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[name] => {:en}One Dome Singair Mosque{:}{:bn}এক গম্বুজ সিঙ্গাইর মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 1544
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One Dome Singair Mosque was built by Khan Jahan Ali and his followers in 15th-16th century. The mosque has a single square dome. The measure of each side is 39 feet 6 inches. The mosque is made of brick terracotta designs. Its single wide dome is heavily built. In the typical style of the Khan Jahan Ali, the dome topped with a cambered cornice, supported with thick walls.
The Singair Mosque is across the road from the Shait Gumbaz Mosque, Bagherhat on its southeastern side.Singair mosque is part of the mosque town of Bagherhat, built in the 15th and the 16th century by Khan Jahan Ali and his followers. The mosque is located 3 miles west of the Bagherhat town, opposite to the Shait gumbad mosque. The mosque is square, and has a single dome. Each side measures 39 feet 6 inches. The mosque is of red brick construction with terracotta designs. It has a single wide dome which is heavily built. In the typical style of the Khan Jahan Ali, the dome is supported on thick walls and topped with a cambered cornice.
১৫শ এবং ১৬শ শতকে খান জাহান আলী (রঃ) এবং তাঁর অনুসারীরা এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করেন। এই মসজিদে বর্গক্ষেত্রাকার একটি গম্বুজ রয়েছে যেটির প্রতিটি বাহুর মাপ ৩৯ ফুট ৬ ইঞ্চি। ইটের তৈরি ও টেরাকোটার নকশা করা এই মসজিদের একমাত্র প্রশস্ত গম্বুজটি মজবুতভাবে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। খান জাহান আলী (রঃ) এর নিজস্ব শৈলী অনুযায়ী মসজিদের গম্বুজের দেয়াল বেশ পুরু এবং গম্বুজের উপর একটি কার্নিশ রয়েছে।
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[name] => Vanga Shahi Masjid
[post_id] => 10254
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Vanga Shahi Masjid (ভাঙ্গা শাহী মসজিদ) is an ancient mosque in Bandura, Nawabganj. Its original year of establishment is not yet known. It is believed that it was built during the period of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, that's why it is assumed that it was built around 600 years ago.
The mosque has a legend about it. It is believed that one morning some people found it in the jungle with unfinished construction work. From that time the mosque has named "Vanga Masjid" as in the native language vanga (ভাঙ্গা) means broken. The Actual name of this mosque is still unknown.
But the truth may be like this- it was constructed at the age of Mughal Empire when Nawabganj area was a prominent merchant place. Due to erosion, local inhabitants changed their living place. At that time the mosque area was abandoned and forests grew rapidly at that area. After passing 100 years, people start making their residences in that particular area again. One day they found the mosque broken and reconstruct it.
Now it has became a well known mosque at Bandura Bazar in Nawabganj. People believe that donating here will turn their wishes true! So, the mosque has collected enough fund to built a minaret of 165 feet and still the renovation process is still going.
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[name] => {:en}Chuna Khola Mosque{:}{:bn}চুনাখোলা মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 1508
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Chuna Khola Mosque or single domed square mosque is similar to Singair Mosque and Bibi Begni’s Mosque. Chuna Khola Mosque has three pointed arched entrances, rectangular frames border the north and south sides. The mosque has three Mihrabs along the west wall corresponding to the three doorways on the east. The central one is huge. Rectangular frames border the Mihrabs too with terracotta decorations. A horizontal row exists at the top. There is a Kalasa motif in the middle of the row above the central frame. The interiors of the Mihrabs are extensively decorated with terracotta motifs.
Unlike any other mosques from around, this one was having plenty of spaces around. In fact it was at the middle of the field (paddy or other seasonal). It is a single dome mosque and the dome is noticeably larger one. Also, the dome isn't placed at the center of the mosque. From my observation the dome is inclined slightly towards the Northern wall.
Apart from the beautiful semi spherical dome atop, the mosque is having three doors at the Eastern wall. And a single door each at the Northern and Southern walls. The mosque has beautiful four columns at the four corners of the mosque (similar to any other from it's contemporary). The shape of this Chunakhola Mosjid is square.
{:}{:bn}খুলনা বিভাগের বাগেরহাট জেলায় একটি বিশাল কৃষিক্ষেতের পাশে বিবি বেগনি মসজিদের ১ কিলোমিটার উত্তর পশ্চিমে চুনাখোলা মসজিদ অবস্থিত। এক গম্বুজবিশিষ্ট এই মসজিদটির সাথে সিঙ্গাইর মসজিদ এবং বিবি বেগনির মসজিদের মিল রয়েছে। মসজিদে তিনটি ধনুকআকারের ফটক রয়েছে এবং উত্তর ও দক্ষিনদিকে আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামো রয়েছে। মসজিদের পশ্চিম দেয়ালের তিনটি মিহরাব পূর্বদিকের তিনটি ফটক বরাবর অবস্থিত। এখানকার তিনটি মিহরাবের মধ্যে মাঝখানেরটি আকারে বড়। চুনাখোলা মসজিদের মিহরাবগুলোতে টেরাকোটার নকশার পাশাপাশি আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামো রয়েছে এবং মিহরাবগুলোর উপরিভাগে একটি সমান্তরাল সারি রয়েছে এবং মাঝখানের কাঠামোর উপরের মধ্যেখানে কলসের নকশা রয়েছে।{:}
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[name] => Nayabad Mosque
[post_id] => 1990
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Nayabad Mosque is located in the bank of the river Dhepa, just 1.5 km south-west of the infamous Kantaji Temple at Dinajpur in Bangladesh. The mosque is named after the village “Nayabad” in which it stands in the Police Station of Kaharole. According to an inscription found on the central doorway, it was constructed at 1793 AD in the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II. During that period, Raja Baidyanath, the last of the Dinajpur Royal family, was the Zaminder (feudal land owner).
Nayabad Mosque was erected at a time when the soil of Dinajpur had already been enriched with one of the most remarkable Navaratna temples, the Kantajew Temple in 1752 AD. The founding Royal family of Dinajpur was still prominent. According to local traditions, the mosque was built by Muslim architectural workers who had come to this place from the west to build Kantaji Temple. They had settled in Nayabad, a village near the temple, and had built the mosque for their own use. There is a grave of an unknown person in the premises of the mosque. Local people believe, this is the grave of Kalu Khan, the master architect of Kantaji Temple.
It is an oblong three-domed mosque with octagonal towers at the four corners. There are three arched entrances to enter the mosque. Among them, the central one is bigger than the flanking ones. These are equal in height and width. There is an arched window each on the south and north sides. Inside in the western wall there are three Mihrabs in line with the three entrances. The central Mihrab is bigger than the flanking ones which are of equal size. Three hemispherical domes cover the mosque, of which the central one is bigger than the side ones. Pendentives have been used in their phase of transition. The parapet and cornice are straight.
Terracotta plaques have been used in decoration of the mosque. At present there are about 104 terracotta plaques rectangular in shape, used in the surface decoration of the mosque walls. The platform of the mosque is enclosed by a low brick wall with only one access from the east. On either side of the mosque are to be seen a number of tombs each of found fixed over the central doorway of the mosque.