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[name] => Ruplal House: The Magnificent Past of Farashganj
[post_id] => 7443
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The year was 1888. Viceroy Lord Dufferin of India was scheduled to visit these parts on an official tour during the then British Raj. A grand Ballroom Dancing program was organized by the English in honor of the Viceroy. And thus began a search for a suitable venue which was not only beautiful enough to be fitting of such an occasion but was also equipped with all appropriate amenities and facilities. In line with this requirement, three houses were short listed: Ahsan Manzil, the current Banga Bhaban (President’s Residence) & the Ruplal House. Finally, due to modernity of all the facilities available, its incomparable beauty and it’s grand architectural style the Ruplal House was chosen as the site for this grand program.
Ruplal House (Rooplal House) is located at Farashganj, just beside the bank of the Buriganga River. It was built by two prominent merchant brothers from Dhaka, Ruplal and Raghunath Das. It cannot exactly be determined how old the building actually is, but according to the locals there it may be around 150-200 years old.
Apart from Ruplal House, there is another adjoining buildings both of which have almost similar architectural styles, but the Ruplal House is the most beautiful one among the others. Nowadays Ruplal House is known as Zakir House, and the other one is known as Noorjahan House. However, nowadays inside both the buildings you'll find a vibrant spice and vegetable market.
The house has more than 50 rooms including a Hall Room, all of which are large and spacious consistent with the architecture of those time. The building has large cylindrical columns in line with the architectural styles of Ancient Greek buildings. Also top of the building, especially the ledges are also decorated with intricate designs reminiscent of Greek Architure as well as the Victorian Castles of England. But now a days, mostly due to the lack of maintenance, trees and unbridled weeds have grown up the wall of the building.
No one is available there to clean the premises &/or maintain it and also inside the building you'll find unauthorized people living. Recently Bangladesh government has announced this as archaeological property, but as of yet no action taken to preserve it.
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[name] => {:en}Parulia Mosque{:}{:bn}পারুলিয়া মসজিদ{:}
[post_id] => 4137
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Parulia Mosque,According to a Persy inscription attached in the main gateway of the mosque; Bibi Jainab, a daughter of Nasir shah and wife of Diwan Sharif, built this mosque in 1126 AH/ 1714 AD. Internally,it is 18.29m in long, 5.18m wide and the wall of the mosque is 1.52m thick. Two lateral arches divided the interior of the mosque into three square sections. Three domes cover the roof of these three sections. The domes are crowned with lotus and kalasa finials. There are banded octagonal corner towers at four corners of the mosque. It was an exception that all the corner towers reached up to the cornice. In the Mughal style corner towers generally reach above the cornice.
There are five archways in the mosque, three at the eastern wall and one each at northern and southern walls. The central archway is bigger than the other four which are all in same size and shape. The upper portion of the outer side of the main gateway is under a half-domed roof and is recessed in a rectangular structure. Three mihrabs are at the western wall corresponding to the three archways of the eastern wall. All the mihrabs and the archways are stuck in rectangular structure, which are ornamented with merlons. There are arched niches on both sides of the mihrabs and archways. Archways and mihrabs are marked by their outward projection. Rectangular and square panels decoration are in both sides of the outer face of the archways.
The mosque was partially damaged by earthquakes in 1897 and was renovated later on. There is a square shaped open courtyard in front of the mosque, which is surrounded by a wall not very high. A beautiful gateway is in the eastern side of this wall.
There are two ponds at the northern and southern side of the Mosque which has increased the beauty of Mosque. And it makes the environment of Mosque Premises cool.
There is a one domed square tomb of Diwan Sharif and Bibi Jainab on the western side of the mosque. Every year at some particular month many people of cultural diversity have come here to celebrate a fair (Local term oros). They open so many itinerant shop of snacks and different kinds of toys. People come to pray and wish to have something (Spiritual) which is related with the well being of their life.
