীর্ঘপথ পাড়ি দিয়ে আমরা গোপালগঞ্জ জেলায় পৌছাই। যাত্রাপথটি মোটেও আরামদায়ক ছিল না কারন আমাদের কয়েক দফায় কয়েকটি পুরাতন লোকাল বাসে চড়তে হয়েছিল। নড়াইলের লোকাল বাসগুলোর মান ভাল না হলেও গোপালগঞ্জের লোকাল বাসগুলোর মান ছিল বেশ উন্নত। মহাসড়কটি যেমন চওড়া এবং আরামদায়ক ছিল তেমনি বাসের ভেতরেও পর্যাপ্ত জায়গা ছিল। গোপালগঞ্জে কোর্ট মসজিদ ঘুরে দেখার পর আমরা টুঙ্গিপাড়ায় বঙ্গবন্ধুর সমাধিসৌধর উদ্দেশ্যে যাত্রা করি।
গোপালগঞ্জ শহর থেকে বাসে করে ৩০ মিনিট থেকে ৩৫ মিনিটের মধ্যে আমরা টুঙ্গিপাড়ায় পৌঁছে যাই। শনিবার হওয়াতে রাস্তা যেমন খালি ছিল তেমনি সমাধিসৌধতেও কোন ভিড় ছিল না। মনে হচ্ছিল যেন সমাধিসৌধতে আমরাই একমাত্র দর্শনার্থী যদিও কিছুক্ষন পর কয়েকজন দর্শনার্থী আমাদের সাথে যোগ দেন। বিশাল এলাকার উপর অবস্থিত সমাধিসৌধতে সেসময় মাত্র পাঁচ থেকে ছয়জন পর্যটক উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
আকাশে মেঘ থাকলেও দিনটি ছিল রৌদ্রোজ্জ্বল তাই সবকিছু ভাল করে দেখা যাচ্ছিল। সমাধিসৌধে ঢুকতে কোন প্রবেশমূল্য দিতে হয়না। সমাধিসৌধে প্রবেশের পর ২০ মিনিট থেকে ৩০ মিনিট বৃষ্টি হওয়াতে আমাদের একটি ছাদের নীচে আশ্রয় নিতে হয়েছিল। এরপর আমরা সমাধি সৌধের প্রদর্শনী গ্যালারি ঘুরে দেখি যেখানে বঙ্গবন্ধুর জীবনের বিভিন্ন সময়ের ছবি প্রদর্শন করা হচ্ছে। এখানে একটি পাঠাগারও রয়েছে। পাঠাগারের পাশেই দর্শক গ্যালারিসহ একটি উন্মুক্ত মঞ্চ রয়েছে।
গ্যালারি থেকে বঙ্গবন্ধুর কবরের দূরত্ব বেশি হওয়ায় আমরা বৃষ্টি থামার পর সেদিকে রওনা হই। চমৎকার স্থাপত্য দিয়ে কবরটিকে আবৃত করে রাখা হয়েছে। এসময় কয়েকজনকে পবিত্র কোরআন শরীফ তেলাওয়াত করতে দেখা যায়। কবরের কাছে সবার যাওয়ার অনুমতি থাকলেও এখানে ছবি তোলা নিষেধ।
সমাধিসৌধ দেখার পর সেখানে অবস্থিত কিছু চটপটি এবং ফুচকার দোকানে আমরা কিছুক্ষনের জন্য অবস্থান করি। আমাদের সাথে ভাংতি টাকা না থাকায় আমরা কয়েক রকমের স্ন্যাক্স কিনেছিলাম যাতে করে টাকা ভাঙ্গানোর পাশাপাশি একটু বিশ্রামও নেয়া যায়।
সমাধিসৌধের পাশেই একটি বিশাল ধানক্ষেত রয়েছে। বর্ষাকাল হওয়াতে ধানক্ষেতটি পানির নীচে ছিল। সেসময় আকাশ মেঘে পরিপূর্ণ ছিল এবং চমৎকার বাতাস বইছিল। এখানে আরও কিছুক্ষন থাকার ইচ্ছা থাকলেও পরবর্তী গন্তব্যে অর্থাৎ আড়পাড়া মুন্সীবাড়িতে যাওয়ার কারনে আমাদের সেই সুযোগ ছিল না।
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[name] => Grave of Mir Mosharraf Hossain
[post_id] => 22125
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[post_content] => Mir Mosharraf Hossain is considered as the first novelist to emerge from the Muslim society of Bengal. He was born and bred in Lahinipara, Kushtia. His Novel "Bishad Sindhu" (a tragedy based on a historical incident) is his best creation.
Early Life: Though he was born in the village of Lahinipara in Kumarkhali, Kushtia in 1847 but after that he spent most of his life in Padamdi in Baliakandi Upozila under Rajbari district. He was born in a Muslim aristocrat family.
Mid Life: He married his fathers friends daughter but it wasn't a good match. So, he got divorced and married again to Kulsum Bibi. She stayed with Mir Mosharraf Hossain till her last breath.
Bishad Sindhu: a famous literature in Bengali history. It is a novel based on the tragic death of the grandchildren of Holy Prophet Mohammad. The incidents behind "Ashura" is being well written in here.
Mir Mosharraf Hossain Memorial and his grave: Mir Mosharraf Hossain died in 1912 in Padamdi. In 1999, Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh decided to build a memorial complex in his family graveyard in Padamdi, Rajbari. In 2001, the then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the official construction work. In 2004, the memorial complex was handed over to
Bangla Academy for its maintenance. Then Bangla Academy built a library in there and later a bust statue of Mir Mosharraf Hossain was placed in front of the graveyard. The nearby Primary School was also renamed after his name.
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[name] => Grave of Humayun Azad
[post_id] => 9595
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Famous writer and linguist Humayun Azad (28 April 1947 – 11 August 2004) was born in Rarikhal, Sreenagar, Munshiganj.
After his death in Germany in 2004, his body was bring back to Bangladesh and buried according to Islamic Rituals at his paternal village, though he was an anti-religion activist. Dr. Humayun Azad was also a teacher in University of Dhaka. His writings were completely different from the other writers. The topic and also the style of writing (especially word choosing) was unique which people did not receive properly. During his lifetime, several attempts were made to kill him and people did not want to bury him at Munshiganj as well after his death. Unfortunately, in 2012 there was an attempt to destroy his grave too. However, people can now visit the place where he was buried. It is very near to Rarikhal, Sir J. C. Bose Complex in Dhaka- Dohar highway.