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[name] => Murapara Zamindar Palace
[post_id] => 11665
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Murapara Zamindar Palace was built during 1890 by Ramratan Banarjee. He was a trusted person of a British Indigo Planter during the British Colonial period. At that time when the indigo planter left the country after the death of his daughter, he gifted plenty of gold and money to Ramratan. Using those, he built this mammoth palace. During the war 1971, many ornate portion of the palace was plundered by people. We came to know that there were two statues of lions at the gate of the palace boundary, and both of them stolen that time. After the war, this palace was used as a refuge camp for the non-bengali people & local people established a college using the building.
This building was renovated several times, and now a days, it just lost all it's heritage. But still you can visit the palace for your weekend or any other holidays. There are two large ponds loacted at the palace premise. One at the front side and another one at the back side. You can take your sit at the bench made from stone (once upon a time, now no stone existing, only brick) to get some fresh air. In addition there is an old temple available inside the palace premise. It’s just in front of the pond . This palace is just beside the highway, and after that you can easily see the river Shitalakkhya (শীতলক্ষ্যা).
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[name] => House of Poet Quazi Kader Newaj
[post_id] => 18491
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Historic and archaeological importance of the majestic house of poet Quazi Kader Newaj, an icon of Bangla literature, has been lying uncared in Sreepur upazila town under Magura district, as the authorities concerned are ignoring its tourism potentials.
The poet is specially recalled for his masterpiece of poetry ‘Shikhaker Marjada’. The poet was also a freedom fighter as he played an important role during the liberation war. He was also a good teacher. The poet and his kin were buried along this majestic building.
The splendid building still stands tall along the bank of the Kumar River beckoning the people passing by it to have a look of its grandeur and magnificence. None can resist the temptation of taking a look at the captivating old structure when one passes by it.
In the absence of proper maintenance and renovation, weeds have grown in and around the house while the mossy bricks are crumbling down from the decaying structure. The house has lost much of its charm of terracotta due to the authorities’ negligence. Locals have already taken away many of the bricks, plaques, wooden doors and windows. The house has become a safe haven for drug addicts and gamblers due to lack of proper initiatives for its preservation and maintenance. Local people use the building as their cowshed and it has turned into the public toilet.
Unfortunately, the government has done nothing to renovate the palace, though the historic site can fetch a large amount of revenue every year.
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[name] => Lakshindarer Gokul Medh
[post_id] => 1378
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[post_content] => The name
Lakshindarer Gokul Medh is taken from famous folk tale Laksinder and Behula. It was excavated in 1934-1936 and it exposed the antique of a temple. It has a high podium and it can hold 172 rectangular blind cell of different types. Terracotta plaques and other objects were found while digging during the Pala period (6
th) century.
The mound derived its name from the popular romantic folk tale entitled Behula and Lakshindar. Connected with the same story is found another smaller mound, locally known as ‘Netai Dhopanir Pat’, situated to the close east of the Medh.
The mound is situated on the west of village Gokul which is about 2km to the southwest of Mahasthangarh. It was excavated in 1934-36 and has revealed the derelict relics of a temple. The remarkable feature of this temple is its high plinth accommodating 172 rectangular blind cells of various dimensions. They rise in tiers and packed solidly with earth, so as to form a lofty massive podium, crowned originally either by a shrine or a stupa, now lost.
This novel device, functionally comparable to our modern piling system, liberally used in Bengal during five centuries preceding the Muslim conquest, was found particularly suitable for the alluvial soil of Bengal by the builders to erect their sacred buildings to an imposing height much above the flood level. However, the cellular construction is not confined to Bengal only but parallel examples occur far to the west at Ahichhatra in the Bereilly district of U.P.
Terracotta plaques and other associated objects unearthed during the excavation, which are ascribed to the late Gupta period (6th-7th century A.D.), indicate that originally this stupendous ruin at the Medh constituted an imposing terraced sub-structure of a roughly cruciform plan surmounted with a central shrine of complex outline, dedicated probably to the Buddhist Faith. Over the sub-structure is an octagonal plinth which, as mentioned, may originally have carried a stupa, but now completely gone. This stupa was replaced by a square shrine ( 8.17m square outside) and porch during the Sena period (11th-12th century A.D.).
A grand staircase on the west gave access to the shrine, but the doorway of the shrine and porch was later blocked and the floor level raised to an unknown height. The excavation inside the shrine revealed a small intrusive cell containing human skeleton-probably of an anchorite-and underlying that was found a circular brick-paved pit of 3.86m in diameter. A stone-slab of 51.2cm × 46.1cm was discovered at the center of the shrine which bore 12 shallow holes with a larger hole in the center containing a tiny gold left, about an inch square. However, nothing note worthy was discovered underneath the stone-slab.
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[name] => {:en}Pailgaon Zamindar Bari{:}{:bn}পাইলগাঁও জমিদারবাড়ী{:}
[post_id] => 22961
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Pailgaon Zamindar Bari is one of the remarkable old structures of Jagannathpur in Sunamganj. This 300 years old palace was established on 5.5 acres of land.
The last person of this Zamindar family was Brajendra Narayan Chowdhury. He was a famous politician at that time and a member of the congress of Sylhet too at that time.
The place is situated near the bank of Kushiara river in Sunamganj District. It is at Pailgaon Union under Jagannathpur Upazila.