নরসিংদী জেলার পলাশ উপজেলার পারুলিয়ায় এই মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। মসজিদের মূল ফটকে রক্ষিত একটি পারস্য শিলালিপি থেকে জানা যায় ১১২৬ হিজরী/১৭১৪ সালে জনৈক নাসির নামক ব্যাক্তির কন্যা এবং দিওয়ান শরীফ নামক ব্যাক্তির স্ত্রী বিবি জয়নাব এই মসজিদটি নির্মাণ করেন। মসজিদটির অভ্যন্তরের দৈর্ঘ্য ১৮.২৯ মিটার, প্রস্থ ৫.১৮ মিটার এবং মসজিদের দেয়ালের ঘনত্ব ১.৫২ মিটার। দুটি ধনুকআকৃতির সমান্তরাল পথের মাধ্যমে মসজিদের অভ্যন্তরকে তিনটি বর্গাকারভাগে ভাগ করা হয়েছে। প্রতিটি ভাগের উপরেই একটি করে গম্বুজ রয়েছে। প্রতিটি গম্বুজে নকশা ও অলংকার খোদাই করা আছে। ব্যাতিক্রম হিসেবে মসজিদের চারকোণায় অষ্টভুজ টাওয়ার রয়েছে যেগুলোর প্রতিটির উচ্চতা কার্নিশ পর্যন্ত। মুঘল স্থাপত্যশৈলীতে কোনার টাওয়ারগুলোর উচ্চতা সাধারণত কার্নিশকে ছাড়িয়ে যায়। মসজিদটির মোট পাঁচটি ধনুকআকৃতির ফটকের মধ্যে পূর্বদিকের দেয়ালে তিনটি, উত্তর ও দক্ষিন দিকের দেয়ালে একটি ফটক রয়েছে। মসজিদের মাঝখানের ফটকটি অন্যান্য ফটকের চেয়ে বড়। মসজিদের মূল ফটকের বাইরের দিকটি উপরিভাগ অর্ধগম্বুজ আকৃতির ছাদের নীচে অবস্থিত যেটি একটি আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর উপর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। অন্যান্য ফটকগুলো সামান্য নিচু আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর উপর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। মসজিদের পশ্চিমদিকের দেয়ালে পূর্বদিকের ফটকগুলো বরাবর তিনটি মিহরাব অবস্থিত। সবকটি মিহরাব এবং ধনুকআকৃতির ফটকগুলো অলংকারখচিত আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার কাঠামোর উপর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। মিহরাব এবং ফটকের উভয়দিকেই ধনুকআকৃতির কোটর রয়েছে। ফটকগুলোর বাইরের অংশে বর্গাক্ষেত্রাকার এবং আয়াতক্ষেত্রাকার নকশা রয়েছে। ১৮৯৭ সালের ভুমিকম্পে মসজিদটি আংশিক ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হলেও পরবর্তীতে মসজিদটি মেরামত করা হয়। মসজিদের সামনের বর্গাক্ষেত্রাকার আঙ্গিনাটি প্রাচীর দিয়ে ঘেরা। তবে প্রাচীরের উচ্চতা খুব বেশি নয় তবে প্রাচীরের পূর্বদিকেএকটি চমৎকার ফটক রয়েছে।পারুলিয়া মসজিদের উত্তর ও দক্ষিণদিকে অবস্থিত দুটি পুকুর মসজিদ অঙ্গনকে ঠাণ্ডা রাখার পাশাপাশি মসজিদের সৌন্দর্য বহুগুনে বৃদ্ধি করেছে।
মসজিদের পশ্চিমে দিওয়ান শরীফ এবং বিবি জয়নাবের এক গম্বুজবিশিষ্ট দরগা অবস্থিত। প্রতিবছর এখানে বছরের একটি নির্দিষ্ট মাসে মেলা (স্থানীয়ভাবে ওরশ বলা হয়) অনুষ্ঠিত হয় যেখানে বিভিন্ন সংস্কৃতির মানুষজন অংশ নিয়ে থাকে। এসময় এখানে বিভিন্ন খাবার ও খেলনা পাওয়া যায়। মানুষ এখানে এসে প্রার্থনা করে এবং নিজেদের জীবনের সমৃদ্ধির জন্য কিছু চেয়ে থাকে।
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[name] => Sat Masjid
[post_id] => 7883
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Sat Masjid is located in the Mohammadpur area of Dhaka city, the building exhibits seven domes- three over the prayer chamber and four over the corner towers. Hence it is known as Sat Gombuz (seven domed) Mosque. The mosque occupies the western end of a slightly raised masonry plinth 26.82m by 25.60m, which is enclosed by a low wall with a gateway in the middle of the eastern side. This arched gateway with flanking ornamental turrets is exactly in alignment with the central doorway of the mosque proper. The top of the gateway could be approached from either the north or the south by an ascending flight of steps.
