Hussaini Dalan

Type: History & Culture
Contributed By: Nayeem


Hussaini Dalan (হোসেনী দালান), some people pronounce as Hosaini Dalan, is another edifice from Dhaka. This is located beside the Nazimuddin Road of Old Dhaka. It is believed as a Shia Shrine, and was built during 17th century. There is a pond in front of the building.

It was built by Syed Murad during the governorship of Shah Shuja to commemorate the martyrdom of Al-Hussain, the grandson of our holly prophet Muhammad. Shah Shuja was a Sunni Muslim, but he had a predilection for Shia and patronized several such institutions.

This building has gone through several renovation and none of its antiquity left for the visitors. People only used to visit this place for its historical value. During the British period it was repaired heavily at 1807 and 1810. Also during the massive earthquake of 1897 caused a severe damage over this edifice. Now a days it just looks like a modern day’s building covering with rich tiles with heavy ornate. The Photograph was taken by Fritz Kapp in 1904 with a view of the Imambara Hussaini Dalan in Dacca (now Dhaka), overlooking the tank.

During the first 10 days of Muharram, Shia people used to gather at this place to mourn for Al-Hussain. Though it’s a festival of Shia people, but local Sunni people used to join with them and bemoan with them. This ends at the day of Ashura. More about this building and festival is available at Wikipedia.

How to go

How To Reach: Old Dhaka

You can reach Old Dhaka by taking local transport from any part of Dhaka city.

Where to Stay

Eating Facilities

Referred to where to eat in Dhaka city, click here


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  • Hoseni Dalan(some people pronounce as Hosaini Dalan(হোসেনী দালান)) is another edifice from Dhaka. This is located beside the Nazim Uddin(নাজিমুদ্দিন) Road of Old Dhaka. It is believed as a Shia Shrine, and was built during 17th century. There is a pond in front of the building, and I found all the doors were locked to reach near the pond.

From Other Web

  • The Hussaini Dalan was originally built during the later half of the Mughal rule (17th century) in Dhaka. It was built as the Imambara or house of the imam (religious leader) of the Shia community. Hussaini Dalan was the venue for majlis or gatherings held during the month of Muharram, tenth day religious gathering commemorates the martyrdom of Hussein, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

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