Baniachong Village

Type: Ward / Village
Contributed By: Nayeem


Baniachong Village is an large settlement in Habiganj district about 60 km South-West of Sylhet District. The local people take delight in decorating the village as the largest rural village in Asia, some consider in the world. However, both in area and demographics, the village is so huge that it splits into four union Parishad for local government. At present, Baniachong is one of the most developed villages of Bangladesh. One of the famous place in Baniachong is Sagor Dighi. At Baniachong, the main attraction is the Sagor Dighi because of the huge size of the Dighi; it is called as ‘the Sea’. This is about two kilometers in length and about one kilometer width.

Baniachang Upazila (Habiganj District) with an area of 482.25 km2, is bounded by Sullah and Derai upazilas on the north, Habiganj Sadar and Lakhai Upazilas on the south, Habiganj Sadar and Nabiganj Upazilas on the east, Ajmiriganj, Mithamain and Austagram upazilas on the west. Main rivers are Kushiyara, Kalai and Barak. Notable Beels are Charagaon, Bata, Sonamua, Dhala, Chatal and Chandra Beel.

Baniachang (Town) consists of 7 mouzas. The area of the town is 3.06 km2. It has a population of 21111; male 50.75%, female 49.25%. Literacy rate among the town people is 25.3%. Once the town was the capital of the ancient Loud Kingdom of Sylhet. It has one post house (dak bungalow).

How to go

Baniachong is 181 km away from Dhaka. You can reach Habiganj or Shayestaganj before heading to Baniachong. It is 36.2 km away from Shayestaganj and 24.2 km away from Habiganj. You may take CNG auto rickshaw or bus and head towards baniachong Village.

How To Reach: Habiganj District

It is approximately 151 km away from Dhaka and 31 km away from Habiganj.

The following buses leave from Dhaka to Habiganj:

1. Diganta Paribahan
Departure time from Dhaka- from 9:10 AM-7:45 PM.
Departure time from Habiganj-From 5:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
Phone: 01711329944, 0831-52873 (Habiganj), 01718016963 (Dhaka)

2. Agradut Paribahan
Departure time from Dhaka 9:10 AM to 7:45 PM.
Departure time from Habiganj-7:10 AM to 6:30 PM.
Phone: 01718600551, 0831-52351 (Habiganj), 01716038961

3. Bismillah Paribahan
Departure time from Dhaka 6:30 AM to 7:10 PM.
Departure time from Habiganj-5:45 AM to 4:30 PM.
Phone: 01711908684, 0831-52371 (Habiganj)

There are trains heading towards Shayestaganj from Dhaka. Shayestaganj is 24km away from Habiganj. You can also reach Habiganj via train trough Shayestaganj. You need to take a bus or CNG auto rickshaw to reach Habiganj from Shayestaganj.

The trains are:
1. Parabat Express: Departure time from Dhaka-6:40 AM, Arrival time at Shayestaganj-10:05 PM.
Off day at Shayestaganj: Tuesday.

2. Kalini Express: Departure time from Shayestaganj-9:25 AM, Arrival time at Dhaka-1:25 PM.
Off day in Dhaka: Friday.

3. Jayantika Express: Departure time from Dhaka- 2:00 PM, Arrival time at Shayestaganj- 8:05 PM. No off days in Dhaka. Departure time from Shayestanganj-11:18 AM-4:00 PM.
Off day in Shayestaganj: Thursday.

4. Upabon: Departure time from Shayestaganj-10:00 PM, Arrival time at Dhaka-1:50 AM.
Off day in Dhaka: Wednesday.

Where to Stay

Accommodation facilities in Habiganj are as follows:
1. Hotel Al Jamil:
Address: Jamil Complex, Old Bus stand.
2. Hotel Sonar Tori:
Address: Ashraf Jahan Complex, Kali Bari Road.
3. Karim Rest House:
Address: Post office road.
4. Khaja Rest House:
Address: Tinkona Pukur Par.
5. Hotel Banani:
Address: Town Hall Road.
6. Bondhon Rest House:
Address: Cinema Hall Road.
7. Circuit House:
Phone no. 083152224

Things to do

1. Explore the beauty of Bangladeshi villages.
2. Click some natural pictures.
3. Visit Sagor Dighi & if possible take boat rides.
4. Enjoy by playing cricket, football or other sport with the locals.
You may visit other historical place in Baniachong Upazila, Bikhangal Akhra, Bibir Dargah Mosque, Sham-baoul Akhra and Doulotpur Akhra, Ancient Rajbari (1737–38).

Eating Facilities

A plenty of local restaurants with spicy menus are available at Baniachong. Referred to where to eat in Habiganj, click here

Travel Tips

The best time to visit this place in rainy season to enjoy the natural freshness.


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