Where to Stay
There are more than 71 quality hotel in Dhaka. Some are listed below…
1. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka
107 , Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 2 811 1005
Website : Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka
2. Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
1 Minto Road, Shahbagh, Dhaka,
Phone : 88-02-8330001
Fax : 88-02-8312975
Email : sales@ruposhibanglahotel.com
Website : Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
3. Radisson Water Garden Hotel, Dhaka
Airport Road, Dhaka Cantonment,
Dhaka 1206 Bangladesh.
Telephone: + 88 02 8754555
Fax: + 88 02 8754554 , + 88 02 8754504
Email : reservations.dhaka[at]radisson.com
Website : Radisson Water Garden Hotel
Dhaka Bangladesh
4. Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort
Airport Road, Nikunja 2
Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh.
Phone : +88-02-8913912, +880 2 8900250-9
Fax : +88-02-8911479
Email : info@dhakaregency.com
Website : www.dhakaregency.com
5. Best Western La Vinci Hotel, Dhaka
54, Kawran Bazar,
Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Phone No : 880-2-9119352
Fax No : 880-2-9131218
E-mail : lavinci[at]bol-online.com ,
Web : www.lavincihotel.com
6. The Westin Hotel
Main Gulshan Avenue,
Plot-01, Road 45, Gulshan-2
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Phone : 88-02-9891988
7. Royal Park Residence Hotel
House no. 85, Road no. 25A
Block – A, Banani,
Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh.
Telephone: + 88 02 8815945/46
Fax: + 88 02 8815299
Email : hotelinfo[at]royalparkbd.com
Website : Royal Park Residence Hotel
8. Bengal Inn
House # 07, Road # 16,
Gulshan – 01
Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh.
Tel: +880 2 98880236, 9880610
Fax: +880 2 9880274
Email : info[at]bengalinn.com
Website : www.bengalinn.com
9. Hotel Sarina Dhaka
Plot #27, Road #17
Banani C/A,
Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh.
Tel: +880 2 8859604 -10, 8851040 -2, 8851011-4
Fax: +880 2 988-9989
Email : sales[at]sarinahotel.com, reservations[at]sarinahotel.com
Website : www.sarinahotel.com
[0] => Array
[name] => {:en}Rayer Bazar Boddho Bhumi{:}{:bn}রায়েরবাজার বধ্যভূমি {:}
[post_id] => 1462
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/rayer-bazar-boddho-bhumi/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Martyred-Gravyard-of-Mirpur-5-300x200.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Rayer Bazaar is a well-known thoroughfare in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It is generally regarded as one of the historical areas of the city. Rayer Bazaar was founded during the colonial period most probably in the 19th century. It was the potters who first started to live here beside the Turag River. This Place was most probably named after someone titled Ray. It was easy to find the clay used to make pots in this area and spread it around by boats as it was situated near the river.
During the Mughal period, this place was famous for pottery and most of the potters of this region used to live in Rayer Bazar, because the famous “lal mati” was available in this place. During the Mughal and British Colonial period, the red clay was not available in the neighborhoods. As a result, the Potters of Rayer Bazar have a long tradition of working with this red clay. According to Dr. Wise, this place was known as “Kumartoli” during the Mughal period.
Rayer Bazar will remain in our memories, in our history for another reason. In the night of 14 December 1971, many of Bangladesh’s intellectuals including professors, journalists, doctors, artists, engineers, and writers were rounded up in Dhaka. They were taken blindfolded to torture cells in Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Nakhalpara, Rajarbagh and other locations in different sections of the city. Later on, they were executed and thrown out in the swamps, at Rayerbazar.
In memory of the martyred intellectuals of 1971, a Memorial is created in there. The ‘Al-Badr’ and ‘Al-Shams’ Group helped the West Pakistan Army to locate the intellectuals and slaughtered them and many other innocent peoples at night. After the massacre they brought the corpses and left them into the swamps of Rayer Bazaar. After the Liberation War, the people of Dhaka found out that all the dead bodies of many great intellectuals and innocent people are piled up in here.” Martyred Intellectuals Memorial is the memorial built for the memory of the martyred intellectuals of 1971. The memorial is built in the Boddhobhumi at Rayer Bazaar.
বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী ঢাকার অন্যতম ঐতিহাসিক এলাকা হল রায়েরবাজার। সম্ভবত ১৯শ শতকে ঔপনিবেশিক শাসনামলে এই এলাকাটিকে বসবাসযোগ্য করে গড়ে তোলা হয়। তুরাগ নদীর পাশেই অবস্থিত এই এলাকায় মাটির সহজলভ্যতা এবং নদীপথে মাটির তৈরি পণ্য পরিবহনের সুবিধার কারনে এখানে সর্বপ্রথম কুমোররা বাস করতে শুরু করে। সম্ভবত রায় নামক কোন ব্যাক্তির নামে এই এলাকার নামকরণ করা হয়েছিল।
মুঘল আমলে রায়েরবাজার খ্যাতি ছিল মৃৎশিল্পের জন্য। এই অঞ্চলে নামকরা ‘লালমাটির’ সহজলভ্যতার কারনে বেশীরভাগ কুমোররা এখানে বাস করত। মুঘল এবং ইংরেজ শাসনামলে এই এলাকার আশেপাশে লালমাটি পাওয়া যেতো না। রায়েরবাজারের কুমোরদের লালমাটি দিয়ে কাজ করার সুদীর্ঘ ঐতিহ্য ছিল। ইতিহাসবিদ ডঃ ওয়াইজের মতে মুঘল আমলে রায়েরবাজারের নাম ছিল ‘কুমারতলী’।
আমাদের স্মৃতিতে এবং ইতিহাস রায়েরবাজারের নাম লেখা থাকবে আরেকটি কারনে। ১৯৭১ সালের ১৪ই ডিসেম্বরের কালরাতে ঢাকায় শিক্ষক, সাংবাদিক, চিকিৎসক, শিল্পী, প্রকৌশলী, লেখকসহ বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন পেশার বুদ্ধিজীবিদের চোখ বেধে ঘর থেকে তুলে মিরপুর, মোহাম্মদপুর, নাখালপাড়া, রাজারবাগসহ শহরের বিভিন্ন নির্যাতন কেন্দ্রে নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়। পরবর্তীতে অকথ্য নির্যাতনের পর তাঁদের নৃশংসভাবে হত্যা করা হয় এবং রায়েরবাজার বধ্যভূমিতে এসব কৃতি সন্তানের লাশ ফেলে দেওয়া হয়। সেই কালরাতে পাকবাহিনীকে তাদের এদেশীয় দোসর ‘আল বদর’ ও ‘আল শামস’ এসব বুদ্ধিজীবিদের খুঁজে পেতে সহায়তা করে। দেশ স্বাধীন হবার পর রায়েরবাজারের বধ্যভূমি আবিষ্কৃত হয় যেখানে দেশের এসব প্রথিতযশা বুদ্ধিজীবির পচা গলা লাশ ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে পড়ে থাকতে দেখা যায়। ১৯৭১ সালের শহীদ বুদ্ধিজীবিদের স্মরণে রায়েরবাজারের বধ্যভূমিতে একটি স্মৃতিসৌধ নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে।
[1] => Array
[name] => King Harish Chandra Mound Palace
[post_id] => 10403
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/king-harish-chandra-mound-palace/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Raja-Harish-Chandra-Mound-Palace-1-300x169.jpg
[post_content] =>
Buddhist monastic remains have been found at least in three places in Savar. One of which is locally known as King Harish Chandra mound Palace in Majidpur (মজিদপুর) village to the east of the Savar Market bus-stop.
King Harish Chandra Mound Palace is a protected monument by the Department of Archaeology in Bangladesh. It Was protected on 22nd of November 1920, under ancient monument preservation act 1904 and acquired by the Government of Bangladesh in 23 December, 1925.
Excavation conducted here previously in 1925-26, traces of four structures along with some lintels of terracotta, Buddha images, and an inscribed Vishnu image were found. The evidence as a whole pointed to 7th-8th century AD. Excavations in the Rajbadi mound in 1989-90 revealed a square-shaped stupa enclosed by a wide wall. A silver 'Harikela' coin, a gold coin and a number of Buddhist bronze figures have been unearthed here. A date around 7th-8th century AD has been suggested for the remains.
Regular Archaeological excavation were conducted during several seasons from 1988 to 1997. As a result of those excavation It revealed a Stupa measuring 28m×28 on the north of the mound and an oblong monastic cells on the south of the mound. It appears two building and rebuilding phase on the both of exposed remains.
By Archaeological excavations Further to its east at Rajasan, another area had been discovered containing Buddhist remains.
[2] => Array
[name] => Horipur Boro Bari
[post_id] => 6569
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/horipur-boro-bari/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Horipur-Boro-Bari-Brahmanbaria-011-300x225.jpg
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Horipur Boro Bari, also known as Horipur Zamindar Bari is a mammoth mansion that is located at the Horipur village of Nasirnagar Upazila of Brahmanbaria district. This is exactly adjacent to the bank of the river Titash. From outside it’s hard to get any essence of its antiquity and beauty. This is a capacious mansion having plenty of rooms at the both floor.
From the inscription from a Moth near the area it is found that the owner was Zamindar Krishna Prasad Ray Choudhury (জমিদার কৃষ্ণ প্রসাদ রায় চৌধুরী) who built that around 1343 of Bengali Calendar. At the front side it has a Ghat for taking bath (also may be for taking part in a family gossip during after noon).
Right now, the situation of the building is not good. This is now occupied by lot of poor families (Hindu people from their dress up and religious practice). Due to lack of care, most of the walls are decaying. It’s a two stored building and few portion of the second floor is risky. But still people are living at the ground floor.
The mammoth size, stylish architecture, etc simply implies that how sumptuous the owner was. Though most of the parts are diminished but still there is a portion of a Pasha Ghor exists at the second floor. Probably the owner used to play Pasha with his mates. May be it was a dance floor where the rich Baijee (Dictionary: Dancer) used to perform every night.
Since this is exactly beside the river Titash, lot of people use to visit here with a boat as a part of their picnic. As per the local, this type of picnic party uses to visit frequently during the weekends. And still people from Dhaka know very little about this place. You can explore the river after visiting this old Zamindar Bari. But you may not find any boat for hiring around there. Most of those are the private boats. May be you can request them to use for a while. Just about few hundreds meter apart from the building you'll find a cremation place which was built by the same owner.
[3] => Array
[name] => Dewan Bari Zamindar Bari
[post_id] => 1887
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/dewanbari-zamindar-bari/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Deowan-Bari-Jamindaar-Bari-300x200-300x200.jpg
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The founder of Dewan Bari Jamindaar Bari was Fonivuson Mojumdar. Fonivuson Mojumdar's Father Name was Landlord Radharomon and mother's name as Kusum Kumari Devi who was the second wife of Radharomon. He was born in 1892. This landlord house is a small 2 stores Building. But the main gate of the house is look like as a Mughal Castle - gate. After banned the Real estate practices in 1952 the house was auctioned. Now there have a school and some business center.Located at Deowan Bari road in Rangpur.