The mosque proper forms a large rectangle 14.33m by 4.88m on the inside and is emphasised with massive hollow domed towers of octagonal design on the exterior angles. The prayer chamber is entered through arched doorways - three in the east and one each on the north and south sides.
Corresponding to the three eastern archways there are three semi-octagonal mihrabs inside the western wall. Beside the central mihrab there is a three-stepped masonry pulpit. The central archway and the central mihrab, including two other archways on the north and south walls, have outwardly projected frontons depicting ornamental turrets on either flank.
The interior of the mosque is divided by two wide arches into three conventional divisions - a large central square bay and a smaller rectangular bay on either side. The roof is covered with three slightly bulbous domes on octagonal drums, the central one being bigger than its flanking counterparts. The large central dome is supported by the wide arches together with the two blocked arches over the central mihrab and central archway and the triangular pendentives on the upper angles. But in covering the side rectangles with domes a clever method has been adopted. In order to make a circular base for the dome, the rectangular space has first been made square above by creating half-domed vaults on the east and west walls. These half-domed vaults together with a further series of pendentives on the corners directly support the small domes.
The corner towers have flanking turrets like those in Khwaja Shahbaz’s Mosque and musa khan mosque, both in Dhaka city. Each of these consists of two storeys and is a monument by itself. The lower storey is pierced with four cardinally set arched openings in the north-south and east-west axis. Internally the roof of the lower storey is domical, but its reverse side is flat and forms the floor of the upper storey.
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[name] => {:en}Mahisantosh{:}{:bn}মহীসন্তোষ{:}
[post_id] => 5807
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Mahisantosh an important center of administration and learning in the medieval period. Present Mahiganj and Santosh under Patnitala in Naogaon district were known as Mahisantosh. There is a legend that a darvesh (saint) came to the place on the back of a fish and hence the name. There is also a tradition that the place was named after mahipala I (c 995-1043 AD). The general plan of the site and the discovery of some military weapons, particularly a gun and some swords, now on display at the varendra research museum, indicate that it was a fortified military outpost with ditches and ramparts and sprang up long before the coming of the Muslims. The discovery of an inscription in a mihrab with the inscribed images of Visnu and Surya on the reverse testify that Mahisantosh existed as an important centre before it was made the headquarters of a Sarkar by the Muslims.
The place emerged, in the mid thirteenth century, as a seat of learning. Shaikh Yahiya Maneri is reported to have received his education there under the guidance of the celebrated Shaikh Taqiuddin. Persian sources tend to suggest that this place became a repository for the saints of the Suhrawardi Order. It became a mint town in 1459 during the reign of Ruknuddin Barbak shah (1459-1474) and was renamed Barbakabad after the sultan. The construction of a good number of mosques during the Sultanate indicates that the town had been flourishing with a considerable number of Muslim populations. It continued to be a mint town up to 1521. Barbakabad occurs as a Sarkar and a city in the Ain-I-Akbari. As an urban centre it might have lost its importance towards the close of the sixteenth century. From the seventeenth century it ceases to be mentioned as a place of note.
The extensive area, now in ruins, is covered with thick jungle. There are 4 or 5 mosques, a tomb of Muhammad Shiran Khalji and two tombs of saints, all in ruins. The tomb of Shiran, mentioned in Tabaqat-I-Nasiri, is now unrecognizable in the scattered ruins of some brick structures, compounds, a tank, and a walled garh.
Written by: Md Akhtaruzzaman
মহীসন্তোষ নওগাঁ জেলা সদর থেকে প্রায় ৬২ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত। রুকুনউদ্দিন বাবর শাহর শাসনকালে এটি প্রধান শহর ছিল। এখানে একটি প্রাচীন মসজিদ আছে এবং রাজিপুরের অবশিষ্ট এখানে দৃশ্যমান।