History of this place: Thousand years ago, decedents of Pal Dynasty lived here. As time goes, "Das" family took their place. Pir Mohammad Badsha (Muslim Rulers) gave them the title - "Chowdhury". Ram and Sreeram were two descendants of this bloodline. One of their descendants Madhab Ram gained much popularity in his locality at that time. He did a lot of social welfare.
Their descendants Brojnath had two sons. Their named were Roshomoy Chowdhury and Sukhumoy Chowdhury. The place is locally known by the name after of Zamindar Roshomoy Chowdhury. The last ruler of the family was famous Brajendra Narayan Chowdhury.
{:}{:bn}প্রাচীন পুরাকীর্তির অন্যতম নিদর্শন সুনামগঞ্জের জগন্নাথপুর উপজেলার পাইলগাঁও জমিদারবাড়ী। প্রায় সাড়ে ৫ একর ভূমির ওপর প্রতিষ্ঠিত তিন শত বছরেরও বেশী পুরানো এ জমিদার বাড়ীটি এ অঞ্চলের ইতিহাস-ঐতিহ্যের নিদর্শন ।এ জমিদার পরিবারের শেষ জমিদার ব্রজেন্দ্র নারায়ণ চৌধু রী ছিলেন প্র খ্যাত শিক্ষাবিদ ও রাজনীতিবিদ। তিনি ছিলেন সিলেট বিভাগের কংগ্রেস সভাপতি এবং আসাম আইন পরিষদের সদস্য। সিলেট বিভাগের সুনামগঞ্জ জেলায় জগন্নাথপুর উপজেলার অধীন ৯ নম্বার পাইলগাও ইউনিয়নের পাইলগাও গ্রামে ঐতিহ্যবাহি এ জমিদারীর অবস্থান। জমিদার বাড়ী দক্ষিণ দিকে সিলেটের কুশিয়ারা নদী বহমান। প্রখ্যাত ঐতিহাসিক অচ্যূতচরণ চৌধুরী পাইলগাও জমিদার বংশের রসময় বা রাসমোহন চৌধুরী হতে প্রাপ্ত সূত্রেলিখেছেন যে; পাইলগাওয়ে বহুপূর্বকালে পাল বংশীয় লোক বসবাস করত। এ গোষ্টিয় পদ্মলোচন নামক ব্যক্তির এক কন্যার নাম ছিল রোহিণী। কোন এক কারণে রাঢ দেশের মঙ্গলকোট হতে আগত গৌতম গোত্রীয় কানাইলাল ধর রোহিণীকে বিবাহ করত গৃহ-জামাতা হয়ে এখানেই বসবাস শুরুকরেন। কানাইলাল ধরের আট পুরুষ পরে বালক দাস নামের এক ব্যক্তির উদ্ভব হয়। এ বালক দাস থেকে এ বংশ বিস্তৃত হয়। বালক দাসের কয়েক পুরুষ পর উমানন্দ ধর ওরফে বিনোদ রায় দিল-ীর মোহাম্মদ শাহ বাদশা কর্তৃ ক চৌধুরী সনদ প্রাপ্তহন। বিনোদ রায়ের মাধব রাম ও শ্রীরাম নামে দুই পুত্রের জন্মহয়। তার মধ্যেমাধব রামজনহিতকর কর্মপালনে নিজ গ্রাম পাইলগাঁও এ এক বিরাট দীঘি খনন করে সুনাম অর্জন করেন। তার দেয়া উক্তদীঘি আজও ঐ অঞ্চলে মাধব রামের তালাব হিসেবে পরিচিতহচ্ছে। মাধব রামের দুই পুত্র মদনরাম ও মোহনরাম । উক্ত মোহনরামের ঘরে দুর্লভরাম, রামজীবন, হুলাসরাম ও যোগজীবন নামে চার পুত্রের জন্ম হয়। এই চার ভাই দশসনা বন্দোবস্তের সময় কিসমত আতুয়াজানের ১থেকে ৪ নং তালুকের যতাক্রমে বন্দোবস্তগ্রহন করে তালুকদার নাম ধারণ করে। এদের মধ্যে হুলাসরাম বানিয়াচং রাজ্যের দেওয়ানি কার্যালয়ে উচ্চ পদের কর্মচারীনিযুক্ত হন। হুলাসরাম চৌধুরী বানিয়াচং রাজ্যের রাজা দেওযান উমেদ রাজারঅনুগ্রহে আতুয়াজান পরগণায় কিছু ভূমি দান প্রাপ্তহন। হুলাসরামের প্রাপ্তভূমির কিছু কিছু চাষযোগ্যও কিছু ভূমি চাষ অযোগ্যছিল। পরবর্তিতে হুলাসরাম চাষ অযোগ্য ভূমিগুলোকে চাষযোগ্যকরে তুললে এগুলোই এক বিরাট জমিদারীতে পরিণত হয়ে উঠে। হুলাস রামের ভাতুষ্পুত্রবিজয়নারায়ণের একমাত্রপুত্রব্র জনাথ চৌধুরীজমিদারি বর্ধিত করে এক প্রভাবশালী জমিদারে পরিণত হন। ব্রজনাথ চৌধুরীর দুইপুত্ররসময় ও সুখময় চৌধুরী। রসময় চৌধুরীর পুত্র ব্রজেন্দ্রনারায়নই ছিলেন এবংশের শেষ জমিদার।{:}