Where to Stay
Accommodation facilities in Natore are as follows:
1. Hotel VIP
Address: Borohorishpur, Natore
Direction: 1 km West of Central Bus Terminal and East of Madrasha more.
Phone: 0771-66097, +880 1718 673735
2. Hotel Millat
Address: Madrasha More, Natore Sadar, Natore
3. Hotel Prince
Address: Railway Station Bazar, Natore Sadar, Natore
Phone: 0771-61356
Mobile: 01746029429
4. Hotel Raj
Address: Madrasha More, Natore Sadar, Natore
Phone: 0771-66660
Mobile: 01727371500
5. Hotel Rukhsana
Address: Kanaikhali, Old bus stand, Natore Sadar, Natore
Phone: 0771-62431
Mobile: 01739987017
6. Natore Boarding
Address: Nichabazar, Hospital Road, Natore Sadar, Natore.
Phone: 0771-62001
7. Natore Sugar Mills Guest House
Address: Natore Sugar Mills area, Natore Sadar, Natore
[0] => Array
[name] => {:en}Tamabil{:}{:bn}তামাবিল{:}
[post_id] => 4164
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/tamabil/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Tamabil-provald1-300x201.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Tamabil is on the border front of Sylhet-Shillong road, Tamabil is surrounded by beautiful nature. It is about 55 km away from Sylhet town. The sight of mountains while traveling through the zigzag streets is an attraction for the tourists. The tide flowing from the mountains is a treat to watch for the eyes.
[This spot needs more detail. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]
চমৎকার প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যে আচ্ছাদিত তামাবিল হল সিলেট-শিলং সড়কের বাংলাদেশ অংশে অবস্থিত সীমান্ত এলাকা। সিলেট থেকে ৫৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত তামাবিলে যাবার সময় অন্যতম আকর্ষণ হল আঁকাবাঁকা বিশাল পাহাড় দেখতে পাওয়া। পাহাড়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে ঝর্নার প্রবাহ দেখে আপনার দৃষ্টি জুড়িয়ে যাবে তাতে কোনই সন্দেহ নেই।
[1] => Array
[name] => Buriganga River
[post_id] => 7432
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/buriganga-river/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Buriganga-River21-300x240.jpg
[post_content] =>
The Buriganga River (বুড়িগঙ্গা), previously known as "Old Ganges", flows past the southwest outskirts of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. Its average depth is 7.6 meters (25 ft.) and its maximum depth is 18 meters (58 ft.). In the distant past, a course of the Ganges River used to reach the Bay of Bengal through the Dhaleswari River.
When this course gradually shifted and ultimately lost its link with the main channel of the Ganges it was renamed the Buriganga. It is said that the water levels during high and very high tides in this river astonished the Mughals. In the 20th century the water table and river became polluted by polythene and other hazardous substances from demolished buildings near the river banks.
Photograph of Dacca (Dhaka) taken in the 1880s, from an album 'Architectural Views of Dacca', containing 13 prints by Johnston and Hoffman. View looking along the river Buriganga towards the city of Dhaka situated on the left bank. A Hindu temple tower stands at the water's edge.
[2] => Array
[name] => {:en}Bisanakandi{:}{:bn}বিছানাকান্দি{:}
[post_id] => 7828
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/bisanakandi/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/10410793_10205865808218505_7613722895639363442_n-300x188.jpg
[post_content] => {:en}
Bisanakandi is situated at Bangladesh-India border in Sylhet. It is a landscape beauty among gardens and hills. Bichanakandi is a village situated in Rustompur Union under Guainghat Upazilla. This is where many layers of the Khasi mountain meet at a single point from both sides. Flowing from above is a high fall. Adding to its charm are dark clouds hugging the mountain in the rainy season. And flowing underneath towards Bholaganj is a branch of the Piyain. Along the stream flowing from high up in the mountain come huge boulders that are deposited and mined in Bisanakandi.
Much like Jaflong, Bichnakandi is mostly a quarry. Winter is not a suitable time to visit Bisnakandi due to mechanized mining and stone-laden boats and lorries. The absence of such nuisance makes the rainy season the perfect time to visit the beautiful Bisanakandi that coalesces the charms of high mountains, sinuous rivers, graceful falls and dancing clouds.
Visit Sylhet{:}{:bn}
সিলেটের গোয়াইনঘাট উপজেলার রুস্তম ইউনিয়নে বাংলাদেশ-ভারত সীমান্তে অবস্থিত একটি গ্রামের নাম বিছানাকান্দি। বাগান এবং পাহাড়ের নজরকাড়া সৌন্দর্যের মাঝে অবস্থিত প্রকৃতির এই অপরূপ লীলাভূমির উভয় প্রান্ত থেকে খাসি পাহাড় এসে যুক্ত হয়েছে। এখানে ঝর্ণার পাশাপাশি বর্ষাকালে কালো মেঘ পাহাড়গুলোকে আচ্ছাদিত করে ফেলে। এছাড়া এখানে ভোলাগঞ্জ অভিমুখে বয়ে গিয়েছে পিইয়াইন নদীর একটি শাখা। পাহাড়ি ঢলের সাথে বয়ে আসা বিশাল পাথরখণ্ডগুলো বিছানাকান্দিতে এসে পড়ে এবং পরবর্তীতে এই পাথরখণ্ডগুলোকে এখানেই ভাঙ্গা হয়।
জাফলং এর মত বিছানাকান্দিও একটি খনি এলাকা। পাথর বোঝাই নৌকা, ট্রাকের আনাগোনা এবং পাথর উত্তোলনের কারনে শীতকাল বিছানাকান্দিতে আসার জন্য একেবারেই উপযুক্ত সময় নয়। তবে, বর্ষাকালে এখানে পাথর উত্তোলনের ফলে সৃষ্ট দূষণ না থাকায় আপনি এখানে এসে উঁচু পাহাড়, শান্ত নদী, মায়াবি ঝর্ণার সৌন্দর্যের পাশাপাশি রোদ ও মেঘের লুকোচুরি উপভোগ করতে পারবেন।
[3] => Array
[name] => Gomti River
[post_id] => 7068
[post_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/places/gomti-river/
[thumb_link] => http://offroadbangladesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Gomti-River1-300x240.jpg
[post_content] =>
Comilla has two predominant rivers. One is Meghna River, and another one is Gomti River (গোমতি নদী). If you visit the river Gomti (গোমতি নদী) in the dry season, you may see that the water level of the river is too low. However, the flow of the river isn't less at all. You can experience the mighty flow of the river during the swim.
[We need more detail information of this spot. If you have more information and photos, please be advised to add and share in our website. Your name will be published as a Content Contributor]